В таблице показана статистика по всем инструментам рынка. Сигналы даны от самого начала торгов и по настоящий момент. Например, BTC с 2012-года, BP с 1969-го года. TheWaved - единственный индикатор, который показывает всю реальную статистику. Другие только обещают, что их продукт принесет прибыль. Трейдеры и инвесторы, подключив TheWaved, увидят те же самые цифры у себя на графиках. TheWaved - это первая стратегия, которая работает на длительных промежутках времени. Идеально для инвестиций. Пока мы даем сигналы на таймфреймах в 1D, но есть и более выгодные таймфреймы. Все данные включают в себя торговую комиссию (0.075 для криптовалют, 0.025 для акций и остальных финансовых инструментов). Более 90% торговых сигналов дают профит практически сразу, поэтому, если вы боитесь держать позицию, вы можете закрывать позицию, когда она выходит в плюс. Для получения большего профита вы можете использовать данный индикатор на более маленьком таймфрейме, что даст вам преимущества по цене входа. К сожалению, мы не можем предоставить данные меньших таймфреймов на всем промежутке времени, поскольку такая статистика включает в себя десятки тысяч свечей и требует значительных просчетов. В будущем мы добавим в статистику и эти данные.
Статистика результатов стратегии индикатора показывает 84.13% прибыльных стратегий по данным рынка: Японские акции
Статистика результатов стратегии индикатора показывает 84.13% прибыльных стратегий по данным рынка: Японские акции. Прочитайте подробнее ниже об отрицательном профите.
Отрицательный профит
Мы предоставляем всю статистику, а не выбираем только прибыльные инструменты. От рисков никто не застрахован. Компания может неожиданно обанкротиться. Есть способ максимально избежать рисков. Инвестируйте в только хорошо известные компании; в активы, надежность которых проверена временем. Однако даже в рискованных активах заложена огромная прибыль, если забирать ее, когда появляется подходящий момент. Непрофитные инструменты на таймфрейме 1D, могут быть профитными на 1H. Данные предоставлены для ознакомления.
Чтобы избежать катастрофических ситуаций, инвестируйте в инструменты, которые вы знаете. Единственным фактором может быть только делистинг финансового инструмента или банкротство компании. Во всех остальных ситуациях вы получите профит.
Рынок: Японские акции | Прибыльность стратегий
В Японии 4 биржи: Токийская фондовая биржа (TSE), Нагойская фондовая биржа (NSE), Саппороская фондовая биржа (SSE) и Фукуокская фондовая биржа (FSE). TSE — крупнейшая биржа в Японии и четвертая по величине биржа в мире. В 2016 году на этой бирже было листинговано более 3500 компаний. Фондовый рынок страны представлен такими всемирно известными компаниями, как Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Sharp, Sony, Fujitsu, Nissan, Panasonic и Canon. Ключевым фондовым индексом Японии является Nikkei 225 (или просто Nikkei). Он появился в 1950 году. Чаще всего используется как оценка фондового рынка страны. Этот индекс показывает состояние 225 акций, которые торгуются на TSE. Другой основной индекс называется TOPIX. Он отображает статус японских компаний, входящих в первый сегмент TSE (крупнейшие компании по рыночной капитализации).
Выбрать тарифТикер | Общий доход | Профит фактор | Процент прифитности | Всего сделок | Дата первой сделки |
Nippon Kanryu Industry Co1771 | 213.87% | 3.551 | 37.5% | 8 | 2005-09-06 |
Higashimaru Co Ltd2058 | 73.42% | 3.369 | 33.33% | 3 | 2005-05-26 |
Marutai Co Ltd2919 | 26.35% | 1.406 | 25% | 4 | 2007-03-01 |
Daieisangyo Co Ltd2974 | 51.73% | 2.01 | 25% | 4 | 2020-03-10 |
Truck-One Co3047 | 232.13% | 2.633 | 30.77% | 13 | 2006-11-13 |
Media Five Co3824 | 529.7% | 2.795 | 28.57% | 28 | 2007-07-19 |
Pbsystems Inc4447 | -74.77% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2020-03-03 |
Business One Holdings Inc4827 | -36.13% | 0.854 | 11.76% | 17 | 2004-10-27 |
Amaze Co Ltd6076 | 230.11% | 4.323 | 44.44% | 9 | 2017-03-07 |
Misumi Co Ltd7441 | -15.54% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2007-11-02 |
Maruto Sangyo Co7894 | -13.06% | 0.941 | 25% | 12 | 2007-04-05 |
Fukuoka Chuo Bank8540 | -84.78% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2006-05-09 |
Housefreedom co.ltd8996 | -51.25% | 0.792 | 14.29% | 14 | 2007-05-22 |
Daiichi Koutsu Sangyo Co Ltd9035 | -5.16% | 0.974 | 13.33% | 15 | 2006-01-26 |
Joyfull Co Ltd9942 | 28.71% | 1.219 | 25% | 12 | 2004-07-12 |
Gifu Landscape Architect Co Ltd1438 | 85.3% | 6.715 | 50% | 2 | 2017-11-17 |
Nissou Co Ltd1444 | 93.35% | 4.807 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-07-06 |
Nittoh Corporation1738 | 82.09% | 1.638 | 20% | 10 | 2005-10-07 |
Kawasaki Setsubi Kogyo Co. Ltd1777 | 191.82% | 1.879 | 26.32% | 19 | 2007-01-30 |
Meiko Construction Co. Ltd1869 | 66.56% | 2.846 | 33.33% | 3 | 2008-05-16 |
Tokura Construction Co. Ltd1892 | 63.34% | 1.201 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-09-08 |
Vlc Holdings Co. Ltd2467 | 484.37% | 1.742 | 20.75% | 53 | 2006-05-12 |
Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.2503 | 91.41% | 3 | 100% | 1 | 2012-07-12 |
Marusan-Ai Co. Ltd2551 | 25.19% | 1.346 | 16.67% | 6 | 2005-01-14 |
Taiyo Kagaku Co. Ltd2902 | 123.21% | 1.712 | 25% | 16 | 2017-04-05 |
Golfï½¥do Co. Ltd3032 | 283.34% | 1.852 | 25% | 28 | 2006-07-19 |
Zetton Inc3057 | 53.65% | 1.382 | 20% | 10 | 2007-04-10 |
Jb Eleven Co. Ltd3066 | 176.84% | 2.48 | 30% | 10 | 2007-12-21 |
Espoir Co. Ltd3260 | 479.27% | 3.247 | 30% | 20 | 2008-09-09 |
21lady Co. Ltd3346 | 256.15% | 1.435 | 20.93% | 43 | 2017-09-07 |
Arkcore Inc3384 | 196.51% | 1.786 | 23.81% | 21 | 2006-02-21 |
Artgreen Co Ltd Npv3419 | 30.57% | 1.54 | 20% | 5 | 2017-11-13 |
Marujun Co. Ltd3422 | 174.84% | 1.69 | 27.27% | 22 | 2017-04-07 |
Commseed Corportion3739 | 570.92% | 1.694 | 21.21% | 66 | 2013-04-12 |
Gaiax Co. Ltd3775 | 611.51% | 2.082 | 25% | 48 | 2005-10-17 |
O K W a v E3808 | 233.93% | 1.484 | 20% | 40 | 2006-09-20 |
Giga Prize Co. Ltd3830 | 453.34% | 2.838 | 30.43% | 23 | 2007-05-31 |
Chuoh Pack Industry Co. Ltd3952 | 66.11% | 2.293 | 40% | 5 | 2013-11-11 |
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd4063 | 181.47% | 0 | 100% | 2 | 2010-11-24 |
Poval Kogyo Co Ltd Npv4247 | 67.27% | 3 | 33.33% | 3 | 2014-10-15 |
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.4502 | -10.35% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2009-04-03 |
Mino Ceramic Co. Ltd5356 | 128.24% | 1.787 | 25% | 12 | 2007-02-14 |
Chubu Steel Plate Co. Ltd5461 | 154.45% | 1.842 | 25% | 16 | 2004-11-24 |
Chuo Malleable Iron Co. Ltd5607 | 58.94% | 1.347 | 16.67% | 12 | 2004-12-10 |
Kaneso Co. Ltd5979 | -26.17% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2006-10-30 |
Chita Kogyo Co. Ltd5993 | -1.74% | 0.983 | 14.29% | 7 | 2007-06-21 |
Japan Pc Service Co Ltd Npv6025 | 148.02% | 1.83 | 21.43% | 14 | 2015-09-11 |
Asahi-Seiki Manufacturing Co. Ltd6111 | 47.29% | 1.552 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-02-21 |
Fuji Seiko Limited6142 | 11.45% | 1.067 | 13.33% | 15 | 2003-10-28 |
Fuji Hensokuki Co. Ltd6295 | -31.09% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2004-12-10 |
Hitachi Ltd6501 | 177.08% | 2.708 | 33.33% | 9 | 2007-12-06 |
Aichi Electric Co. Ltd6623 | 269.69% | 3.66 | 45.45% | 11 | 2017-04-07 |
Toyo Electric Corporation6655 | 4.29% | 1.044 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-01-27 |
Fujitsu Ltd.6702 | 149.25% | 13.097 | 66.67% | 3 | 2016-05-18 |
Panasonic Corp6752 | 92.24% | 1.732 | 20% | 10 | 2012-02-17 |
Nagoya Electric Works Co. Ltd6797 | 79.7% | 1.661 | 20% | 10 | 2005-04-21 |
Chuo Seisakusho Ltd6846 | 195.66% | 1.987 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-06-16 |
Denso Corp.6902 | 181.04% | 5.641 | 40% | 5 | 2008-05-07 |
Meinan M&a Co Ltd7076 | 3.84% | 1.039 | 14.29% | 7 | 2020-04-07 |
Toyota Motor Corp7203 | 76.54% | 1.652 | 25% | 8 | 2006-02-15 |
Aska Corporation7227 | 22.08% | 1.302 | 20% | 5 | 2008-02-18 |
Okaya & Co. Ltd7485 | 151.75% | 2.773 | 30% | 10 | 2004-05-21 |
Yagami Inc7488 | 152.34% | 4.533 | 40% | 5 | 2005-12-12 |
Canon Inc7751 | -76.28% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2007-11-22 |
Nihon Decoluxe Co. Ltd7950 | 24.17% | 1.381 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-11-16 |
Mitsui & Co., Ltd.8031 | 134.83% | 3.795 | 40% | 5 | 2009-03-03 |
Canox Corporation8076 | 128.18% | 1.746 | 26.67% | 15 | 2006-05-15 |
Yamanaka Co. Ltd8190 | -75.4% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2006-04-24 |
Maruichi Co. Ltd8228 | 72.34% | 3.574 | 33.33% | 3 | 2005-05-20 |
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc8306 | -69.74% | 0.577 | 10% | 10 | 2007-10-03 |
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial8316 | -2.51% | 0.973 | 14.29% | 7 | 2007-08-31 |
Nomura Holdings Inc8604 | -29.93% | 0.875 | 13.33% | 15 | 2008-04-09 |
Taiho Transportation Co. Ltd9040 | -71.14% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2005-09-06 |
Meiko Trans Co. Ltd9357 | 54.32% | 2.218 | 25% | 4 | 2005-04-04 |
Isewan Terminal Service Co. Ltd9359 | 109.3% | 2.204 | 25% | 8 | 2004-11-12 |
Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting Co. Ltd9402 | -35.01% | 0.734 | 10% | 10 | 2004-11-19 |
Bunkeido Co. Ltd9471 | 107.7% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2008-04-17 |
Nakanihon Kogyo Co. Ltd9643 | -41.54% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2008-04-01 |
Misonoza Theatrical Corporation9664 | 71.06% | 1.303 | 19.05% | 21 | 2017-04-10 |
Fuji Japan Co Ltd1449 | -74.6% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2019-06-18 |
Hokkai Electrical Construction1832 | 41.33% | 1.723 | 25% | 4 | 2006-03-07 |
Insight Inc2172 | 241.07% | 2.44 | 26.67% | 15 | 2009-02-02 |
Nichiryo Baking Co2218 | 130.8% | 3.253 | 33.33% | 6 | 2005-03-30 |
Rizap Group Inc2928 | 358.17% | 1.308 | 26.09% | 69 | 2017-12-11 |
Hokuyaku Takeyama Holdings Inc3055 | 47.48% | 1.978 | 33.33% | 3 | 2007-09-18 |
Econos Co Ltd3136 | 33.6% | 1.515 | 20% | 5 | 2015-10-28 |
Ecomic co.ltd3802 | 218.78% | 2.942 | 30% | 10 | 2006-07-20 |
Nippon Techno Lab Inc3849 | 123.2% | 1.625 | 18.75% | 16 | 2008-04-03 |
Canon Inc7751 | -25.78% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-03-27 |
Loginet Japan Co Ltd9027 | 260.75% | 5.694 | 50% | 8 | 2008-06-26 |
Kyokuyo1301 | 135.02% | 3.541 | 33.33% | 6 | 2003-01-24 |
Daiwa Asset Management Topix Fund(etf)1305 | 93.17% | 1.91 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-07-25 |
Nomura Asset Management Next Funds Topix Core 30 Etf1311 | 17.14% | 1.224 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-09-29 |
Daiwa Asset Management Daiwa Etf Nikkei 2251320 | 69.49% | 5.949 | 50% | 2 | 2008-10-09 |
Nomura Asset Management Next Funds Nikkei 225 Etf1321 | 69.44% | 5.963 | 50% | 2 | 2008-10-09 |
Nomura Asset Management Next Funds Russian Equity Index Etf1324 | 115.85% | 2.256 | 25% | 8 | 2008-10-28 |
Blackrock Japan Co Ltd Ishares Core Nikkei 225 Etf1329 | 46.91% | 2.562 | 33.33% | 3 | 2008-10-09 |
Nikko Asset Management Co Ltd Nikko Exchange Traded Index Fund 2251330 | 154.18% | 11.94 | 66.67% | 3 | 2002-12-20 |
Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.1332 | 258.95% | 2.889 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-07-25 |
Maruha Nichiro Corp1333 | 69.31% | 3.727 | 33.33% | 3 | 2014-10-15 |
Mitsubishi Ufj Kokusai Am Co Maxis Topix Etf1348 | 66.99% | 3.374 | 33.33% | 3 | 2009-11-18 |
Daiwa Asset Management Daiwa Etf Japan Nikkei 225 Leveraged Idx1365 | 128.24% | 5.326 | 50% | 4 | 2015-09-09 |
Daiwa Asset Management Daiwa Etf Japan Topix Leveraged (2X) Idx1367 | 105.3% | 3.305 | 40% | 5 | 2015-09-09 |
Yukiguni Maitake Co Ltd1375 | -55.86% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-06-18 |
Kaneko Seeds Co Ltd1376 | 174.86% | 2.489 | 27.27% | 11 | 2006-02-16 |
Sakata Seed Corp1377 | 138.37% | 3.528 | 33.33% | 6 | 2002-05-10 |
Hokuto Corp1379 | -30.44% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2002-12-20 |
Akikawa Foods & Farms Co Ltd1380 | 254.78% | 9.147 | 60% | 5 | 2007-05-01 |
Axyz Co Ltd1381 | 149.58% | 2.126 | 25% | 12 | 2008-06-23 |
Hob Co Ltd1382 | 272.16% | 2.124 | 21.74% | 23 | 2006-01-20 |
Berg Earth Co Ltd1383 | 180.12% | 4.065 | 42.86% | 7 | 2018-05-17 |
Hokuryo Co Ltd1384 | -2.67% | 0.972 | 16.67% | 6 | 2015-08-25 |
Ubs (Lux) Fund Solutions Msci Europe Ucits Etf Jdr1386 | -36.59% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2015-06-19 |
Ubs (Lux) Fund Solutions Ftse 100 Ucits Etf Jdr1389 | -26.95% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2016-01-13 |
Ubs (Lux) Fund Solutions Msci Switzerland 20/35 Ucits Etf Jdr1391 | -15.07% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2015-09-09 |
Ubs (Lux) Fund Solutions Msci United Kingdom Ucits Etf Jdr1392 | -41.49% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2015-06-19 |
Sumitomo Mitsui Ds Asset Mgt Co Smdam Reit Index Etf1398 | -15.28% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2015-07-10 |
Ruden Holdings Co Ltd1400 | 748.19% | 2.202 | 25% | 52 | 2007-02-01 |
Mbs Inc1401 | 89.01% | 1.685 | 27.27% | 11 | 2018-09-25 |
West Holdings Corp1407 | 352.39% | 1.749 | 27.27% | 33 | 2006-07-20 |
Sho Bond Holdings1414 | 153.76% | 6.248 | 50% | 4 | 2008-08-07 |
Mirait Holdings Corp1417 | 125.39% | 2.686 | 28.57% | 7 | 2011-04-26 |
Interlife Holdings Co Ltd1418 | 118.55% | 1.65 | 21.43% | 14 | 2011-02-28 |
Tama Home1419 | 138.07% | 1.883 | 21.43% | 14 | 2013-07-23 |
Sanyo Homes Corp1420 | 2.74% | 1.03 | 14.29% | 7 | 2013-10-03 |
Nippon Aqua Co Ltd1429 | 78.85% | 1.602 | 20% | 10 | 2014-03-19 |
First-Corporation Inc1430 | 25.47% | 1.155 | 15.38% | 13 | 2015-08-12 |
Lib Work Co Ltd1431 | -14.98% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-02-14 |
Besterra Co Ltd1433 | 94.51% | 1.928 | 22.22% | 9 | 2016-03-02 |
Jesco Holdings Inc1434 | 3.99% | 1.043 | 14.29% | 7 | 2016-01-06 |
Robot Home Inc1435 | 35.9% | 1.129 | 15% | 20 | 2016-05-17 |
Fit Inc1436 | 121.94% | 1.712 | 20% | 15 | 2016-06-15 |
Yasue Corp1439 | -87.26% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2017-10-23 |
Giken Holdings Co Ltd1443 | -2% | 0.982 | 12.5% | 8 | 2018-05-18 |
Candeal Co Ltd1446 | 131.93% | 2.964 | 33.33% | 6 | 2018-10-10 |
ITbook Holdings Co Ltd1447 | 212.68% | 3.667 | 37.5% | 8 | 2019-03-12 |
Tanaken1450 | 59.17% | 3.014 | 33.33% | 3 | 2019-04-02 |
KHC1451 | -14.35% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-03-02 |
Daiwa Asset Management Etf Japan Nikkei 225 Inverse Index1456 | -56.24% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2016-10-28 |
Rakuten Investment Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index Etf1458 | 51.18% | 1.782 | 28.57% | 7 | 2015-12-09 |
Daiwa Asset Management Jpx-Nikkei 400 Leveraged Index Etf1464 | 53.57% | 1.776 | 28.57% | 7 | 2015-12-09 |
Daiwa Asset Management Jpx Nikkei 400 Inv 1 1465 Jpy Etf1465 | -47.67% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2016-11-15 |
Simplex Asset Management Co Ltd Jpx Nikkei 400 Leveraged Endex Jpy Etf1467 | 54.27% | 1.841 | 28.57% | 7 | 2015-12-09 |
Asset Mgt One Co Ltd One Etf Tpx --Units 20151473 | -27.67% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-07-03 |
Chugai Mining Co Ltd1491 | 245.88% | 1.595 | 20% | 30 | 2003-06-03 |
Blackrock Japan Co Ltd Usd High Yield Corp Bond Jpy Hedged Etf1497 | -18.22% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2018-04-26 |
Sumiseki Holdings Inc1514 | 173.64% | 2.396 | 27.27% | 11 | 2009-03-13 |
Nittetsu Mining1515 | 310.1% | 2.259 | 25% | 24 | 2002-08-07 |
Mitsui Matsushima Co Ltd1518 | 389.46% | 2.522 | 28% | 25 | 2002-07-25 |
Nomura Asset Management Next Funds Nasdaq-100(r) (Unhedged) Etf1545 | 239.72% | 18.071 | 75% | 4 | 2011-01-04 |
Nikko Asset Management Co Ltd Listed Index Fund Us Equity (S&p500) Etf1547 | 256.99% | 10.747 | 60% | 5 | 2011-04-18 |
Mitsubishi Ufj Kokusai Am Co Maxis Global Equity (Msci Kokusai) Etf1550 | 154.22% | 6.428 | 50% | 4 | 2011-03-11 |
Mitsubishi Ufj Kokusai Am Co S&p500 Vix Short-Term Futures Index Etf1552 | -76.84% | 0.548 | 7.14% | 14 | 2017-12-21 |
Nikko Asset Management Co Ltd List Idx Fd Wld Eqty(msci Acwi)ex Jp Etf1554 | 173.5% | 7.129 | 50% | 4 | 2011-07-15 |
Next Funds Topix-17 Nikkei 225 Leveraged Index Etf1570 | 204.83% | 4.167 | 44.44% | 9 | 2012-07-13 |
Simplex Asset Management Co Ltd China Bear 1x H-Share Etf1573 | 23.09% | 1.629 | 25% | 4 | 2015-04-15 |
China Asset Management Co China Amc Csi 300 Index Etf Jdr Jpy1575 | 133.73% | 3.126 | 33.33% | 6 | 2014-03-24 |
Nikko Asset Management Co Ltd Nikkei 225(mini) Etf1578 | 72.75% | 6.058 | 50% | 2 | 2013-08-16 |
Simplex Asset Management Co Ltd Nikkei 225 Bull 2x Etf1579 | 133.27% | 3.072 | 37.5% | 8 | 2013-08-13 |
Simplex Asset Management Co Ltd Nikkei 225 Bear-1x Etf1580 | -82.1% | 0 | 0% | 7 | 2013-10-02 |
Samsung Investment Trust Management Kodex Samsung Group Etf1584 | 1.52% | 1.014 | 12.5% | 8 | 2014-08-08 |
Daiwa Asset Management Daiwa Etf Topix Ex-Financials1585 | -15.83% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2015-08-26 |
Inpex Corp.1605 | -58.91% | 0.62 | 9.09% | 11 | 2006-12-22 |
Next Funds Topix-17 Steel & Nonferrous Etf1623 | 74.84% | 6.024 | 50% | 2 | 2020-03-11 |
Next Funds Topix-17 Electric Appliances & Precision Inst Etf1625 | 56.26% | 5.079 | 50% | 2 | 2008-10-09 |
Daiwa Asset Management Daiwa Etf Msci Jp Esg Sel Leaders Index1653 | -14.34% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2018-02-07 |
Daiwa Asset Management Daiwa Etf Ftse Blossom Japan Index1654 | -30.18% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-02-15 |
Blackrock Japan Co Ltd Ishares Core Msci Kokusai Etf1657 | 71.52% | 6.649 | 50% | 2 | 2018-02-08 |
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co Ltd1662 | 1.36% | 1.008 | 13.33% | 15 | 2004-12-29 |
Simplex Asset Management Co Ltd Simplex Wti Etf1671 | 18.46% | 1.106 | 14.29% | 14 | 2010-01-18 |
Wisdomtree Metal Securities Physical Palladium1675 | 230.03% | 0 | 100% | 3 | 2010-05-21 |
Nikko Asset Management Co Ltd List Idx Fd Intl Dev Countries Eqty Etf1680 | 172.25% | 12.667 | 66.67% | 3 | 2010-05-25 |
Nikko Asset Management Co Ltd Listed Idx Fd Intl Emg Countries Etf1681 | 75.32% | 6.191 | 50% | 2 | 2010-06-01 |
Wisdomtree Commodity Securities Ltd Wti Crude Oil Etfs1690 | 63.31% | 1.428 | 16.67% | 12 | 2010-08-25 |
Wisdomtree Commodity Securities Ltd Corn1696 | 96.85% | 1.92 | 22.22% | 9 | 2010-06-30 |
SDS Holdings Co Ltd1711 | 427.27% | 1.629 | 22.22% | 54 | 2018-01-22 |
Daiseki Eco. Solution1712 | 329.85% | 2.134 | 24% | 25 | 2005-03-11 |
Dai-Ichi Cutter Kogyo KK1716 | 293.79% | 3.707 | 36.36% | 11 | 2006-01-19 |
Meiho Facility Works Ltd1717 | 185.17% | 1.878 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-05-17 |
Mikikogyo Co Ltd1718 | 71.5% | 1.585 | 20% | 10 | 2006-02-14 |
Hazama Ando Corp1719 | 138.85% | 1.704 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-08-19 |
Comsys Holdings Corp.1721 | 201.54% | 3.37 | 33.33% | 9 | 2004-04-08 |
Nihon Dengi Co Ltd1723 | 166.14% | 4.798 | 40% | 5 | 2006-09-21 |
Synclayer Inc1724 | 224.68% | 1.566 | 20% | 30 | 2013-04-01 |
Br. Holdings Corp1726 | 211.42% | 1.709 | 20.83% | 24 | 2004-02-18 |
Aso Foam Crete Co Ltd1730 | 145.24% | 1.724 | 20% | 15 | 2007-10-02 |
Otec Corp1736 | 244.49% | 4.933 | 42.86% | 7 | 2006-02-09 |
Meldia Development & Construction CO LTD1739 | 394.36% | 2.167 | 24.14% | 29 | 2007-12-19 |
Small and medium Sized Enterprises Holdings Inc1757 | 532.56% | 1.727 | 25.4% | 63 | 2020-10-07 |
Taiyo Kisokogyo Co Ltd1758 | 263.12% | 2.858 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-01-20 |
Takamatsu Construction Group1762 | 108.22% | 2.235 | 25% | 8 | 2004-02-25 |
Kudo Corp1764 | 39.72% | 1.272 | 15.38% | 13 | 2004-05-14 |
Token Corp1766 | 208.85% | 2.027 | 23.81% | 21 | 2005-02-23 |
Sonec Corp1768 | 152.68% | 3.403 | 33.33% | 6 | 2005-02-15 |
Fujita Engineering Co Ltd1770 | 3.85% | 1.042 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-05-08 |
YTL Corporation Bhd1773 | 94.23% | 1.932 | 25% | 8 | 2005-01-18 |
Fuji Furukawa Engineering & Construction Co Ltd1775 | 326.49% | 2.263 | 26.09% | 23 | 2003-03-21 |
Sumiken Mitsui Road Co Ltd1776 | 491.18% | 5.066 | 42.86% | 14 | 2003-03-06 |
Yamaura Corp1780 | 220.03% | 4.353 | 37.5% | 8 | 2017-09-27 |
Asia Gate Holdings Co Ltd1783 | 141.77% | 1.25 | 15.91% | 44 | 2006-01-19 |
Oriental Shiraishi Corp1786 | -15.24% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-11-04 |
Nakabohtec Corrosion Protecting Co Ltd1787 | 192.04% | 3.715 | 37.5% | 8 | 2007-04-17 |
Santo Co Ltd1788 | 112% | 1.634 | 20% | 15 | 2006-02-16 |
ETS Holdings Co Ltd1789 | 276.69% | 1.756 | 23.33% | 30 | 2017-08-09 |
Ohmoto Gumi Co Ltd1793 | 41.81% | 1.287 | 15.38% | 13 | 2006-08-14 |
Masaru Corp1795 | 203.77% | 3.775 | 37.5% | 8 | 2007-07-04 |
Daiichi Kensetsu Corp1799 | 122.2% | 2.653 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-05-29 |
Taisei Corp.1801 | 112.59% | 1.621 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-10-16 |
Obayashi Corp.1802 | 228.89% | 2.402 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-10-01 |
Shimizu Corp.1803 | 118.45% | 1.66 | 20% | 15 | 2002-10-18 |
Tobishima Corp1805 | 201.14% | 1.49 | 18.42% | 38 | 2003-12-24 |
Watanabe Sato Co Ltd1807 | 364.2% | 2.661 | 28.57% | 21 | 2006-03-14 |
Haseko Corp1808 | 198.36% | 1.681 | 20% | 25 | 2004-01-30 |
Matsui Construction1810 | 174.25% | 2.508 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-12-24 |
Zenitaka Corp1811 | 183.86% | 1.93 | 21.05% | 19 | 2005-03-29 |
Kajima Corp.1812 | 161.08% | 1.696 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-10-01 |
Fudo Tetra Corp1813 | 159.61% | 1.364 | 18.42% | 38 | 2011-05-09 |
Daisue Construction1814 | 359.99% | 2.079 | 24.14% | 29 | 2004-02-09 |
Tekken Corp1815 | 109.58% | 1.609 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-05-12 |
Nishimatsu Const Co Ltd1820 | 259.88% | 2.207 | 25% | 20 | 2003-11-12 |
Sumitomo Mitsui Construction1821 | 199.09% | 1.406 | 16.67% | 42 | 2003-11-12 |
Daiho Corp1822 | 214.57% | 1.839 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-05-18 |
Sata Construction1826 | 253.28% | 1.89 | 21.74% | 23 | 2002-12-20 |
Nakano Corp1827 | 386.9% | 2.269 | 25.93% | 27 | 2002-07-17 |
Tanabe Engineering Corp1828 | 17.64% | 1.118 | 16.67% | 12 | 2007-07-25 |
Okumura Corp1833 | 67.27% | 1.555 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-07-25 |
Totetsu Kogyo1835 | 329.2% | 7.548 | 50% | 8 | 2003-06-11 |
Tsuchiya Holdings Co Ltd1840 | 364.59% | 2.011 | 23.33% | 30 | 2003-10-28 |
Ohmori Co Ltd1844 | 144.03% | 1.285 | 17.07% | 41 | 2014-03-05 |
Ichiken1847 | 344.5% | 2.418 | 26.09% | 23 | 2002-11-19 |
Fuji PS Corp1848 | 105.04% | 1.325 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-11-22 |
Nankai Tatsumura Construction Co Ltd1850 | -4.64% | 0.982 | 10.53% | 19 | 2005-04-19 |
Asanuma Corp1852 | 368.93% | 2.323 | 26.92% | 26 | 2002-12-16 |
Mori-Gumi Co Ltd1853 | 304.93% | 1.685 | 20.59% | 34 | 2005-08-09 |
Toda Corp1860 | 224.92% | 1.824 | 21.74% | 23 | 2001-05-28 |
Kumagai Gumi1861 | 324.51% | 2.389 | 26.09% | 23 | 2004-02-10 |
Kitano Construction Corp1866 | 194.46% | 2.255 | 25% | 16 | 2002-11-19 |
Ueki Corp1867 | 229.98% | 2.2 | 27.78% | 18 | 2004-11-30 |
Yahagi Construction1870 | 127.54% | 1.78 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-11-20 |
P.S. Mitsubishi Construction1871 | 446.33% | 2.745 | 29.17% | 24 | 2004-05-13 |
Higashi Nihon House1873 | 246.38% | 1.701 | 21.43% | 28 | 2006-02-21 |
Daito Trust Construction1878 | 181.5% | 3.676 | 37.5% | 8 | 2003-07-01 |
Shinnihon Corp1879 | 388.28% | 2.355 | 34.48% | 29 | 2010-05-14 |
Nippon Road1884 | 178.89% | 2.019 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-09-08 |
Toa Corp1885 | 447.21% | 2.426 | 25.81% | 31 | 2002-09-05 |
JDC Corporation1887 | -33.56% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2019-12-19 |
Wakachiku Construction1888 | 227.23% | 1.856 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-05-12 |
Toyo Construction1890 | 257.89% | 1.782 | 22.22% | 27 | 2003-10-23 |
Penta-Ocean Const Co Ltd1893 | 383.82% | 2.279 | 25.93% | 27 | 2002-10-16 |
Seikitokyu Kogyo1898 | 631.83% | 3.285 | 33.33% | 27 | 2002-11-21 |
Fukuda Corp1899 | 142.13% | 1.854 | 25% | 16 | 2014-12-09 |
Taisei Oncho Co Ltd1904 | 112.15% | 2.267 | 25% | 8 | 2006-02-14 |
Tenox Corp1905 | 150.48% | 2.038 | 30.77% | 13 | 2006-09-19 |
Nippon Dry Chemical1909 | 158.26% | 6.733 | 50% | 4 | 2011-09-29 |
Sumitomo Forestry1911 | 73.13% | 1.612 | 20% | 10 | 2002-08-15 |
Japan Foundation Engineering1914 | 148.76% | 1.604 | 20% | 20 | 2003-09-22 |
Tomoe Corp1921 | 407.12% | 2.281 | 30% | 30 | 2018-01-16 |
Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.1925 | 249.57% | 2.875 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-11-20 |
Raito Kogyo1926 | 180.01% | 2.506 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-10-16 |
Sekisui House, Ltd.1928 | 217.68% | 4.621 | 42.86% | 7 | 2002-12-11 |
Nittoc Construction1929 | 209.27% | 1.628 | 18.52% | 27 | 2003-04-07 |
Hokuriku Electrical Construct1930 | 157.78% | 2.055 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-08-01 |
Yurtec Corp1934 | 146.97% | 2.002 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-11-18 |
Nippon Rietec Co Ltd1938 | 252.2% | 2.63 | 35.29% | 17 | 2013-08-01 |
Yondenko Corp1939 | 26.55% | 1.368 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-10-17 |
Chudenko Corp1941 | 51.85% | 1.364 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-07-05 |
Kandenko Co Ltd1942 | 107.13% | 2.211 | 25% | 8 | 2003-04-30 |
Kinden Corp1944 | 105.63% | 2.218 | 25% | 8 | 2004-04-20 |
Tokyo Energy Systems Inc1945 | 212.86% | 2.212 | 25% | 16 | 2004-05-10 |
Toenec Corp1946 | 78.33% | 1.745 | 20% | 10 | 2002-05-09 |
Kodensha Co Ltd1948 | 109.15% | 2.27 | 25% | 8 | 2004-01-06 |
Sumitomo Densetsu1949 | 284.67% | 3.687 | 41.67% | 12 | 2002-11-21 |
Nippon Densetsu Kogyo1950 | 232.83% | 5.28 | 42.86% | 7 | 2003-07-24 |
Kyowa Exeo Corp1951 | 298.61% | 4.517 | 40% | 10 | 2002-09-18 |
Shin Nippon Air Technologies1952 | 298.25% | 5.214 | 44.44% | 9 | 2002-11-25 |
Nippon Koei1954 | 214.16% | 3.176 | 30% | 10 | 2003-05-22 |
Kyudenko Corp1959 | 330.01% | 3.15 | 31.25% | 16 | 2003-07-28 |
Sanyo Engineering & Construction Inc1960 | 138.52% | 1.915 | 23.08% | 13 | 2004-02-06 |
Sanki Engineering1961 | 111.32% | 2.288 | 25% | 8 | 2003-11-12 |
JGC Corp.1963 | 150.15% | 1.626 | 19.05% | 21 | 2004-01-13 |
Chugai Ro Co Ltd1964 | 124.42% | 1.841 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-11-13 |
Techno Ryowa Ltd1965 | 119.57% | 2.317 | 33.33% | 9 | 2015-04-02 |
Takada Corp1966 | 427.36% | 2.554 | 29.17% | 24 | 2020-01-30 |
Yamato Corp1967 | 168.02% | 2.4 | 27.27% | 11 | 2003-05-06 |
Taihei Dengyo Kaisha Ltd1968 | 278.48% | 3.656 | 36.36% | 11 | 2002-09-24 |
Takasago Thermal Engineering Co Ltd1969 | 71.13% | 3.479 | 33.33% | 3 | 2004-09-29 |
Chuo Build Industry Co Ltd1971 | 113.16% | 1.362 | 16% | 25 | 2003-12-12 |
Sanko Metal Industrial Co Ltd1972 | 254.84% | 2.326 | 26.32% | 19 | 2004-02-24 |
NEC Networks & System Integration Corp1973 | 212.45% | 2.168 | 25% | 16 | 2002-09-25 |
Asahi Kogyosha Co Ltd1975 | 129.25% | 2.406 | 25% | 8 | 2003-06-27 |
Meisei Industrial Co Ltd1976 | 242.05% | 1.946 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-04-07 |
Taikisha Ltd1979 | 217.25% | 4.138 | 37.5% | 8 | 2002-05-14 |
Dai-Dan Co Ltd1980 | 140.49% | 4.048 | 40% | 5 | 2003-10-29 |
Kyowanissei Co Ltd1981 | 274.96% | 18.123 | 75% | 4 | 2006-05-31 |
Hibiya Engineering Ltd1982 | 183.19% | 2.768 | 30% | 10 | 2003-06-12 |
Kanda Tsushinki Co Ltd1992 | 296.51% | 3.799 | 36.36% | 11 | 2006-07-03 |
Nippn Corp2001 | 151.62% | 4.374 | 40% | 5 | 2002-12-20 |
Nisshin Seifun Group Inc.2002 | 133.71% | 3.517 | 40% | 5 | 2002-07-25 |
Nitto Fuji Flour Milling Co Ltd2003 | 193.83% | 8 | 100% | 2 | 2004-05-19 |
Showa Sangyo Co Ltd2004 | 93.96% | 3 | 100% | 1 | 2002-10-17 |
Torigoe Co Ltd2009 | 68.15% | 3.3 | 33.33% | 3 | 2004-04-30 |
Nomura Europe Finance n.v. Next Notes Kospi200 Etn2033 | 201.85% | 5.382 | 50% | 6 | 2013-06-14 |
Chubushiryo Co Ltd2053 | 117.55% | 1.625 | 18.75% | 16 | 2003-12-02 |
Nichiwa Sangyo Co Ltd2055 | 48.03% | 1.306 | 16.67% | 12 | 2004-11-29 |
Feed One Holdings Co Ltd2060 | 13% | 1.151 | 14.29% | 7 | 2015-07-21 |
Nomura Europe Finance n.v. Next Nts S&p/jpx Div Aristocrats Etn Jdr2065 | 69.99% | 5.532 | 50% | 2 | 2019-08-07 |
Toyo Sugar Refining Co Ltd2107 | -37.65% | 0.706 | 10% | 10 | 2003-10-20 |
Nippon Beet Sugar Manufacturing Co Ltd2108 | 5.84% | 1.074 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-10-20 |
Mitsui Sugar Co Ltd2109 | 261.12% | 2.962 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-10-25 |
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co Ltd2112 | 336.15% | 3.719 | 33.33% | 12 | 2003-12-02 |
Fuji Nihon Seito Corp2114 | 182.41% | 4.884 | 40% | 5 | 2003-12-25 |
Nissin Sugar Co Ltd2117 | 112.02% | 4.898 | 66.67% | 6 | 2013-04-02 |
LIFULL Co Ltd2120 | 324.44% | 1.643 | 20% | 40 | 2007-04-03 |
Mixi Inc2121 | 156.49% | 1.295 | 17.02% | 47 | 2007-02-07 |
Interspace Co Ltd2122 | 232.38% | 1.65 | 20% | 30 | 2006-12-22 |
Jac Recruitment Co Ltd2124 | 325.34% | 1.711 | 21.62% | 37 | 2007-04-03 |
Nihon M&A Center Inc2127 | 342.43% | 2.349 | 26.09% | 23 | 2007-05-18 |
Members Co Ltd2130 | 333.38% | 6.28 | 50% | 8 | 2016-08-23 |
Sun Capital Management Corp2134 | 364.87% | 1.473 | 18.97% | 58 | 2007-05-17 |
HIP Corp2136 | 176.91% | 1.848 | 22.22% | 18 | 2007-04-24 |
Crooz Inc2138 | 403.25% | 1.592 | 19.3% | 57 | 2007-05-18 |
Chuco Co Ltd2139 | -29.14% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2015-05-25 |
UT Group Co Ltd2146 | 436.1% | 2.03 | 23.53% | 34 | 2007-07-24 |
ITmedia Inc2148 | 393.04% | 2.011 | 24.24% | 33 | 2010-07-20 |
CareNet Inc2150 | 436.85% | 1.834 | 20.93% | 43 | 2007-07-20 |
Youji Corp2152 | 425.8% | 3.39 | 33.33% | 18 | 2007-11-07 |
E J Holdings Inc2153 | 214.76% | 3.2 | 33.33% | 9 | 2008-07-14 |
BeNextYumeshin Group Co2154 | 483.23% | 2.591 | 29.63% | 27 | 2007-10-18 |
Saylor Advertising Inc2156 | 113.09% | 2.107 | 25% | 8 | 2007-10-05 |
Koshidaka Holdings Co Ltd2157 | 722.76% | 3.96 | 41.67% | 24 | 2007-11-07 |
FRONTEO Inc2158 | 401.12% | 1.541 | 20.69% | 58 | 2011-04-08 |
GNI Group Ltd2160 | 406.84% | 1.652 | 23.08% | 52 | 2017-04-24 |
nms Holdings Corp2162 | 526.16% | 1.723 | 22.41% | 58 | 2011-02-23 |
Artner Co Ltd2163 | 341.36% | 2.957 | 33.33% | 15 | 2008-03-12 |
Chiikishinbunsha Co Ltd2164 | 276.6% | 1.627 | 20% | 35 | 2018-11-14 |
Pasona Group Inc2168 | 335.72% | 2.38 | 26.09% | 23 | 2008-03-11 |
CDS Co Ltd2169 | 118.47% | 3.012 | 33.33% | 6 | 2013-04-02 |
Link and Motivation Inc2170 | 432.98% | 2.563 | 29.17% | 24 | 2008-05-21 |
Hakuten Corp2173 | 400.71% | 2.267 | 28.57% | 28 | 2012-03-01 |
SMS Co Ltd2175 | 541.82% | 2.949 | 34.62% | 26 | 2012-04-16 |
Seigakusya Co Ltd2179 | 89.81% | 6.709 | 50% | 2 | 2009-11-17 |
Sunny Side Up Inc2180 | 444.9% | 3.476 | 35.29% | 17 | 2009-01-26 |
Persol Holdings Co Ltd2181 | 399.97% | 5.106 | 41.67% | 12 | 2009-03-12 |
Linical Co Ltd2183 | 456.25% | 2.444 | 27.59% | 29 | 2016-06-20 |
CMC Corp2185 | 223.38% | 4.169 | 37.5% | 8 | 2009-05-19 |
Sobal Corp2186 | 353.09% | 6.952 | 55.56% | 9 | 2009-05-13 |
Cookpad Inc2193 | -48.5% | 0.825 | 13.64% | 22 | 2013-08-13 |
Amita Holdings Co Ltd2195 | 452.62% | 3.628 | 35.29% | 17 | 2010-11-15 |
Escrit Inc2196 | 261.33% | 2.105 | 26.32% | 19 | 2010-07-26 |
IKK Inc2198 | 151.26% | 4.129 | 40% | 5 | 2012-05-24 |
Morinaga & Co Ltd2201 | 218.38% | 4.477 | 37.5% | 8 | 2003-10-22 |
Nakamuraya Co Ltd2204 | -12.46% | 0.841 | 12.5% | 8 | 2004-04-20 |
Ezaki Glico Co Ltd2206 | 208.65% | 3.917 | 37.5% | 8 | 2003-05-22 |
Meito Sangyo Co Ltd2207 | 20.96% | 1.258 | 14.29% | 7 | 2002-10-17 |
Bourbon Corp2208 | 95.42% | 2.081 | 25% | 8 | 2004-10-06 |
Imuraya Group Co Ltd2209 | 131.9% | 2.714 | 33.33% | 9 | 2017-04-14 |
Fujiya Co Ltd2211 | 129.27% | 1.84 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-04-24 |
Yamazaki Baking Co Ltd2212 | 129.73% | 3.495 | 33.33% | 6 | 2003-07-04 |
First Baking Co Ltd2215 | 52.94% | 1.222 | 15.79% | 19 | 2002-05-13 |
Kanro Co Ltd2216 | 71.11% | 1.973 | 37.5% | 8 | 2006-02-08 |
Morozoff Ltd2217 | 95.53% | 2.099 | 25% | 8 | 2004-05-12 |
Kameda Seika Co Ltd2220 | 193.33% | 8 | 100% | 2 | 2005-09-09 |
Iwatsuka Confectionery Co Ltd2221 | 110.43% | 2.833 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-02-17 |
Kotobuki Spirits Co Ltd2222 | 464.26% | 5.708 | 40% | 15 | 2013-09-03 |
Como Co Ltd2224 | 69.15% | 2 | 100% | 2 | 2017-04-10 |
Koikeya Inc2226 | 96.33% | 2.607 | 28.57% | 7 | 2017-11-06 |
Calbee Inc2229 | 141% | 3.787 | 33.33% | 6 | 2011-09-07 |
Morinaga Milk Industry Co Ltd2264 | 187.2% | 3.078 | 30% | 10 | 2003-10-24 |
Rokko Butter Co Ltd2266 | 235.45% | 2.733 | 43.75% | 16 | 2015-07-14 |
Yakult Honsha Co Ltd2267 | 192.39% | 3.858 | 37.5% | 8 | 2002-06-28 |
Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.2269 | 132.89% | 6.275 | 50% | 4 | 2009-11-10 |
Megmilk Snow Brand Co Ltd2270 | 40.8% | 1.946 | 25% | 4 | 2010-02-01 |
Prima Meat Packers Ltd2281 | 302.84% | 2.631 | 27.78% | 18 | 2004-01-30 |
NH Foods Ltd2282 | 58.44% | 2.528 | 25% | 4 | 2003-05-19 |
Hayashikane Sangyo Co Ltd2286 | 85.63% | 1.31 | 18.18% | 22 | 2003-12-26 |
Marudai Food Co Ltd2288 | 121.32% | 2.766 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-05-11 |
Fukutome Meat Packers Ltd2291 | 82.34% | 1.8 | 22.22% | 9 | 2004-10-28 |
S Foods Inc2292 | 191.54% | 2.772 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-11-13 |
Takizawa Ham Co Ltd2293 | 55.23% | 2.367 | 25% | 4 | 2006-03-02 |
Kakiyasu Honten Co Ltd2294 | 9.04% | 1.073 | 25% | 12 | 2018-07-30 |
Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc2296 | -45.38% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2016-08-31 |
Kyokuto Co Ltd2300 | 21.83% | 1.33 | 20% | 5 | 2006-01-20 |
Gakujo Co Ltd2301 | 128.82% | 1.482 | 18.18% | 22 | 2006-09-21 |
Dawn Corp2303 | 435.06% | 2.331 | 24.14% | 29 | 2007-02-21 |
CSS Holdings Ltd2304 | 65.92% | 1.154 | 15.63% | 32 | 2006-02-23 |
Studio Alice Co Ltd2305 | 44.82% | 1.311 | 16.67% | 12 | 2004-03-19 |
Cross Cat Co Ltd2307 | 573.85% | 4.805 | 41.18% | 17 | 2006-02-14 |
CMIC Holdings Co Ltd2309 | 4.72% | 1.025 | 13.33% | 15 | 2004-09-17 |
EPCO Co Ltd2311 | 74.85% | 1.336 | 16.67% | 18 | 2006-07-19 |
CAICA Inc2315 | 154.75% | 1.25 | 14% | 50 | 2006-07-19 |
Systena Corp2317 | 391.62% | 2.948 | 31.58% | 19 | 2005-03-08 |
Softfront Holdings2321 | 86.81% | 1.134 | 14.89% | 47 | 2007-04-24 |
Fonfun Corp2323 | 543.63% | 2.012 | 25% | 44 | 2007-03-19 |
NJS Co Ltd2325 | 92.01% | 1.877 | 22.22% | 9 | 2004-07-21 |
Digital Arts Inc2326 | 401.95% | 3.436 | 33.33% | 21 | 2013-05-27 |
Ns Solutions Corp2327 | 212.34% | 2.089 | 22.22% | 18 | 2003-11-11 |
Tohokushinsha Film Corp2329 | -58.41% | 0.628 | 8.33% | 12 | 2006-04-12 |
Forside Co Ltd2330 | 290.68% | 1.402 | 17.86% | 56 | 2014-12-09 |
Sohgo Security Services Co Ltd2331 | 113.27% | 2.579 | 28.57% | 7 | 2003-04-04 |
Quest Co Ltd2332 | 125.58% | 3.066 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-02-17 |
eole Inc2334 | 31.39% | 1.178 | 14.29% | 14 | 2018-03-26 |
Cube System Inc2335 | 268.52% | 3.251 | 33.33% | 12 | 2007-05-22 |
Ichigo Inc2337 | 209.56% | 1.401 | 20.51% | 39 | 2007-03-19 |
Quantum Solutions Co Ltd2338 | 289.46% | 1.368 | 18.64% | 59 | 2003-12-12 |
Gokurakuyu Co Ltd2340 | 3.92% | 1.014 | 14.29% | 21 | 2006-03-15 |
Trans Genic Inc2342 | 243.51% | 1.341 | 21.57% | 51 | 2003-11-05 |
Heian Ceremony Service Co Ltd2344 | 35.58% | 1.606 | 20% | 5 | 2006-03-07 |
Kushim Inc2345 | 682.25% | 2.179 | 24.49% | 49 | 2004-09-21 |
ASJ Inc2351 | 266.7% | 1.349 | 18.64% | 59 | 2003-10-23 |
Nippon Parking Development Co Ltd2353 | 228.93% | 1.577 | 19.35% | 31 | 2004-07-23 |
YEDIGITALCorporation2354 | 177.57% | 1.481 | 17.24% | 29 | 2004-09-27 |
Core Corp2359 | 70.16% | 1.628 | 22.22% | 9 | 2004-06-28 |
Medinet Co Ltd2370 | 174.72% | 1.229 | 15.79% | 57 | 2004-06-01 |
KakakuCom Inc2371 | 398% | 3.043 | 31.58% | 19 | 2004-06-02 |
I’rom Holdings Co Ltd2372 | 205.63% | 1.337 | 17.31% | 52 | 2005-06-09 |
Care Twentyone Corp2373 | 225.05% | 4.378 | 42.86% | 7 | 2007-04-26 |
Saint-Care Holding Corp2374 | 280.97% | 1.898 | 23.08% | 26 | 2017-11-14 |
GiG Works Inc2375 | 293.21% | 1.683 | 22.22% | 36 | 2012-01-23 |
SCiNEX Corp2376 | 240.69% | 2.338 | 25% | 16 | 2007-02-01 |
Renaissance Inc2378 | 78.64% | 1.366 | 18.75% | 16 | 2005-07-13 |
Dip Corp2379 | 342.49% | 1.8 | 23.53% | 34 | 2014-02-25 |
SBS Holdings Inc2384 | 235.83% | 5.505 | 50% | 6 | 2013-05-01 |
Soiken Holdings Inc2385 | 164.38% | 1.219 | 15.52% | 58 | 2004-10-19 |
Wedge Holdings Co Ltd2388 | -24.18% | 0.968 | 13.21% | 53 | 2007-01-31 |
Digital Holdings Inc2389 | 174.71% | 1.592 | 20.83% | 24 | 2006-01-24 |
Planet Inc2391 | 187.97% | 2.314 | 25% | 12 | 2006-02-21 |
Nippon Care Supply Co Ltd2393 | -44.08% | 0.817 | 10.53% | 19 | 2004-07-20 |
Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories Ltd2395 | 417.91% | 1.866 | 21.95% | 41 | 2013-06-11 |
DNA Chip Research Inc2397 | -16.26% | 0.972 | 13.33% | 45 | 2004-09-22 |
Amana inc2402 | 131.29% | 1.444 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-11-09 |
Tetsujin Inc2404 | 88.22% | 1.215 | 16.13% | 31 | 2005-02-16 |
KG Intelligence Co Ltd2408 | 49.27% | 1.339 | 18.18% | 11 | 2006-02-20 |
Career Design Center Co Ltd2410 | 394.78% | 1.917 | 22.22% | 36 | 2007-05-01 |
Gendai Agency Inc2411 | -69.66% | 0.738 | 10% | 20 | 2006-03-27 |
Benefit One Inc2412 | 457.51% | 3.053 | 33.33% | 24 | 2006-06-05 |
M3 Inc2413 | 642.29% | 3.989 | 37.5% | 24 | 2005-02-16 |
Human Holdings Co Ltd2415 | 128.67% | 1.338 | 17.24% | 29 | 2006-05-29 |
Tsukada Global Holdings Inc2418 | 93.54% | 1.308 | 16.67% | 24 | 2005-04-14 |
Brass Corp2424 | 9.14% | 1.102 | 14.29% | 7 | 2016-11-01 |
Care Service Co Ltd2425 | 364.12% | 2.38 | 27.27% | 22 | 2007-07-20 |
Outsourcing Inc2427 | 593.99% | 4.057 | 38.1% | 21 | 2012-08-09 |
Wellnet Corp2428 | 242.8% | 1.696 | 20.69% | 29 | 2006-02-15 |
World Holdings Co Ltd2429 | 383.28% | 1.78 | 21.95% | 41 | 2006-02-14 |
DeNA Co Ltd2432 | 205.61% | 1.556 | 19.35% | 31 | 2005-07-11 |
Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc2433 | 174.14% | 2.539 | 27.27% | 11 | 2005-08-31 |
Cedar Co Ltd2435 | 115.77% | 1.366 | 16.67% | 24 | 2006-04-25 |
Kyodo Public Relations Co Ltd2436 | 137.83% | 1.464 | 20.83% | 24 | 2018-03-05 |
Shinwa Art Auction Co Ltd2437 | 270.35% | 1.482 | 19.57% | 46 | 2007-02-08 |
Asukanet Co Ltd2438 | 244.13% | 1.455 | 17.78% | 45 | 2005-09-29 |
Gurunavi Inc2440 | 82.96% | 1.269 | 16.67% | 24 | 2009-04-09 |
SRG Takamiya Co Ltd2445 | 264.69% | 2.947 | 30.77% | 13 | 2008-04-16 |
PRAP Japan Inc2449 | 183.04% | 1.763 | 20% | 20 | 2006-04-26 |
Japan Best Rescue System Co Ltd2453 | 340.28% | 1.945 | 23.33% | 30 | 2006-03-06 |
All About Inc2454 | 144.36% | 1.261 | 15.56% | 45 | 2006-04-12 |
Aun Consulting Inc2459 | 223.49% | 1.336 | 16.67% | 54 | 2006-04-21 |
FAN Communications Inc2461 | 180.83% | 1.431 | 17.65% | 34 | 2006-06-02 |
Like Co Ltd2462 | 344.83% | 2.425 | 27.27% | 22 | 2006-04-11 |
Business Breakthrough Inc2464 | 23.66% | 1.078 | 13.04% | 23 | 2006-03-29 |
FueTrek Co Ltd2468 | 186.21% | 1.494 | 20% | 30 | 2006-06-12 |
Hibino Corp2469 | 289.69% | 2.547 | 27.78% | 18 | 2006-06-06 |
S-Pool Inc2471 | 459.62% | 2.787 | 33.33% | 21 | 2007-02-01 |
WDB Holdings Co Ltd2475 | 327.72% | 2.898 | 31.25% | 16 | 2008-08-22 |
Temairazu Inc2477 | 319.83% | 1.568 | 20.45% | 44 | 2006-06-22 |
JTec Corp2479 | 737.02% | 2.687 | 28.95% | 38 | 2007-04-09 |
System Location Co Ltd2480 | 197.67% | 1.601 | 19.23% | 26 | 2007-05-24 |
Townnews-Sha Co Ltd2481 | 37.49% | 1.239 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-09-25 |
Honyaku Center Inc2483 | 241.35% | 1.982 | 22.73% | 22 | 2007-03-09 |
Demaecan Co Ltd2484 | 558.43% | 2.139 | 25% | 44 | 2012-07-18 |
Tear Corp2485 | 18.1% | 1.227 | 16.67% | 6 | 2013-10-07 |
CDG Co Ltd2487 | 239.12% | 9.201 | 66.67% | 6 | 2006-10-17 |
JTP Co Ltd2488 | 244.66% | 1.676 | 20% | 30 | 2007-03-26 |
Adways Inc2489 | 221.61% | 1.388 | 18.18% | 44 | 2006-09-19 |
ValueCommerce Co Ltd2491 | 383.93% | 1.709 | 20.45% | 44 | 2006-11-09 |
Infomart Corp2492 | 469.35% | 2.168 | 26.47% | 34 | 2006-11-07 |
E-Supportlink Ltd2493 | 100.07% | 1.343 | 20.83% | 24 | 2013-05-20 |
United Inc2497 | 118.3% | 1.181 | 15.38% | 52 | 2007-01-17 |
Oriental Consultants Holdings Co Ltd2498 | 477.43% | 3.239 | 35% | 20 | 2007-02-21 |
Nihonwasou Holdings Inc2499 | 22.26% | 1.29 | 16.67% | 6 | 2012-07-27 |
Sapporo Holdings Ltd.2501 | 238.91% | 2.05 | 23.81% | 21 | 2002-07-25 |
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.2502 | 180.34% | 2.632 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-09-25 |
Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.2503 | 146.56% | 6.192 | 50% | 4 | 2002-07-25 |
Norinchukin Zenkyoren Am Co Ltd Nzam Etf J-Reit Core Index2527 | -13.33% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-12-13 |
Nomura Asset Management Next Fds Nomura Sy 70 Etf2529 | -13.87% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-08-05 |
Takara Holdings Inc.2531 | 194.5% | 1.977 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-07-17 |
Oenon Holdings Inc2533 | 50.29% | 1.332 | 16.67% | 12 | 2003-10-23 |
Yomeishu Seizo Co Ltd2540 | 43.82% | 2.043 | 25% | 4 | 2002-07-25 |
Hokkaido Coca Cola Bottling Co Ltd2573 | 60.84% | 3.09 | 50% | 4 | 2015-08-26 |
Coca-Cola West Co Ltd2579 | 54.43% | 1.396 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-10-25 |
Fruta Fruta Inc2586 | -13.38% | 0.973 | 11.11% | 36 | 2015-03-23 |
Premium Water Holdings Inc2588 | -0.02% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 2013-08-27 |
Dydo Drinco Inc2590 | 50.34% | 1.94 | 20% | 5 | 2004-04-09 |
Ito En Ltd2593 | 250.53% | 2.902 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-11-13 |
Ito en Ltd Npv Prf Stock Type 12593P | 17.07% | 1.212 | 50% | 12 | 2007-12-18 |
Unicafe Inc2597 | -17.26% | 0.9 | 28.57% | 14 | 2018-02-07 |
Japan Foods Co Ltd2599 | 51.21% | 2.219 | 25% | 4 | 2003-07-11 |
Nisshin OilliO Group Ltd2602 | 111.3% | 2.713 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-07-25 |
Fuji Oil Co Ltd2607 | 127.7% | 2.787 | 28.57% | 7 | 2003-02-24 |
Kadoya Sesame Mills Inc2612 | 77.37% | 3.138 | 50% | 6 | 2013-11-06 |
J-Oil Mills Inc2613 | 184.3% | 1.959 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-10-31 |
Lawson Inc2651 | 75.06% | 5.502 | 33.33% | 3 | 2002-10-09 |
Mandarake Inc2652 | 105.23% | 1.53 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-07-29 |
Aeon Kyushu Co Ltd2653 | 29.64% | 1.404 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-01-19 |
Asmo Corp2654 | 134.73% | 1.308 | 17.14% | 35 | 2004-10-29 |
Vector2656 | 214.91% | 1.341 | 18.37% | 49 | 2010-02-12 |
San-A Co Ltd2659 | 138.52% | 4.451 | 40% | 5 | 2005-10-18 |
Cawachi Ltd2664 | -35.54% | 0.709 | 10% | 10 | 2003-11-11 |
Autowave Co Ltd2666 | 226.22% | 1.629 | 20.69% | 29 | 2007-05-07 |
ImageOne Co Ltd2667 | 237.63% | 1.402 | 17.78% | 45 | 2007-06-18 |
Tabio Corp2668 | -14.02% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2014-02-06 |
Kanemi Co Ltd2669 | -34.96% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2007-04-26 |
ABC-Mart Inc2670 | 345.16% | 4.629 | 38.46% | 13 | 2003-10-29 |
Yumemitsuketai Co Ltd2673 | 61.65% | 1.14 | 15.15% | 33 | 2006-02-15 |
Hard Off Corporation Co Ltd2674 | 101.99% | 1.542 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-07-29 |
Takachiho Koheki Co Ltd2676 | 130.64% | 3.484 | 50% | 6 | 2005-12-20 |
Askul Corp2678 | 152.44% | 1.658 | 20% | 20 | 2005-01-12 |
Geo Holdings Corp2681 | 176.93% | 1.852 | 22.22% | 18 | 2004-08-06 |
Uoki Co Ltd2683 | 91.21% | 1.304 | 17.39% | 23 | 2002-10-16 |
Adastria Holdings Co Ltd2685 | 94.46% | 1.529 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-05-19 |
GFoot Co Ltd2686 | -75.02% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2016-06-07 |
CVS Bay Area Inc2687 | -44.43% | 0.866 | 11.54% | 26 | 2013-10-31 |
OLBA Healthcare Holdings Inc2689 | 0.69% | 1.007 | 14.29% | 7 | 2002-08-20 |
Itochu-Shokuhin Co Ltd2692 | 72.35% | 1.817 | 30% | 10 | 2002-12-20 |
YKT Corp2693 | 193.95% | 1.597 | 22.22% | 27 | 2017-10-11 |
Yakiniku Sakai Holdings Inc2694 | 17.48% | 1.098 | 15.38% | 13 | 2006-01-19 |
Kura Corp2695 | 297.09% | 2.354 | 31.82% | 22 | 2012-04-25 |
Can Do Co Ltd2698 | -10.92% | 0.925 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-05-14 |
Kitoku Shinryo Co Ltd2700 | 184.12% | 6.04 | 40% | 5 | 2007-02-26 |
McDonald’s Holdings Company Japan Ltd2702 | 120.42% | 4.1 | 40% | 5 | 2006-02-21 |
Ootoya Holdings Co Ltd2705 | 31.41% | 1.321 | 36.36% | 11 | 2006-04-05 |
Broccoli Co Ltd2706 | 347.43% | 1.645 | 19.15% | 47 | 2006-02-06 |
Kuze Co Ltd2708 | 142.45% | 3.269 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-05-18 |
Elematec Corporation2715 | 90.97% | 1.78 | 20% | 10 | 2004-06-07 |
J-Holdings Corp2721 | 83.54% | 1.201 | 16.13% | 31 | 2006-02-16 |
I K Co Ltd2722 | 429.61% | 1.85 | 21.95% | 41 | 2006-02-16 |
Pal2726 | 367.36% | 2.065 | 23.33% | 30 | 2004-05-18 |
Edion Corp2730 | 97.53% | 1.341 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-05-13 |
Arata Corp2733 | 132.92% | 3 | 28.57% | 7 | 2012-05-16 |
Sala Corp2734 | 36.95% | 1.599 | 20% | 5 | 2003-03-13 |
Watts Co Ltd2735 | 313.31% | 2.731 | 33.33% | 18 | 2013-05-28 |
Festaria Holdings Co Ltd2736 | 246.33% | 1.713 | 20.69% | 29 | 2006-05-17 |
Tomen Devices Corp2737 | 245.37% | 3.739 | 36.36% | 11 | 2004-09-13 |
Halows Co Ltd2742 | 263.02% | 3.737 | 41.67% | 12 | 2006-03-07 |
Pixel Companyz Inc2743 | -89.31% | 0.848 | 11.9% | 42 | 2006-05-09 |
Hokuyu Lucky Co Ltd2747 | 4.98% | 1.063 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-02-27 |
JP-Holdings Inc2749 | -30.48% | 0.768 | 11.11% | 9 | 2011-06-20 |
S.Ishimitsu & Co Ltd2750 | 51.65% | 1.328 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-04-14 |
Tenpos Busters Co Ltd2751 | 191.66% | 1.669 | 21.74% | 23 | 2006-04-06 |
Fujio Food System Co Ltd2752 | 234.44% | 2.32 | 33.33% | 18 | 2007-02-21 |
Amiyaki Tei Co Ltd2753 | 106.69% | 1.673 | 25% | 16 | 2004-05-18 |
Tokatsu Holdings Co Ltd2754 | 96.78% | 1.91 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-10-02 |
Tokyo Electron Device Ltd2760 | 151.12% | 2.209 | 25% | 12 | 2004-03-09 |
Toshin Group Co Ltd2761 | 153.07% | 2.115 | 23.08% | 13 | 2006-05-01 |
Sanko Marketing Foods Co Ltd2762 | -56.03% | 0.767 | 11.76% | 17 | 2005-02-04 |
FTGroup Co Ltd2763 | 281.4% | 1.654 | 20.59% | 34 | 2006-04-18 |
Hiramatsu Inc2764 | 146.86% | 1.609 | 20% | 20 | 2013-04-01 |
Fields Corp2767 | 52.66% | 1.223 | 15.79% | 19 | 2006-02-01 |
Sojitz Corp.2768 | 369.46% | 2.259 | 27.59% | 29 | 2015-06-22 |
Village Vanguard Co Ltd2769 | -79.37% | 0.548 | 7.69% | 13 | 2006-10-31 |
Shinto Holdings Inc2776 | 496.46% | 1.948 | 21.95% | 41 | 2006-04-03 |
Cassina Ixc. Ltd2777 | -27.87% | 0.878 | 11.76% | 17 | 2006-05-11 |
Palemo Co Ltd2778 | -73.52% | 0.802 | 10.71% | 28 | 2006-05-12 |
Komehyo Co Ltd2780 | 160.21% | 1.403 | 18.18% | 33 | 2013-06-26 |
Seria Co Ltd2782 | 290.29% | 2.514 | 27.78% | 18 | 2006-09-28 |
Alfresa Holdings Corp2784 | 137.18% | 1.921 | 23.08% | 13 | 2004-05-28 |
Apple International Co Ltd2788 | 382.39% | 1.579 | 18.52% | 54 | 2004-07-08 |
Karula Co Ltd2789 | -71.85% | 0.574 | 9.09% | 11 | 2006-02-16 |
Nafco Co Ltd2790 | 42.73% | 1.177 | 15% | 20 | 2006-04-21 |
Daikokutenbussan Co Ltd2791 | 167.38% | 1.778 | 21.05% | 19 | 2006-11-17 |
Honeys Co Ltd2792 | 19.47% | 1.053 | 12.9% | 31 | 2006-01-20 |
Pharmarise Holdings Corp2796 | 229.58% | 3.99 | 37.5% | 8 | 2007-08-09 |
Y’s Table Corp2798 | -58.61% | 0.672 | 13.33% | 15 | 2004-07-12 |
Kikkoman Corp.2801 | 280.86% | 5.459 | 50% | 8 | 2003-04-07 |
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.2802 | 191.82% | 3.026 | 30% | 10 | 2002-07-29 |
Bull-Dog Sauce Co Ltd2804 | -73.75% | 0.558 | 7.69% | 13 | 2004-11-24 |
S&B Foods Inc2805 | 73.88% | 6.657 | 50% | 2 | 2005-04-14 |
Yutaka Foods Corp2806 | 74.8% | 2.735 | 25% | 4 | 2003-12-02 |
Kewpie Corp2809 | 129.69% | 3.297 | 33.33% | 6 | 2002-07-26 |
House Foods Group Inc2810 | 129.36% | 3.649 | 33.33% | 6 | 2019-06-21 |
Kagome Co Ltd2811 | 145.12% | 4.675 | 40% | 5 | 2003-12-11 |
Yaizu Suisankagaku Industry Co Ltd2812 | 27.14% | 1.372 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-07-17 |
Wakou Shokuhin Co Ltd2813 | 111.42% | 2.368 | 25% | 8 | 2006-02-14 |
Sato Foods Industries Co Ltd2814 | -25.55% | 0.885 | 11.76% | 17 | 2007-04-11 |
Ariake Japan Co Ltd2815 | 152.8% | 2.202 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-12-04 |
Daisho Co Ltd2816 | 51.16% | 1.806 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-02-21 |
Pietro Co Ltd2818 | 169.65% | 2.727 | 45.45% | 11 | 2002-09-26 |
Ebara Foods Industry Inc2819 | 66.62% | 2.835 | 33.33% | 3 | 2006-05-19 |
Yamami Co2820 | 50.38% | 1.41 | 18.18% | 11 | 2016-12-29 |
Aohata Corp2830 | 180.62% | 11.631 | 75% | 4 | 2005-11-04 |
Hagoromo Foods Corp2831 | -29.05% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2005-07-11 |
Nichirei Corp.2871 | 184.23% | 2.641 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-11-13 |
Seihyo Co Ltd2872 | 120.78% | 2.033 | 18.18% | 11 | 2008-10-27 |
Yokorei Co Ltd2874 | 109.57% | 2.872 | 42.86% | 7 | 2013-04-30 |
Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd2875 | 264.4% | 13.599 | 60% | 5 | 2002-10-16 |
Delsole Corp2876 | 273.84% | 3.243 | 33.33% | 12 | 2008-01-22 |
NittoBest Corp2877 | 47.18% | 2.649 | 50% | 4 | 2009-05-20 |
Eat& Co Ltd2882 | 150.26% | 4.712 | 50% | 6 | 2013-05-28 |
Yoshimura Food Holdings KK2884 | 213% | 2.134 | 25% | 16 | 2016-06-08 |
Nissin Foods Holdings Co Ltd2897 | 75.18% | 7.087 | 50% | 2 | 2004-09-24 |
Nagatanien Co Ltd2899 | 62.77% | 3.395 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-03-11 |
Ishigaki Foods Co Ltd2901 | 223.46% | 1.99 | 23.53% | 17 | 2020-03-11 |
Shinobu Foods Products Co Ltd2903 | 119.05% | 2.481 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-02-02 |
Ichimasa Kamaboko Co Ltd2904 | 147.68% | 2.398 | 30% | 10 | 2015-02-13 |
Ahjikan Co Ltd2907 | -24.5% | 0.794 | 11.11% | 9 | 2004-11-10 |
Fujicco Co Ltd2908 | 95.46% | 7.86 | 50% | 2 | 2003-05-26 |
Rock Field Co Ltd2910 | 128.17% | 2.099 | 33.33% | 12 | 2015-04-17 |
Asahimatsu Foods Co Ltd2911 | -32.77% | 0.753 | 10% | 10 | 2006-04-10 |
Japan Tobacco Inc2914 | 231.68% | 2.711 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-05-12 |
Kenko Mayonnaise Co Ltd2915 | 193.03% | 3.208 | 33.33% | 9 | 2011-08-10 |
Semba Tohka Industries Co Ltd2916 | 119.34% | 2.506 | 28.57% | 7 | 2007-05-25 |
Ohmoriya Co Ltd2917 | -43.17% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2006-06-29 |
Warabeya Nichiyo Holdings Co Ltd2918 | 188.21% | 2.707 | 27.27% | 11 | 2003-03-17 |
Sato Foods Co Ltd2923 | 150.76% | 5.816 | 50% | 4 | 2006-07-26 |
Ifuji Sangyo Co Ltd2924 | 37.77% | 2.267 | 50% | 4 | 2017-04-14 |
Shinozakiya Inc2926 | 145.61% | 1.304 | 16.22% | 37 | 2004-09-29 |
AFC-HD AMS Life Science Co Ltd2927 | -61.66% | 0.466 | 11.11% | 9 | 2021-02-19 |
Pharma Foods International Co Ltd2929 | 273.7% | 1.352 | 17.24% | 58 | 2006-10-10 |
Kitanotatsujin Corp2930 | 105.28% | 1.469 | 22.22% | 18 | 2018-05-10 |
Euglena Co Ltd2931 | 137.79% | 1.818 | 21.43% | 14 | 2013-08-13 |
Sti Foods Holdings Inc2932 | -50.24% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2020-12-24 |
Kibun Foods Inc2933 | -13.43% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-08-11 |
Good Life Company Inc2970 | -4.28% | 0.956 | 14.29% | 7 | 2019-06-05 |
Star Mica Holdings Co Ltd2975 | -57.96% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2019-09-13 |
Tsukuruba Inc2978 | 68.01% | 3.336 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-04-23 |
Sre Holdings Corporation2980 | 183.92% | 3.071 | 27.27% | 11 | 2020-05-14 |
Landix Inc2981 | 38.49% | 1.684 | 20% | 5 | 2020-06-30 |
AD Works Corp2982 | -15.19% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-07-19 |
Arr Planner Co Ltd2983 | 40.87% | 1.768 | 25% | 4 | 2021-05-18 |
LA Holdings Co Ltd2986 | 178.62% | 0 | 100% | 2 | 2020-12-01 |
Tasuki Corp2987 | 28.67% | 1.41 | 16.67% | 6 | 2021-02-22 |
Katakura Industries Co Ltd3001 | 224.56% | 2.511 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-05-30 |
Gunze Ltd3002 | -24.17% | 0.784 | 10% | 10 | 2003-02-06 |
Hulic Co Ltd3003 | 240.67% | 1.869 | 24% | 25 | 2005-03-30 |
Shinyei Kaisha3004 | 249.5% | 1.704 | 19.35% | 31 | 2003-10-28 |
Polaris Holdings Co Ltd3010 | -7.78% | 0.987 | 13.95% | 43 | 2003-12-08 |
Applied Co Ltd3020 | 173.65% | 2.287 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-07-13 |
Pacific Net Co Ltd3021 | 320.93% | 1.825 | 21.88% | 32 | 2006-06-30 |
Rasa Corp3023 | 70.01% | 1.573 | 20% | 10 | 2007-02-14 |
Create Corp3024 | 5.85% | 1.054 | 12.5% | 8 | 2006-08-14 |
Alpen Co Ltd3028 | 54.9% | 1.408 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-08-29 |
Hub Co Ltd3030 | 191.89% | 2.048 | 25% | 16 | 2018-01-15 |
Raccoon Co Ltd3031 | 484.54% | 2.159 | 25% | 36 | 2006-07-19 |
Qol Co Ltd3034 | 22.91% | 1.314 | 16.67% | 6 | 2012-10-10 |
Ktk Inc3035 | 205.22% | 1.672 | 20.83% | 24 | 2007-05-25 |
Alconix Corp3036 | 134.18% | 1.838 | 21.43% | 14 | 2008-07-08 |
Kobe Bussan Co Ltd3038 | 402.27% | 2.903 | 40% | 20 | 2015-09-09 |
Soliton Systems KK3040 | 500.93% | 2.793 | 30.77% | 26 | 2008-02-27 |
Beauty Kadan Co Ltd3041 | -45.07% | 0.833 | 11.11% | 18 | 2006-09-25 |
SecuAvail Inc3042 | 442.4% | 1.903 | 22.5% | 40 | 2007-02-09 |
Kawasaki & Co Ltd3045 | 195.17% | 2.778 | 30% | 10 | 2007-03-09 |
JIN Co Ltd3046 | 99.81% | 2.287 | 22.22% | 9 | 2014-04-04 |
BIC Camera Inc3048 | 131.75% | 1.801 | 21.43% | 14 | 2008-10-09 |
DCM Holdings Co Ltd3050 | 94.86% | 1.499 | 18.75% | 16 | 2006-12-25 |
Pepper Food Service Co Ltd3053 | -2.43% | 0.995 | 15% | 40 | 2014-08-06 |
Hyper Inc3054 | 326.63% | 2.103 | 25% | 24 | 2007-02-01 |
Sanyodo Holdings Inc3058 | 29.99% | 1.396 | 16.67% | 6 | 2007-03-07 |
Hiraki Co Ltd3059 | 34.91% | 1.285 | 27.27% | 11 | 2007-03-19 |
j-Group Holdings Corp3063 | -73.47% | 0.558 | 8.33% | 12 | 2007-03-29 |
MonotaRO3064 | 473.53% | 2.591 | 32% | 25 | 2007-04-20 |
Life Foods Co Ltd3065 | 29.82% | 1.527 | 20% | 5 | 2007-07-13 |
Tokyo Ichiban Foods Co Ltd3067 | 154.08% | 2.031 | 23.08% | 13 | 2007-04-18 |
WDI Corp3068 | 270.35% | 2.946 | 40% | 15 | 2015-02-17 |
JFLA Holdings Inc3069 | 311.49% | 2.563 | 27.78% | 18 | 2007-12-21 |
Amagasa Co Ltd3070 | 309.97% | 2.029 | 23.08% | 26 | 2007-06-27 |
Stream Co Ltd3071 | 46.65% | 1.111 | 12.9% | 31 | 2007-12-26 |
DD Holdings Co Ltd3073 | 179.46% | 1.442 | 18.75% | 32 | 2007-06-22 |
Choushimaru Co Ltd3075 | 51.63% | 2.737 | 50% | 4 | 2007-08-20 |
Ai Holdings Corp3076 | 225.51% | 2.408 | 26.67% | 15 | 2007-07-06 |
Horiifoodservice Co Ltd3077 | 154.18% | 1.992 | 28.57% | 14 | 2013-05-28 |
DVx Inc3079 | 224.07% | 3.96 | 37.5% | 8 | 2007-08-14 |
Jason Co Ltd3080 | 225.88% | 2.373 | 26.67% | 15 | 2007-08-10 |
Kichiri & Co Ltd3082 | -13.74% | 0.875 | 12.5% | 8 | 2013-07-12 |
C’sMEN Co Ltd3083 | 156.29% | 1.43 | 20.69% | 29 | 2021-12-20 |
Arcland Service Co Ltd3085 | 386.41% | 4.504 | 41.67% | 12 | 2007-12-21 |
J.Front Retailing Co., Ltd.3086 | -46.86% | 0.806 | 10.53% | 19 | 2007-12-26 |
Doutor Nichires Holdings Co Ltd3087 | 28.86% | 1.489 | 20% | 5 | 2008-05-08 |
MatsukiyoCocokara & Co3088 | 277.01% | 3.821 | 36.36% | 11 | 2008-03-10 |
Techno Alpha Co Ltd3089 | 194.42% | 2.658 | 27.27% | 11 | 2008-03-05 |
Bronco Billy Co Ltd3091 | 150.62% | 2.723 | 33.33% | 9 | 2013-05-16 |
ZOZO Inc3092 | 376.57% | 2.199 | 24.14% | 29 | 2008-05-21 |
Treasure Factory Co Ltd3093 | 435.17% | 2.804 | 30.43% | 23 | 2008-12-15 |
Super Value Co Ltd3094 | 231.93% | 1.865 | 25% | 24 | 2017-02-28 |
Ocean System Corp3096 | 51.29% | 2.189 | 25% | 4 | 2008-06-27 |
Monogatari Corp3097 | 322.78% | 3.891 | 40% | 15 | 2012-12-28 |
Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.3099 | 131.02% | 1.825 | 21.43% | 14 | 2008-06-30 |
Toyobo Co., Ltd.3101 | 38.89% | 1.258 | 15.38% | 13 | 2003-07-17 |
Unitika, Ltd.3103 | 157.08% | 1.489 | 19.23% | 26 | 2003-02-05 |
Fujibo Holdings Inc3104 | 285.2% | 2.286 | 23.81% | 21 | 2003-02-19 |
Nisshinbo Holdings Inc.3105 | 188.66% | 1.857 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-05-12 |
Kurabo Industries Ltd3106 | 108.8% | 1.584 | 17.65% | 17 | 2003-12-22 |
Daiwabo Holdings Co Ltd3107 | 427.75% | 3.034 | 33.33% | 21 | 2006-01-19 |
Shikibo Ltd3109 | 187.8% | 2.139 | 26.67% | 15 | 2003-12-25 |
Nitto Boseki Co., Ltd.3110 | 246.66% | 1.84 | 21.43% | 28 | 2002-09-05 |
Omikenshi Co Ltd3111 | 263.9% | 1.741 | 20% | 30 | 2004-07-07 |
Oak Capital Corp3113 | 166.05% | 1.28 | 15.22% | 46 | 2009-03-24 |
Toyota Boshoku Corp3116 | 239.65% | 1.738 | 21.43% | 28 | 2004-07-29 |
MBK Co Ltd3121 | 298.89% | 1.502 | 18.75% | 48 | 2004-04-12 |
Saibo Co Ltd3123 | 60.26% | 1.449 | 20% | 10 | 2004-04-07 |
Shinden Hightex Corp3131 | 170.81% | 2.235 | 28.57% | 14 | 2017-04-10 |
Macnica Fuji Electronics Holdings Inc3132 | 101.21% | 2.213 | 25% | 8 | 2015-08-17 |
Hamee Corp3134 | 275.76% | 2.289 | 25% | 20 | 2015-08-25 |
Marketenterprise Co Ltd3135 | 87.38% | 1.346 | 15% | 20 | 2015-12-18 |
Fundely Co Ltd3137 | -86.8% | 0.52 | 7.69% | 13 | 2015-10-22 |
Fujisan Magazine Service Co Ltd3138 | 78.12% | 1.681 | 20% | 10 | 2015-11-11 |
Lacto Japan Co Ltd3139 | 142.64% | 4.193 | 40% | 5 | 2016-08-26 |
Bruno Inc3140 | 65.21% | 1.226 | 15% | 20 | 2017-07-19 |
Welcia Holdings3141 | 414.91% | 6.947 | 50% | 10 | 2013-05-02 |
O Will Corporation3143 | 147.21% | 4.173 | 40% | 5 | 2009-04-10 |
Create SD Holdings Co Ltd3148 | 143.9% | 4.115 | 40% | 5 | 2009-09-10 |
Gremz Inc3150 | 612.65% | 3.691 | 34.78% | 23 | 2009-10-07 |
Vital Ksk Holdings Inc3151 | 82.43% | 6.65 | 50% | 2 | 2009-09-28 |
Yashima Denki Co Ltd3153 | 140.23% | 3.419 | 33.33% | 6 | 2009-10-02 |
Medius Holdings Co Ltd3154 | 141.71% | 3.434 | 33.33% | 6 | 2010-03-05 |
Restar Holdings Corp3156 | 11.25% | 1.129 | 14.29% | 7 | 2010-02-10 |
Jutec Holdings Corp3157 | 151.03% | 3.629 | 33.33% | 6 | 2011-05-24 |
Maruzen CHI Holdings Co Ltd3159 | 38.99% | 1.653 | 20% | 5 | 2010-10-06 |
Oomitsu Co Ltd3160 | 122.48% | 1.747 | 35.29% | 17 | 2017-07-11 |
Azearth Corp3161 | 172.61% | 2.332 | 25% | 12 | 2020-03-10 |
Tokai Holdings Corp3167 | 141.78% | 3.407 | 33.33% | 6 | 2012-05-14 |
Kurotani Corp3168 | 239.91% | 2.57 | 28.57% | 14 | 2012-03-07 |
Misawa & Co Ltd3169 | 161.18% | 2.205 | 25% | 12 | 2012-07-25 |
Tea Life Co Ltd3172 | 206.84% | 3.216 | 33.33% | 9 | 2012-07-26 |
Cominix Co Ltd3173 | 111.19% | 2.394 | 28.57% | 7 | 2012-07-11 |
Happiness and D Co Ltd3174 | 78.77% | 1.56 | 18.18% | 11 | 2012-09-24 |
Sanyo Trading Co Ltd3176 | 119.86% | 2.653 | 28.57% | 7 | 2013-04-02 |
Arigatou Services Co Ltd3177 | 37.01% | 1.683 | 20% | 5 | 2013-04-02 |
Chimney Co Ltd3178 | 43.18% | 1.767 | 20% | 5 | 2013-06-28 |
Syuppin Co Ltd3179 | 173.39% | 1.814 | 22.22% | 18 | 2014-07-15 |
Beauty Garage Inc3180 | 368.84% | 2.713 | 28.57% | 21 | 2013-06-14 |
Kaitori Okoku Co Ltd3181 | 165.91% | 2.187 | 25% | 12 | 2013-11-06 |
Oisix Inc3182 | 152.31% | 2.115 | 25% | 12 | 2013-06-28 |
Win-Partners Co Ltd3183 | 144.04% | 3.455 | 33.33% | 6 | 2013-12-03 |
Dream Vision Co Ltd3185 | 234.71% | 1.602 | 16.67% | 30 | 2013-10-08 |
Nextage Co Ltd3186 | 367.17% | 3.775 | 38.46% | 13 | 2013-10-31 |
Sanwa Company Ltd3187 | 103.83% | 1.521 | 18.75% | 16 | 2013-12-19 |
ANAP3189 | 261.37% | 2.093 | 23.81% | 21 | 2014-05-20 |
Hotman Co Ltd3190 | 65.07% | 2.821 | 33.33% | 3 | 2014-09-25 |
Joyful Honda Co Ltd3191 | 57.06% | 2.414 | 25% | 4 | 2014-07-23 |
Shirohato Co Ltd3192 | 97% | 1.821 | 27.27% | 11 | 2021-11-08 |
Torikizoku Co Ltd3193 | 200.76% | 3.235 | 33.33% | 9 | 2014-12-15 |
Generation Pass Co Ltd3195 | 51.86% | 1.198 | 19.05% | 21 | 2016-06-28 |
HotLand Co Ltd3196 | -71.76% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2015-06-08 |
Skylark Co Ltd3197 | -14.71% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2015-06-23 |
SFP Dining Co Ltd3198 | -43.12% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2015-07-09 |
Watahan Co Ltd3199 | 184.36% | 2.504 | 33.33% | 12 | 2018-04-23 |
Japan Wool Textile Co Ltd3201 | 106.31% | 2.177 | 25% | 8 | 2002-05-10 |
Daito Woolen Spinning & Weaving Co Ltd3202 | 297.39% | 2.404 | 26.32% | 19 | 2003-12-24 |
Toabo Corp3204 | 192.74% | 2.011 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-12-26 |
Yossix Co Ltd3221 | 11.22% | 1.132 | 14.29% | 7 | 2015-09-09 |
United Super Markets Holdings Inc3222 | -31.72% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2015-06-22 |
SLD Entertainment Inc3223 | -17.64% | 0.841 | 11.11% | 9 | 2015-08-17 |
Sanei Architecture Planning Co Ltd3228 | 191.74% | 2.911 | 30% | 10 | 2012-10-29 |
Nomura Real Estate Holding Inc3231 | 63.53% | 1.488 | 16.67% | 12 | 2007-01-30 |
Mie Kotsu Group Holdings Inc3232 | -30.99% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2015-07-31 |
Properst Co Ltd3236 | 204.05% | 1.231 | 16.42% | 67 | 2013-05-01 |
Intrance Co Ltd3237 | 335.01% | 1.643 | 19.51% | 41 | 2007-05-15 |
Central General Development Co Ltd3238 | 253.05% | 1.473 | 20% | 40 | 2007-12-26 |
Urbanet Corporation Co Ltd3242 | 172.72% | 1.737 | 22.22% | 18 | 2008-01-08 |
Samty Co Ltd3244 | 330.82% | 1.905 | 23.33% | 30 | 2007-11-05 |
Dear Life Co Ltd3245 | 427.79% | 2.455 | 28% | 25 | 2007-12-14 |
Kose RE Co Ltd3246 | 246.35% | 2.687 | 30.77% | 13 | 2012-10-25 |
Early Age Co Ltd3248 | 133.61% | 1.529 | 21.05% | 19 | 2009-03-02 |
Jinushi Co Ltd3252 | -29.16% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2015-04-01 |
Pressance Corp3254 | 433.21% | 3.909 | 41.18% | 17 | 2013-02-19 |
Grandes Inc3261 | 18.81% | 1.248 | 16.67% | 6 | 2015-05-14 |
Ascot Corp3264 | 450.26% | 1.953 | 23.08% | 39 | 2008-12-04 |
Fund Creation Group Co Ltd3266 | 183.49% | 1.688 | 19.05% | 21 | 2009-09-28 |
Phil Company Inc3267 | -9.74% | 0.947 | 12.5% | 16 | 2017-03-15 |
Global Ltd3271 | -83.86% | 0.546 | 8.33% | 12 | 2013-02-04 |
Housecom Corp3275 | 207.01% | 3.321 | 33.33% | 9 | 2011-10-06 |
Japan Property Management Center Co Ltd3276 | 133.33% | 1.862 | 23.08% | 13 | 2013-04-05 |
Sansei Landic Co Ltd3277 | 122.97% | 1.726 | 21.43% | 14 | 2012-03-30 |
STrust Co Ltd3280 | 10.59% | 1.12 | 14.29% | 7 | 2013-07-12 |
Hoosiers Holdings3284 | 8.76% | 1.1 | 14.29% | 7 | 2013-08-01 |
Trust Holdings Inc3286 | 42.24% | 1.486 | 16.67% | 6 | 2013-10-07 |
Open House Co Ltd3288 | 358.17% | 4.993 | 41.67% | 12 | 2014-01-17 |
Tokyu Fudosan3289 | -61.6% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2014-01-15 |
Iida Group Holdings Co Ltd3291 | 84.77% | 1.856 | 22.22% | 9 | 2014-02-20 |
Azuma House Co Ltd3293 | 13.04% | 1.439 | 50% | 4 | 2018-03-12 |
e’grand Co Ltd3294 | 91.89% | 1.891 | 22.22% | 9 | 2014-04-11 |
Toubujyuhan Co Ltd3297 | 50.38% | 2.108 | 25% | 4 | 2014-09-02 |
Mugen Estate Co Ltd3299 | -55.48% | 0.64 | 10% | 10 | 2015-02-26 |
Ambition Corporation3300 | 105.37% | 1.525 | 18.75% | 16 | 2014-12-24 |
Teikoku Sen-I Co Ltd3302 | 315.24% | 4.852 | 40% | 10 | 2003-12-26 |
Nihon Seima Co Ltd3306 | 356.41% | 2.521 | 28.57% | 21 | 2003-12-25 |
Nippon Coke & Engineering Ltd3315 | 2.54% | 1.006 | 13.79% | 29 | 2004-10-27 |
Tokyo Nissan Computer System Co Ltd3316 | 282.07% | 2.198 | 25% | 20 | 2006-07-14 |
Flying Garden Co Ltd3317 | -33.96% | 0.861 | 15.79% | 19 | 2017-11-08 |
Golf Digest Online Inc3319 | 278.51% | 1.662 | 20.59% | 34 | 2004-08-19 |
Cross Plus Inc3320 | 29.01% | 1.122 | 20% | 20 | 2021-02-19 |
Mitachi Co Ltd3321 | 93.92% | 1.368 | 15% | 20 | 2004-07-28 |
Alpha Group Inc3322 | 128.42% | 1.485 | 19.05% | 21 | 2006-05-18 |
Recomm Co Ltd3323 | 222.39% | 1.313 | 16% | 50 | 2007-03-06 |
Runsystem Co Ltd3326 | 263.21% | 1.663 | 18.75% | 32 | 2006-01-20 |
Beenos Inc3328 | 232.62% | 1.315 | 17.46% | 63 | 2013-05-09 |
Towa Food Service Co Ltd3329 | 40.01% | 1.205 | 31.25% | 16 | 2006-02-15 |
Asahi Co Ltd3333 | 98.23% | 2.088 | 25% | 8 | 2006-06-13 |
Nihon Chouzai Co Ltd3341 | 234.82% | 1.978 | 23.81% | 21 | 2005-03-14 |
Trust Co Ltd3347 | 199.96% | 1.634 | 20% | 25 | 2005-03-30 |
Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp3349 | 433.03% | 4.528 | 42.86% | 14 | 2005-02-22 |
Red Planet Japan Inc3350 | 177.24% | 1.23 | 14.75% | 61 | 2007-03-16 |
Buffalo Co Ltd3352 | 77.44% | 1.342 | 21.05% | 19 | 2019-06-21 |
Kuriyama Holdings Corp3355 | 215.35% | 1.763 | 21.74% | 23 | 2013-03-29 |
Terilogy Holdings Corp3356 | 102.73% | 1.15 | 17.31% | 52 | 2018-10-25 |
Y.S.Food Co Ltd3358 | 236.36% | 1.891 | 22.73% | 22 | 2006-03-09 |
Cotta Co Ltd3359 | 56.98% | 1.225 | 19.05% | 21 | 2013-12-17 |
Ship Healthcare Holdings Inc3360 | 300.73% | 2.604 | 29.41% | 17 | 2005-08-22 |
Toell Co Ltd3361 | 52.57% | 2.159 | 25% | 4 | 2013-09-09 |
Fujita Corporation Co Ltd3370 | 394.42% | 1.938 | 22.22% | 36 | 2006-02-21 |
Softcreate Holdings Corp3371 | 344.47% | 9.374 | 57.14% | 7 | 2010-04-07 |
Kanmonkai Co Ltd3372 | 95.2% | 1.289 | 16% | 25 | 2006-02-14 |
Naigai Tec Corp3374 | 417.54% | 2.251 | 25.81% | 31 | 2017-07-19 |
Zoa Corp3375 | 49.94% | 1.34 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-02-21 |
Bike O & Co Ltd3377 | 22.25% | 1.08 | 15% | 20 | 2006-11-24 |
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.3382 | 4.89% | 1.065 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-02-17 |
Cosmo Bio Co Ltd3386 | 263.59% | 1.764 | 20% | 30 | 2006-05-18 |
Create Restaurants Holdings Inc3387 | 429.04% | 2.291 | 31.03% | 29 | 2014-09-04 |
Meiji Electric Industries Co Ltd3388 | 88.94% | 1.437 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-06-13 |
Tsuruha Holdings Inc3391 | 157.06% | 2.45 | 27.27% | 11 | 2006-05-10 |
Delica Foods Co Ltd3392 | 195.38% | 1.972 | 27.78% | 18 | 2006-04-26 |
Startia Inc3393 | 147.98% | 1.269 | 16.28% | 43 | 2010-07-23 |
Saint Marc Holdings Co Ltd3395 | -53.24% | 0.636 | 8.33% | 12 | 2006-07-04 |
Felissimo Corp3396 | 43.07% | 1.249 | 20% | 15 | 2014-08-28 |
Toridoll Corp3397 | 349.66% | 3.266 | 33.33% | 15 | 2006-05-26 |
Maruchiyo Yamaokaya Corp3399 | 187.93% | 1.915 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-06-01 |
Teijin Ltd.3401 | 121.39% | 1.722 | 20% | 15 | 2002-12-11 |
Toray Industries, Inc.3402 | 158.96% | 2.064 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-12-11 |
Kuraray Co., Ltd.3405 | 151.3% | 2.134 | 25% | 12 | 2002-10-09 |
Asahi Kasei Corp.3407 | 174.13% | 1.552 | 19.23% | 26 | 1990-06-25 |
Kitanihon Spinning Co Ltd3409 | 566.1% | 2.953 | 34.48% | 29 | 2019-06-21 |
Tokyo Base Co Ltd3415 | 231.86% | 1.86 | 21.74% | 23 | 2015-12-28 |
Pixta Inc3416 | -53.68% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2016-03-28 |
Ohki Healthcare Holdings Co Ltd3417 | 82.73% | 1.548 | 16.67% | 12 | 2017-01-05 |
Balnibarbi Co Ltd3418 | 143.44% | 3.462 | 33.33% | 6 | 2016-02-10 |
KFC Ltd3420 | 138.45% | 3.275 | 33.33% | 6 | 2005-02-24 |
Inaba Seisakusho Co Ltd3421 | -35.98% | 0.724 | 10% | 10 | 2002-10-25 |
J Max Co Ltd3422 | -29.08% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-09-17 |
S E Corp3423 | 159.04% | 2.131 | 25% | 12 | 2006-02-14 |
Atom Livin Tech Co Ltd3426 | 28.04% | 1.395 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-02-20 |
Miyaji Engineering Group Inc3431 | 395.47% | 2.524 | 28% | 25 | 2006-02-21 |
Tocalo Co Ltd3433 | 281.62% | 2.168 | 23.81% | 21 | 2004-05-19 |
Alpha Corp3434 | 41.28% | 1.167 | 18.18% | 22 | 2004-09-14 |
Sanko Techno Co Ltd3435 | 169.33% | 1.788 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-02-21 |
SUMCO Corp.3436 | 113.22% | 1.239 | 15.38% | 39 | 2006-04-26 |
Mitsuchi Corp3439 | 194.22% | 2.902 | 30% | 10 | 2008-01-17 |
Nisso Pronity Co Ltd3440 | 39.99% | 1.678 | 20% | 5 | 2020-01-21 |
Sanno Co Ltd3441 | 366.33% | 2.116 | 24.14% | 29 | 2008-03-14 |
Kawada Technologies Inc3443 | 167.44% | 2.529 | 30.77% | 13 | 2010-02-02 |
Kikuchi Seisakusho Co Ltd3444 | 49.7% | 1.187 | 15% | 20 | 2012-03-15 |
RS Technologies Co Ltd3445 | 231.63% | 2.707 | 28.57% | 14 | 2015-09-17 |
JTEC Corp3446 | -34.39% | 0.722 | 9.09% | 11 | 2018-05-31 |
Shinwa Co3447 | -29.75% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-06-20 |
Technoflex Corp3449 | -13.42% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-12-17 |
B-Lot Company Limited3452 | -6.52% | 0.968 | 14.29% | 14 | 2015-08-05 |
First Brothers Co Ltd3454 | 59.31% | 1.428 | 18.18% | 11 | 2015-06-09 |
House Do Co Ltd3457 | 302.89% | 2.665 | 27.78% | 18 | 2015-07-30 |
CRE Inc3458 | 227.68% | 4.792 | 42.86% | 7 | 2015-07-28 |
Palma Co Ltd3461 | 11.76% | 1.063 | 14.29% | 14 | 2015-12-09 |
Property Agent Inc3464 | 110.16% | 1.633 | 20% | 15 | 2016-06-08 |
Ki-Star Real Estate Co Ltd3465 | 149.59% | 2.278 | 27.27% | 11 | 2016-06-17 |
Agratio Urban Design Inc3467 | 165.47% | 2.377 | 27.27% | 11 | 2016-08-19 |
Dualtap Co Ltd3469 | 246.29% | 2.341 | 25% | 16 | 2016-11-09 |
G-Factory Co Ltd3474 | 28.51% | 1.162 | 15.38% | 13 | 2017-04-14 |
Good Com Asset Co Ltd3475 | 183.2% | 2.682 | 30% | 10 | 2017-04-10 |
Forlife Co Ltd3477 | 75.58% | 1.688 | 25% | 8 | 2017-11-20 |
TKP Corp3479 | 75.84% | 1.644 | 18.18% | 11 | 2018-03-06 |
JSB Co Ltd3480 | 58.34% | 2.47 | 25% | 4 | 2018-03-16 |
Loadstar Capital KK3482 | 129.53% | 3.205 | 33.33% | 6 | 2018-03-05 |
Tenpo Innovation Co Ltd3484 | -14.63% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2018-05-15 |
Global Link Management Inc3486 | -53.72% | 0.629 | 10% | 10 | 2018-04-12 |
FaithNetwork Co Ltd3489 | -4.38% | 0.953 | 14.29% | 7 | 2018-07-09 |
Azplanning Co3490 | 43.6% | 1.776 | 20% | 5 | 2018-07-06 |
GA Technologies Co Ltd3491 | 122.04% | 1.754 | 25% | 12 | 2018-12-27 |
Mullion Co Ltd3494 | -43.06% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2018-12-19 |
Koryojyuhan Co Ltd3495 | 70.25% | 3.473 | 33.33% | 3 | 2018-12-13 |
AZOOM Co Ltd3496 | 159.8% | 2.216 | 23.08% | 13 | 2018-12-21 |
LeTech Corp3497 | 21.94% | 1.293 | 16.67% | 6 | 2019-04-03 |
Kasumigaseki Capital Co Ltd3498 | 234.78% | 2.493 | 26.67% | 15 | 2019-03-28 |
Suminoe Textile Co Ltd3501 | 86.51% | 1.508 | 20% | 15 | 2004-11-29 |
Nippon Felt Co Ltd3512 | 68.17% | 3.342 | 33.33% | 3 | 2003-01-16 |
Ichikawa Co Ltd3513 | 82.35% | 1.696 | 20% | 10 | 2002-11-21 |
Econach Holdings Co Ltd3521 | 367.66% | 2.061 | 24.14% | 29 | 2003-11-12 |
Nitto Seimo Co Ltd3524 | 231.27% | 2.05 | 25% | 20 | 2003-09-18 |
Ashimori Industry Co Ltd3526 | 102.98% | 1.434 | 19.05% | 21 | 2002-12-20 |
Mirainovate Co Ltd3528 | 126.65% | 1.241 | 17.07% | 41 | 2003-07-07 |
Atsugi Co Ltd3529 | -48.16% | 0.671 | 9.09% | 11 | 2003-09-24 |
Axas Holdings Co Ltd3536 | 94.62% | 1.865 | 22.22% | 9 | 2016-06-03 |
Shoei Yakuhin Co Ltd3537 | 66.55% | 3.236 | 33.33% | 3 | 2016-06-28 |
Willplus Holdings Co Ltd3538 | 119.62% | 2.364 | 25% | 8 | 2016-12-27 |
JM Holdings Co Ltd3539 | 17.34% | 1.258 | 16.67% | 6 | 2016-07-26 |
C.I. MEDICAL CO Ltd3540 | -7.91% | 0.925 | 10% | 10 | 2018-04-10 |
Nousouken Corp3541 | 111.39% | 1.553 | 18.75% | 16 | 2016-11-11 |
Vega Corporation Co Ltd3542 | -5.43% | 0.979 | 10.53% | 19 | 2017-03-15 |
Komeda Holdings Co Ltd3543 | -26.86% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2017-05-02 |
Satudora Holdings Co Ltd3544 | -37.91% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2017-08-25 |
Alleanza Holdings Co Ltd3546 | 104.6% | 2.145 | 25% | 8 | 2016-12-02 |
Kushikatsu Tanaka Co3547 | 55.53% | 1.449 | 18.18% | 11 | 2017-12-25 |
Baroque Japan Ltd3548 | -44.64% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2017-04-04 |
Kusuri No Aoki Holdings Co Ltd3549 | -9.74% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2017-09-21 |
Studio Atao Co Ltd3550 | 27.39% | 1.166 | 15.38% | 13 | 2017-03-06 |
Dynic Corp3551 | 105.04% | 1.558 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-11-19 |
Kyowa Leather Cloth Co Ltd3553 | 68.15% | 1.637 | 30% | 10 | 2003-11-26 |
Renet Japan Group Inc3556 | 135.25% | 1.898 | 23.08% | 13 | 2017-03-28 |
United & Collective Co Ltd3557 | -52.38% | 0.643 | 9.09% | 11 | 2017-06-15 |
Locondo Inc3558 | 70.32% | 1.345 | 17.65% | 17 | 2017-07-10 |
P-Ban.Com Corp3559 | 57.03% | 1.375 | 16.67% | 12 | 2017-06-13 |
Chikaranomoto Holdings Co Ltd3561 | 5.92% | 1.07 | 14.29% | 7 | 2017-06-20 |
No.1 Co Ltd3562 | 139.67% | 1.83 | 21.43% | 14 | 2017-07-19 |
Food & Life Companies Ltd3563 | 135.99% | 3.002 | 28.57% | 7 | 2018-02-09 |
Ascentech KK3565 | 59.15% | 1.452 | 18.18% | 11 | 2017-12-20 |
UNIFORM NEXT Co LTD3566 | 12.72% | 1.152 | 14.29% | 7 | 2017-10-20 |
Seiren Co Ltd3569 | 325.37% | 2.99 | 31.25% | 16 | 2002-11-19 |
Sotoh Co Ltd3571 | -69.24% | 0.097 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-09-21 |
Tokai Senko KK3577 | 215.5% | 1.778 | 20.83% | 24 | 2002-05-10 |
Soko Seiren Co Ltd3578 | 86.63% | 1.291 | 18.18% | 22 | 2005-04-20 |
Komatsu Seiren Co Ltd3580 | 164.94% | 2.25 | 25% | 12 | 2004-06-29 |
Hogy Medical Co Ltd3593 | 68.83% | 3.54 | 33.33% | 3 | 2003-06-19 |
Jichodo Co Ltd3597 | 95.43% | 2.192 | 25% | 8 | 2003-01-14 |
Yamaki Co Ltd3598 | 126.7% | 1.704 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-03-01 |
Kawamoto Corp3604 | 233.21% | 2.404 | 31.25% | 16 | 2020-04-20 |
TSI Holdings Co Ltd3608 | 95.33% | 1.891 | 22.22% | 9 | 2012-01-13 |
World Co Ltd3612 | -28.61% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2019-01-21 |
Netyear Group Corp3622 | 369.74% | 1.63 | 20% | 45 | 2008-07-14 |
Billing System Corp3623 | 278.31% | 1.484 | 19.57% | 46 | 2013-09-04 |
Axel Mark Inc3624 | 245.76% | 1.323 | 18.33% | 60 | 2016-05-11 |
Techfirm Holdings Inc3625 | 379.88% | 2.049 | 25% | 32 | 2008-07-16 |
TIS Inc3626 | 333.78% | 6.962 | 50% | 8 | 2008-10-10 |
Jns Holdings Inc3627 | 360.83% | 2.024 | 22.58% | 31 | 2009-06-08 |
Data Horizon Co Ltd3628 | 562.72% | 2.592 | 28.13% | 32 | 2009-03-30 |
Gree Inc3632 | 139.63% | 1.566 | 19.05% | 21 | 2009-03-25 |
GMO Pepabo Inc3633 | 362.7% | 2.389 | 26.92% | 26 | 2009-09-17 |
Sockets Inc3634 | 168.45% | 1.485 | 17.86% | 28 | 2009-07-14 |
Koei Tecmo Holdings Co Ltd3635 | 338.48% | 6.692 | 50% | 8 | 2009-07-14 |
Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc3636 | 189.5% | 3.75 | 37.5% | 8 | 2010-01-14 |
Voltage Inc3639 | 94.24% | 1.312 | 16.67% | 24 | 2010-11-18 |
Papyless Co Ltd3641 | 274.78% | 1.807 | 22.22% | 27 | 2010-10-15 |
Medical Net Inc3645 | 354.34% | 2.189 | 24% | 25 | 2011-05-17 |
Ekitan & Co Ltd3646 | 48.27% | 1.25 | 18.75% | 16 | 2011-06-20 |
G Three Holdings Corp3647 | 58.42% | 1.168 | 14.81% | 27 | 2011-08-04 |
AGS Corp3648 | 153.29% | 4.512 | 40% | 5 | 2011-11-04 |
Findex Inc3649 | 436.45% | 2.248 | 25.81% | 31 | 2011-11-07 |
Digital Media Professionals Inc3652 | 171.92% | 1.487 | 18.18% | 33 | 2011-09-27 |
Morpho Inc3653 | 406.4% | 2.157 | 24.24% | 33 | 2011-10-21 |
BrainPad Inc3655 | 312.04% | 2.644 | 27.78% | 18 | 2012-07-02 |
KLab Inc3656 | 49.88% | 1.117 | 15.15% | 33 | 2012-05-02 |
Poletowin Pitcrew Holdings Inc3657 | 254.27% | 2.954 | 30.77% | 13 | 2012-02-29 |
Nexon Co Ltd3659 | 188.54% | 2.894 | 30% | 10 | 2012-05-21 |
Istyle Inc3660 | 212.73% | 1.64 | 21.43% | 28 | 2022-10-04 |
M-up Inc3661 | 332.08% | 2.114 | 26.92% | 26 | 2017-06-12 |
Ateam Inc3662 | 12.28% | 1.043 | 13.64% | 22 | 2012-11-08 |
CELSYS Inc3663 | 511.11% | 2.816 | 30.77% | 26 | 2012-07-25 |
Mobcast Holdings Inc3664 | 155.18% | 1.421 | 17.86% | 28 | 2012-11-01 |
Enigmo Inc3665 | 253.81% | 2.062 | 25% | 20 | 2012-11-19 |
Tecnos Japan Inc3666 | 26.02% | 1.096 | 14.29% | 21 | 2013-04-02 |
Enish Inc3667 | -71.32% | 0.852 | 10.81% | 37 | 2013-05-24 |
Colopl Inc3668 | -62.63% | 0.739 | 10.53% | 19 | 2013-05-24 |
Kyoritsu Computer & Communication Co Ltd3670 | -29.11% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2013-12-24 |
Softmax Co Ltd3671 | 197.92% | 2.048 | 23.53% | 17 | 2013-06-27 |
AltPlus Inc3672 | 132.46% | 1.378 | 17.86% | 28 | 2013-11-05 |
Broadleaf Co Ltd3673 | 69.67% | 1.567 | 20% | 10 | 2013-07-17 |
Aucfan Co Ltd3674 | 17.25% | 1.045 | 14.81% | 27 | 2013-08-21 |
Cross Marketing Group Inc3675 | 188.47% | 1.972 | 25% | 16 | 2013-11-07 |
Hearts United Group Co Ltd3676 | 156.76% | 2.2 | 25% | 12 | 2014-01-29 |
System Information Co Ltd3677 | 328.72% | 2.74 | 33.33% | 18 | 2014-02-06 |
Media Do Co Ltd3678 | 131.83% | 1.569 | 18.18% | 22 | 2014-03-18 |
Zigexn3679 | 50.96% | 1.205 | 15.79% | 19 | 2014-03-17 |
Hotto Link Inc3680 | 95.68% | 1.431 | 16.67% | 18 | 2014-03-18 |
V-cube Inc3681 | 18.27% | 1.068 | 14.29% | 21 | 2014-03-14 |
Encourage Technologies Co Ltd3682 | -19.72% | 0.835 | 14.29% | 7 | 2014-03-19 |
Cyberlinks Co Ltd3683 | 59.78% | 1.272 | 16.67% | 18 | 2014-10-02 |
Dle Inc3686 | -67.24% | 0.828 | 11.11% | 27 | 2014-10-31 |
Fixstars Corporation3687 | 180.43% | 1.913 | 23.53% | 17 | 2015-02-09 |
Carta Holdings Inc3688 | 140.68% | 2.028 | 23.08% | 13 | 2015-01-19 |
YRGLM Inc3690 | -11.62% | 0.942 | 12.5% | 16 | 2015-04-01 |
Digital Plus Inc3691 | 223.7% | 2.212 | 23.53% | 17 | 2014-12-25 |
Ffri Inc3692 | 66.59% | 1.317 | 16.67% | 18 | 2015-05-08 |
OPTiM Corp3694 | 106.81% | 1.589 | 18.75% | 16 | 2015-08-05 |
Gmo Research Inc3695 | 140.7% | 2.114 | 25% | 12 | 2015-01-27 |
Ceres Inc3696 | 231.16% | 1.977 | 22.73% | 22 | 2015-04-22 |
Shift Inc3697 | 391.36% | 5.065 | 41.67% | 12 | 2015-03-05 |
Cri Middleware Co Ltd3698 | 78.42% | 1.389 | 17.65% | 17 | 2015-04-28 |
Tokushu Tokai Paper Co Ltd3708 | 50.08% | 2.062 | 20% | 5 | 2007-08-16 |
Jorudan Co Ltd3710 | 255.86% | 2.125 | 25% | 20 | 2007-02-28 |
Information Planning Co Ltd3712 | 232.75% | 2.455 | 31.25% | 16 | 2018-02-02 |
Gexeed Co Ltd3719 | 331.82% | 1.548 | 18.75% | 48 | 2006-01-24 |
Nihon Falcom Corp3723 | 277.57% | 1.568 | 17.5% | 40 | 2004-07-16 |
4cs Hd Co Ltd3726 | 116.32% | 1.241 | 16.22% | 37 | 2004-05-12 |
Aplix Corp3727 | 16.01% | 1.02 | 12.5% | 64 | 2004-06-22 |
Software Service Inc3733 | 282.95% | 2.117 | 25% | 24 | 2007-02-13 |
T Gaia Corp3738 | 231.93% | 1.934 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-09-15 |
Systems Engineering Consultants Co Ltd3741 | 120.26% | 1.496 | 19.05% | 21 | 2006-01-23 |
SIOS Technology Inc3744 | 370.25% | 1.566 | 19.23% | 52 | 2005-03-29 |
Intertrade Co Ltd3747 | 117.92% | 2.977 | 33.33% | 6 | 2004-12-29 |
Cytori Cell Research Institute Inc3750 | 535% | 2.338 | 26.32% | 38 | 2005-04-13 |
Flight Holdings Inc3753 | 228.61% | 1.271 | 16.92% | 65 | 2013-12-03 |
Aeria Inc3758 | 384.52% | 1.614 | 20% | 50 | 2017-03-03 |
Cave Interactive Co Ltd3760 | 621.55% | 1.999 | 24.07% | 54 | 2014-02-06 |
Techmatrix Corp3762 | 417.08% | 8.462 | 55.56% | 9 | 2011-03-15 |
Pro-Ship Inc3763 | 225.44% | 2.242 | 25% | 16 | 2008-11-26 |
GungHo Online Entertainment Inc3765 | 203.34% | 1.57 | 20.69% | 29 | 2013-08-27 |
Systems Design Co Ltd3766 | 35.82% | 1.202 | 15.38% | 13 | 2006-02-15 |
Riskmonster.com3768 | 273.55% | 2.126 | 27.27% | 22 | 2013-05-17 |
GMO Payment Gateway Inc3769 | 634.85% | 3.56 | 37.5% | 24 | 2005-11-30 |
Zappallas Inc3770 | -83.53% | 0.69 | 10% | 20 | 2005-09-01 |
System Research Co Ltd3771 | 163.38% | 2.287 | 27.27% | 11 | 2006-02-07 |
Wealth Management Inc3772 | 322.74% | 1.481 | 19.23% | 52 | 2005-09-28 |
Advanced Media Inc3773 | 236.6% | 1.351 | 16.67% | 54 | 2006-01-24 |
Internet Initiative Japan Inc3774 | 356.77% | 2.493 | 27.27% | 22 | 2006-04-18 |
BroadBand Tower Inc3776 | 499.75% | 1.942 | 23.26% | 43 | 2007-03-19 |
FHT Holdings Corp3777 | 370.56% | 1.423 | 17.91% | 67 | 2009-02-20 |
Sakura Internet Inc3778 | 188.55% | 1.456 | 18.75% | 32 | 2006-05-17 |
J Escom Holdings Inc3779 | 486.74% | 2.024 | 24.39% | 41 | 2019-06-26 |
DDS Inc3782 | 472.38% | 1.477 | 18.92% | 74 | 2006-04-11 |
VINX Corp3784 | 328.6% | 2.021 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-04-07 |
Techno Mathematical Co Ltd3787 | 271.38% | 1.466 | 18% | 50 | 2006-09-14 |
GMO GlobalSign Holdings KK3788 | 252.14% | 1.49 | 19.15% | 47 | 2006-05-24 |
IG Port Inc3791 | -35.21% | 0.925 | 13.51% | 37 | 2006-04-18 |
Drecom Co Ltd3793 | 637.92% | 1.942 | 22.41% | 58 | 2006-06-01 |
e-Seikatsu Co Ltd3796 | 2.14% | 1.005 | 12.9% | 31 | 2006-07-19 |
ULS Group Inc3798 | 388.42% | 1.804 | 21.43% | 42 | 2013-03-11 |
Keyware Solutions Inc3799 | 188.18% | 1.636 | 20.83% | 24 | 2008-10-14 |
Unirita Inc3800 | 2% | 1.018 | 12.5% | 8 | 2006-08-29 |
Ecomic Co Ltd3802 | -14.83% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-09-02 |
Image Information Inc3803 | 232.88% | 1.535 | 18.18% | 33 | 2007-11-02 |
System D Inc3804 | 254.28% | 1.626 | 18.75% | 32 | 2007-04-20 |
Fisco Ltd3807 | 454.18% | 1.649 | 21.43% | 56 | 2007-05-15 |
Cyberstep Inc3810 | 373.61% | 1.469 | 17.46% | 63 | 2006-10-06 |
Alphax Food System Co Ltd3814 | 94.33% | 1.196 | 13.51% | 37 | 2007-02-13 |
Media Kobo Inc3815 | 122.43% | 1.251 | 16.67% | 36 | 2007-03-07 |
Daiwa Computer Co Ltd3816 | 408.13% | 4.308 | 42.86% | 14 | 2015-08-04 |
SRA Holdings Inc3817 | 128.21% | 1.831 | 21.43% | 14 | 2007-06-26 |
Why How Do Co Inc3823 | 164.81% | 1.209 | 14.75% | 61 | 2007-03-28 |
Remixpoint Inc3825 | 541.67% | 1.473 | 19.54% | 87 | 2017-07-06 |
System Integrator Corp3826 | 221.63% | 1.494 | 20% | 35 | 2007-04-26 |
Asahi Net Inc3834 | 106.39% | 2.204 | 25% | 8 | 2007-04-02 |
eBASE Co Ltd3835 | 342.38% | 1.901 | 21.88% | 32 | 2007-04-20 |
Avant Corp3836 | 440.29% | 2.79 | 30.43% | 23 | 2007-07-10 |
Ad-Sol Nissin Corp3837 | 525.18% | 3.446 | 33.33% | 21 | 2007-05-22 |
ODK Solutions Co Ltd3839 | 239.11% | 2.336 | 25% | 16 | 2007-08-07 |
Path Corp3840 | 221.54% | 1.252 | 16.18% | 68 | 2007-07-02 |
Jedat Inc3841 | 246.4% | 1.994 | 23.81% | 21 | 2007-06-25 |
Nextgen Inc3842 | 326.13% | 1.699 | 20.51% | 39 | 2007-09-19 |
FreeBit Co Ltd3843 | 262.63% | 1.668 | 20.59% | 34 | 2007-08-08 |
Comture Corp3844 | 397.2% | 6.464 | 50% | 10 | 2013-05-01 |
I-Freek Mobile Inc3845 | 436.9% | 1.751 | 21.74% | 46 | 2007-07-20 |
Pacific Systems Corp3847 | 141.42% | 4.404 | 40% | 5 | 2007-08-02 |
Data Applications Co Ltd3848 | 228.69% | 1.678 | 21.43% | 28 | 2007-08-20 |
NTT Data Intramart Corp3850 | 216.73% | 1.705 | 22.22% | 27 | 2013-05-24 |
Nippon Ichi Software Inc3851 | 525.63% | 2.686 | 27.59% | 29 | 2007-10-31 |
Cyber Com Co Ltd3852 | 248.24% | 2.046 | 23.81% | 21 | 2007-11-12 |
Asteria Corp3853 | 584.71% | 2.094 | 26.67% | 45 | 2016-06-27 |
I’LL Inc3854 | 443.85% | 2.127 | 27.27% | 33 | 2013-12-16 |
Abalance Corp3856 | 741.5% | 2.212 | 25.49% | 51 | 2008-03-12 |
LAC Co Ltd3857 | 311.55% | 2.056 | 23.08% | 26 | 2008-06-11 |
Ubiquitous Corp3858 | 92.84% | 1.153 | 16.67% | 48 | 2008-03-07 |
Oji Holdings Corp.3861 | 77.8% | 1.65 | 20% | 10 | 2003-05-06 |
Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd.3863 | -27.83% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2013-09-02 |
Mitsubishi Paper Mills, Ltd.3864 | -67.92% | 0.725 | 10.53% | 19 | 2003-05-06 |
Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co., Ltd.3865 | 74.1% | 1.579 | 20% | 10 | 2002-12-05 |
Chuetsu Pulp & Paper Co Ltd3877 | 134.52% | 1.84 | 21.43% | 14 | 2003-04-07 |
Tomoegawa Co Ltd3878 | 192.33% | 1.695 | 20.83% | 24 | 2002-12-11 |
Daio Paper Corp3880 | 57.55% | 1.429 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-05-16 |
Nippon Kodoshi Corp3891 | 217.3% | 1.598 | 20% | 30 | 2007-03-02 |
Okayama Paper Industries Co Ltd3892 | 98.4% | 2.204 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-12-21 |
Havix Corp3895 | 147.09% | 1.893 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-07-18 |
Awa Paper Mfg. Co Ltd3896 | 78.24% | 1.547 | 18.18% | 11 | 2015-12-11 |
Crowdworks Inc3900 | 173.82% | 1.82 | 22.22% | 18 | 2015-04-30 |
MarkLines Co Ltd3901 | 247.61% | 2.78 | 30.77% | 13 | 2015-05-28 |
Medical Data Vision Co Ltd3902 | 425.98% | 2.48 | 29.63% | 27 | 2020-12-09 |
Gumi Inc3903 | 36.35% | 1.138 | 14.29% | 21 | 2015-08-24 |
Kayac Inc3904 | 59.14% | 1.42 | 16.67% | 12 | 2015-04-21 |
Datasection Inc3905 | 28.4% | 1.113 | 15% | 20 | 2015-04-06 |
Albert Inc3906 | 202.91% | 1.701 | 19.23% | 26 | 2015-05-29 |
Silicon Studio Corp3907 | 86.45% | 1.285 | 15.38% | 26 | 2015-05-29 |
Collabos Corporation3908 | 48.39% | 1.283 | 15.38% | 13 | 2015-08-14 |
Showcase-Tv Inc3909 | 94.38% | 1.344 | 17.39% | 23 | 2015-06-22 |
MKSystem Corp3910 | 45.26% | 1.199 | 17.65% | 17 | 2015-08-17 |
Aiming Inc3911 | 67.44% | 1.284 | 15.79% | 19 | 2015-07-31 |
Mobile Factory Inc3912 | 148.81% | 2.999 | 28.57% | 7 | 2015-09-29 |
Smedio Inc3913 | 281.27% | 2.258 | 23.81% | 21 | 2015-07-09 |
Jig-Saw Inc3914 | 281.27% | 2.258 | 23.81% | 21 | 2015-08-26 |
Terrasky Co Ltd3915 | 84.5% | 1.397 | 16.67% | 18 | 2015-08-17 |
Digital Information Technologies Corp3916 | 99.47% | 2.094 | 25% | 8 | 2015-12-28 |
Iridge Inc3917 | 114.55% | 1.629 | 18.75% | 16 | 2016-01-20 |
PCI Holdings Inc3918 | 89.1% | 1.77 | 20% | 10 | 2015-11-27 |
Internetworking And Broadband Consulting Co Ltd3920 | 45.05% | 1.275 | 15.38% | 13 | 2016-02-15 |
NEOJAPAN Inc3921 | 33.89% | 1.202 | 14.29% | 14 | 2016-03-22 |
PR Times Inc3922 | 118.03% | 2.797 | 33.33% | 6 | 2016-11-04 |
Rakus Co Ltd3923 | 414.47% | 3.723 | 37.5% | 16 | 2016-06-17 |
R&D Computer Co Ltd3924 | 81.11% | 6.262 | 50% | 2 | 2016-04-04 |
Double Standard Inc3925 | 274.49% | 2.604 | 27.78% | 18 | 2016-06-17 |
Open Door Inc3926 | 88.89% | 1.452 | 18.75% | 16 | 2016-06-28 |
Fuva Brain Ltd3927 | 223.56% | 2.311 | 25% | 16 | 2016-04-06 |
Mynet Inc3928 | -72.96% | 0.728 | 10.53% | 19 | 2016-05-02 |
Socialwire Co Ltd3929 | 89.79% | 1.435 | 17.65% | 17 | 2016-05-20 |
Hatena Co Ltd3930 | -35.74% | 0.704 | 11.11% | 9 | 2016-06-17 |
Value Golf Inc3931 | 77.03% | 1.714 | 20% | 10 | 2016-06-17 |
Akatsuki Shoji Co Ltd3932 | -31.87% | 0.836 | 11.76% | 17 | 2016-06-28 |
CHIeru Co Ltd3933 | -3.92% | 0.981 | 12.5% | 16 | 2016-07-26 |
Benefit Japan Co Ltd3934 | 166.72% | 2.272 | 25% | 12 | 2016-08-12 |
Edia Co Ltd3935 | 33.31% | 1.12 | 13.64% | 22 | 2016-08-01 |
Globalway Inc3936 | 329.09% | 2.036 | 23.08% | 26 | 2016-08-24 |
Ubicom Holdings Inc3937 | 69.46% | 1.53 | 18.18% | 11 | 2016-09-26 |
Kanamic Network Co Ltd3939 | 195.63% | 2.905 | 30% | 10 | 2017-01-23 |
Nomura System Corporation Co Ltd3940 | 86.05% | 1.78 | 22.22% | 9 | 2017-01-18 |
Rengo Co Ltd3941 | 173.12% | 2.421 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-08-07 |
Furubayashi Shiko Co Ltd3944 | 151.9% | 2.193 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-05-12 |
Superbag Co Ltd3945 | 38.11% | 1.173 | 15.79% | 19 | 2006-02-24 |
Tomoku Co Ltd3946 | 38.13% | 1.658 | 20% | 5 | 2004-05-12 |
Dynapac Co Ltd3947 | -59.35% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2002-12-18 |
Hikari Business Form Co Ltd3948 | 107.61% | 1.701 | 23.08% | 13 | 2007-01-16 |
The Pack Corporation3950 | 248.44% | 5.409 | 42.86% | 7 | 2003-02-17 |
Asahi Printing Co Ltd3951 | 97.65% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2004-05-12 |
Ohmura Shigyo Co Ltd3953 | -39.36% | 0.729 | 9.09% | 11 | 2018-03-20 |
Showa Paxxs Corp3954 | 27.11% | 1.367 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-09-15 |
Imura Envelope Co Inc3955 | 197.13% | 2.829 | 30% | 10 | 2008-01-25 |
Silver Egg Technology Co Ltd3961 | -80.58% | 0.606 | 6.67% | 15 | 2017-02-02 |
Change Inc3962 | 287.42% | 2.443 | 28.57% | 21 | 2020-10-28 |
Synchro Food Co Ltd3963 | 85.44% | 1.389 | 17.65% | 17 | 2017-08-07 |
Aucnet Inc3964 | -3.21% | 0.967 | 12.5% | 8 | 2017-10-13 |
Capital Asset Planning Inc3965 | 55.73% | 1.237 | 15.79% | 19 | 2017-03-30 |
Uzabase Inc3966 | 158.96% | 1.783 | 21.05% | 19 | 2017-05-30 |
Eltes Co Ltd3967 | -81.47% | 0.543 | 7.14% | 14 | 2017-07-20 |
Segue Group Co Ltd3968 | -87.7% | 0.541 | 7.69% | 13 | 2017-03-31 |
Atled Corp3969 | 99.04% | 2.104 | 25% | 8 | 2018-04-23 |
Innovation Inc3970 | 23.29% | 1.142 | 14.29% | 14 | 2017-04-12 |
TBCSCAT Inc3974 | 7.16% | 1.08 | 14.29% | 7 | 2017-04-07 |
Shanon Inc3976 | 83.95% | 1.411 | 17.65% | 17 | 2017-05-17 |
Macromill Inc3978 | 2.83% | 1.028 | 12.5% | 8 | 2017-09-07 |
Uluru Co Ltd3979 | -47.69% | 0.665 | 9.09% | 11 | 2017-08-17 |
Beaglee Inc3981 | 62.09% | 1.497 | 20% | 10 | 2018-03-01 |
Oro Co Ltd3983 | 98.31% | 2.037 | 22.22% | 9 | 2017-07-10 |
User Local Inc3984 | 66.01% | 1.547 | 20% | 10 | 2017-08-16 |
Temona Inc3985 | 58.78% | 1.251 | 16.67% | 18 | 2017-10-12 |
bBreak Systems Co Ltd3986 | -78.23% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2017-10-26 |
SYS Holdings Co Ltd3988 | 121.35% | 2.043 | 22.22% | 9 | 2017-10-23 |
UUUM Co Ltd3990 | 53.44% | 1.239 | 15.79% | 19 | 2017-12-01 |
Wantedly Inc3991 | 197.41% | 2.255 | 28.57% | 14 | 2017-12-27 |
Needs Well Inc3992 | 29.36% | 1.378 | 16.67% | 6 | 2018-06-04 |
PKSHA Technology Inc3993 | -1.29% | 0.992 | 14.29% | 14 | 2018-03-26 |
Money Forward Inc3994 | 195.33% | 3.059 | 27.27% | 11 | 2017-12-29 |
SKiyaki Inc3995 | -63.45% | 0.748 | 10.53% | 19 | 2018-01-30 |
Signpost Corp3996 | 45.6% | 1.195 | 15.79% | 19 | 2018-03-07 |
Trade Works Co Ltd3997 | 50.08% | 1.347 | 16.67% | 12 | 2018-06-12 |
SuRaLa Net Co Ltd3998 | 49.62% | 1.222 | 15% | 20 | 2018-04-11 |
KnowledgeSuite Inc3999 | -19.1% | 0.834 | 12.5% | 8 | 2018-07-20 |
Showa Denko K.K.4004 | 179.05% | 1.651 | 20% | 25 | 2002-07-25 |
Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.4005 | 220.8% | 1.812 | 21.74% | 23 | 2002-07-25 |
Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co Ltd4008 | 141.36% | 1.627 | 18.18% | 22 | 2004-04-21 |
Headwaters Co Ltd4011 | -71.28% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-06-07 |
Axis Co Ltd4012 | -25.01% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-02-25 |
Kinjiro Co Ltd4013 | -85.1% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-01-29 |
Karadanote Inc4014 | -81.66% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-02-12 |
Mit Holdings Co Ltd4016 | -71.61% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-04-19 |
Stamen Co Ltd4019 | -58.59% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-07-29 |
Betrend Corp4020 | -28.32% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-07-08 |
Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd.4021 | 459.88% | 4.543 | 40% | 15 | 2003-05-06 |
Rasa Industries Ltd4022 | 194.06% | 1.508 | 18.18% | 33 | 2002-07-25 |
Kureha Corp4023 | 102.45% | 2.502 | 25% | 8 | 2002-08-09 |
Taki Chemical Co Ltd4025 | 170.73% | 2.846 | 30% | 10 | 2006-09-26 |
Konoshima Chemical Co4026 | 489.96% | 2.236 | 25% | 36 | 2004-11-08 |
Tayca Corp4027 | 99.03% | 2.039 | 25% | 8 | 2002-07-25 |
Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd4028 | 188.53% | 1.49 | 19.35% | 31 | 2002-09-05 |
Katakura Chikkarin Co Ltd4031 | 12.4% | 1.147 | 14.29% | 7 | 2003-12-16 |
Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.4041 | 210.91% | 2.369 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-09-24 |
Tosoh Corp.4042 | 303.76% | 2.094 | 25% | 24 | 2002-07-15 |
Tokuyama Corp.4043 | 154.56% | 1.505 | 18.52% | 27 | 2002-09-05 |
Central Glass Co Ltd4044 | 56.67% | 1.434 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-12-13 |
Toagosei Co Ltd4045 | 246.16% | 2.644 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-11-21 |
Osaka Soda Co Ltd4046 | 160.69% | 3.441 | 33.33% | 6 | 2002-07-02 |
Kanto Denka Kogyo Co Ltd4047 | 240.73% | 1.641 | 19.35% | 31 | 2002-11-21 |
Ficha Inc4052 | -30.71% | 0.761 | 10% | 10 | 2020-09-30 |
Sun Inc4053 | -71.62% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2020-11-18 |
T And S Inc4055 | -83.62% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2020-12-03 |
Interfactory Inc4057 | -15.18% | 0.866 | 11.11% | 9 | 2020-12-25 |
Toyokumo Inc4058 | -70.54% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2020-12-30 |
Magmag Inc4059 | -86.1% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-03-02 |
Rakumo Inc4060 | -58.52% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2020-12-30 |
Denka Co Ltd4061 | 281.37% | 2.491 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-09-24 |
Ibiden Co Ltd4062 | 194.25% | 1.558 | 18.75% | 32 | 2002-11-21 |
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.4063 | 241.02% | 5.334 | 44.44% | 9 | 2002-12-20 |
Nippon Carbide Industries Co Inc4064 | 133.39% | 1.426 | 18.52% | 27 | 2002-10-31 |
Basis Corp4068 | -31.27% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-11-26 |
BlueMeme Inc4069 | 72.86% | 3.882 | 33.33% | 3 | 2021-12-01 |
Plus Alpha Consulting Co Ltd4071 | -27.22% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-10-22 |
Densan System Co Ltd4072 | -12.45% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-10-04 |
Global Communication Planning Co Ltd4073 | -13.37% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-12-24 |
LaKeel Inc4074 | -26.9% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-10-27 |
Brains Technology Inc4075 | -63.58% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-11-05 |
CNS Co Ltd4076 | -28.55% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-12-16 |
Sakai Chemical Industry Co Ltd4078 | 167.49% | 1.784 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-07-22 |
Tanaka Chemical Corp4080 | 382.41% | 1.746 | 21.43% | 42 | 2006-02-15 |
Daiichi Kigenso Kagaku Kogyo Co Ltd4082 | 118.65% | 1.318 | 16.67% | 30 | 2005-07-28 |
Air Water Inc4088 | 107.88% | 2.299 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-11-20 |
Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp4091 | 372.31% | 2.811 | 30% | 20 | 2002-07-25 |
Nippon Chemical Industrial Co Ltd4092 | 175.51% | 1.623 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-12-20 |
Toho Acetylene Co Ltd4093 | 390.81% | 2.931 | 31.58% | 19 | 2003-12-15 |
Nihon Kagaku Sangyo Co Ltd4094 | 157.28% | 2.197 | 25% | 12 | 2004-06-02 |
Nihon Parkerizing4095 | 293.64% | 3.958 | 36.36% | 11 | 2002-07-03 |
Koatsu Gas Kogyo Co Ltd4097 | 117.92% | 2.977 | 33.33% | 6 | 2002-10-08 |
Titan Kogyo Ltd4098 | 258.41% | 1.847 | 23.08% | 26 | 2002-07-25 |
Shikoku Chemicals Corp4099 | 212.47% | 2.14 | 25% | 16 | 2003-12-02 |
Toda Kogyo Corp4100 | 198.85% | 1.618 | 21.88% | 32 | 2002-11-21 |
Ise Chemicals Corp4107 | 219.46% | 2.679 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-12-11 |
Stella Chemifa Corp4109 | 158.64% | 1.55 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-12-05 |
Hodogaya Chemical Co Ltd4112 | 191.84% | 1.575 | 18.75% | 32 | 2006-06-09 |
Taoka Chemical Co Ltd4113 | 249.07% | 2.686 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-05-11 |
Nippon Shokubai Co Ltd4114 | 78.65% | 2.078 | 25% | 8 | 2004-04-20 |
Dainichiseika Color & Chemicals MFG Co Ltd4116 | 240.72% | 2.14 | 25% | 20 | 2002-11-21 |
Kaneka Corp4118 | 133.35% | 1.924 | 21.43% | 14 | 2003-05-07 |
Nippon Pigment Co Ltd4119 | 174.53% | 1.916 | 22.22% | 18 | 2008-10-10 |
Sugai Chemical Industry Co Ltd4120 | 273.87% | 2.106 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-04-26 |
Osaka Yuka Industry Ltd4124 | -72.6% | 0.564 | 7.69% | 13 | 2018-03-26 |
Sanwayuka Industry Corp4125 | 55.87% | 4.234 | 33.33% | 3 | 2022-05-26 |
Kyowa Kirin Co Ltd4151 | 292.49% | 4.434 | 40% | 10 | 2004-05-11 |
Plaid Inc4165 | -61.86% | 0.627 | 9.09% | 11 | 2021-03-30 |
Yappli Inc4168 | -89.88% | 0 | 0% | 7 | 2021-05-17 |
Enechange Ltd4169 | 73.44% | 1.645 | 20% | 10 | 2021-04-09 |
Kaizen Platform Inc4170 | -13.77% | 0.876 | 12.5% | 8 | 2021-05-13 |
Global Information Inc4171 | -27.99% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-07-26 |
Towa Hi System Co Ltd4172 | -42.75% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-03-30 |
Wacul Inc4173 | -89.17% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-07-29 |
Appirits Inc4174 | -42.27% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-06-04 |
Coconala Inc4176 | -87.91% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-07-29 |
Sharing Innovations Inc4178 | -48.62% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-10-07 |
G-Next Inc4179 | -71.95% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-06-24 |
Appier Group Inc4180 | 34.84% | 1.479 | 16.67% | 6 | 2021-07-01 |
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co Inc4182 | 179.41% | 1.838 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-04-20 |
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.4183 | 112.78% | 1.433 | 17.39% | 23 | 2003-08-14 |
Jsr Corp4185 | 170.6% | 2.328 | 25% | 12 | 2004-01-28 |
Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co Ltd4186 | 242.06% | 3.023 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-12-11 |
Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Ltd4187 | 386.87% | 3.003 | 31.58% | 19 | 2006-11-10 |
Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp4188 | 4.57% | 1.024 | 13.33% | 15 | 2006-02-09 |
KH Neochem Co Ltd4189 | 114.54% | 3.147 | 33.33% | 6 | 2017-06-27 |
SpiderPlus & Co4192 | -16.36% | 0.859 | 11.11% | 9 | 2021-07-20 |
Fabrica Communications Co Ltd4193 | -27.2% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-08-03 |
Neo Marketing Inc4196 | -48.54% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-08-23 |
Tenda Co Ltd4198 | -24.81% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-09-17 |
Wonderplanet Inc4199 | 126.92% | 2.846 | 28.57% | 7 | 2021-10-27 |
Hcs Holdings Co Ltd4200 | -13.44% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-10-06 |
Daicel Corp4202 | 198.56% | 2.031 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-07-15 |
Sumitomo Bakelite Co Ltd4203 | 126.65% | 1.554 | 20% | 20 | 2002-10-01 |
Sekisui Chemical Co Ltd4204 | 166.88% | 2.397 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-09-24 |
Zeon Corp4205 | 248.46% | 2.017 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-07-25 |
Aica Kogyo4206 | 256.06% | 3.209 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-07-25 |
Ube Industries, Ltd.4208 | -17.51% | 0.912 | 12.5% | 16 | 2003-12-09 |
Sekisui Jushi Corp4212 | 227.37% | 4.794 | 42.86% | 7 | 2002-07-03 |
Takiron Co Ltd4215 | 142.81% | 3.451 | 33.33% | 6 | 2002-10-02 |
Asahi Organic Chemicals Industry Co Ltd4216 | 172.18% | 2.388 | 25% | 12 | 2002-09-05 |
Nichiban Co Ltd4218 | 93.46% | 2.034 | 25% | 8 | 2002-11-22 |
Riken Technos Corp4220 | 100.22% | 1.498 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-12-02 |
Okura Industrial Co Ltd4221 | -41.13% | 0.825 | 15% | 20 | 2004-01-30 |
Kodama Chemical Industry Co Ltd4222 | 130.8% | 1.251 | 14.29% | 42 | 2003-07-29 |
Lonseal Corp4224 | 261.72% | 2.189 | 25% | 20 | 2005-06-23 |
Sekisui Plastics Co Ltd4228 | 61.41% | 1.265 | 15.79% | 19 | 2004-08-27 |
Gun Ei Chemical Industry Co Ltd4229 | 51.2% | 1.349 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-12-11 |
Tigers Polymer Corp4231 | 35.56% | 1.231 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-11-14 |
Sun A. Kaken Co Ltd4234 | -44.61% | 0.857 | 12.5% | 24 | 2006-02-14 |
Ultrafabrics Holdings Co Ltd4235 | 522.72% | 2.826 | 32.14% | 28 | 2006-01-20 |
Fujipream Corp4237 | 135.68% | 1.369 | 17.24% | 29 | 2006-03-23 |
Miraial Co Ltd4238 | 72.57% | 1.564 | 18.18% | 11 | 2012-05-24 |
Cluster Technology Co Ltd4240 | 319.41% | 1.7 | 24.32% | 37 | 2013-08-13 |
Atect Corp4241 | 358.71% | 1.764 | 20.51% | 39 | 2006-11-22 |
Takagi Seiko Corp4242 | 150.85% | 1.588 | 18.18% | 22 | 2007-11-26 |
Nix Inc4243 | 415.7% | 2.774 | 27.27% | 22 | 2007-12-18 |
Daiki Axis Co Ltd4245 | 113.65% | 2.116 | 22.22% | 9 | 2014-04-30 |
DaikyoNishikawa Corp4246 | 99.07% | 1.527 | 18.75% | 16 | 2014-07-22 |
Takemoto Yohki Co Ltd4248 | 107.79% | 2.058 | 22.22% | 9 | 2016-01-21 |
Moriroku Holdings Co Ltd4249 | -55.64% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2018-03-29 |
Keiwa Inc4251 | 120.1% | 2.869 | 28.57% | 7 | 2020-02-21 |
ExaWizards Inc4259 | -29.13% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-04-22 |
Hybrid Technologies Co Ltd4260 | 79.38% | 6.404 | 50% | 2 | 2022-04-12 |
AsiaQuest Co Ltd4261 | -26.68% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-04-22 |
Susmed Inc4263 | -28.59% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-04-19 |
SECURE Inc4264 | -16.87% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-06-17 |
Institution For A Global Society Corp4265 | -29.71% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-04-19 |
Lightworks Corp4267 | -13.61% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-06-16 |
BeeX Inc4270 | -12.61% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-06-15 |
Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd.4272 | 236.31% | 2.441 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-12-10 |
Hosoya Pyro-Engineering Co Ltd4274 | 173.71% | 1.817 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-02-21 |
Carlit Holdings Co Ltd4275 | 70.66% | 1.579 | 20% | 10 | 2014-02-04 |
Solxyz Co Ltd4284 | 281.65% | 2.862 | 33.33% | 15 | 2014-08-11 |
CL Holdings Inc4286 | 531.93% | 2.151 | 24.32% | 37 | 2006-03-20 |
Justplanning Inc4287 | 45.37% | 1.099 | 14.29% | 35 | 2006-01-24 |
Asgent Inc4288 | 267.67% | 1.466 | 19.57% | 46 | 2006-05-17 |
Prestige International Inc4290 | 187.73% | 13.556 | 66.67% | 3 | 2013-06-25 |
Septeni Holdings Co Ltd4293 | 596.13% | 2.202 | 25.58% | 43 | 2006-03-29 |
Faith Inc4295 | -67.29% | 0.852 | 11.11% | 36 | 2004-07-28 |
Himacs Ltd4299 | 123.41% | 2.603 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-10-01 |
Amuse Inc4301 | 256.55% | 3.137 | 30.77% | 13 | 2004-11-17 |
Estore Corp4304 | 299.15% | 2.709 | 29.41% | 17 | 2007-07-10 |
Nomura Research Institute Ltd4307 | 343.66% | 3.368 | 35.71% | 14 | 2002-09-05 |
J-Stream Inc4308 | 273.02% | 1.518 | 18.6% | 43 | 2004-05-28 |
Dream Incubator Inc4310 | 208.58% | 1.447 | 17.5% | 40 | 2003-01-06 |
Cybernet Systems Co Ltd4312 | 149.21% | 1.507 | 20.83% | 24 | 2016-02-08 |
Bemap Inc4316 | 425.57% | 1.555 | 18.33% | 60 | 2017-08-02 |
Ray Corporation4317 | 449.86% | 2.079 | 22.86% | 35 | 2006-02-14 |
Quick Co Ltd4318 | 303.72% | 1.994 | 24% | 25 | 2006-02-14 |
TAC Co Ltd4319 | 157.13% | 1.463 | 18.52% | 27 | 2003-07-01 |
CE Holdings Co Ltd4320 | 254.95% | 1.606 | 20.59% | 34 | 2002-10-31 |
Japan System Techniques Co Ltd4323 | 269.46% | 1.828 | 24% | 25 | 2003-11-06 |
Dentsu Inc.4324 | 169.02% | 2.034 | 25% | 16 | 2004-05-11 |
Intage Holdings Inc4326 | 229.5% | 2.265 | 25% | 16 | 2008-06-02 |
SHL-Japan Ltd4327 | 185.25% | 2.766 | 30% | 10 | 2007-04-12 |
Take And Give Needs Co Ltd4331 | 216.99% | 1.333 | 16.67% | 54 | 2007-01-05 |
Toho System Science Co Ltd4333 | 259.45% | 2.807 | 30.77% | 13 | 2007-11-09 |
Yuke’s Co Ltd4334 | 147.7% | 1.447 | 19.23% | 26 | 2014-01-29 |
IPS Co Ltd4335 | 460.34% | 1.875 | 23.26% | 43 | 2015-08-24 |
Pia Corp4337 | 246.29% | 2.461 | 31.58% | 19 | 2003-05-22 |
Seiryo Electric Corp4341 | 9.48% | 1.105 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-03-14 |
Aeon Fantasy Co Ltd4343 | 263.97% | 1.898 | 22.22% | 27 | 2004-05-10 |
Sourcenext Corporation4344 | 434.63% | 1.766 | 22.22% | 45 | 2007-04-23 |
CTS Co Ltd4345 | 352.68% | 2.589 | 30% | 20 | 2006-06-02 |
Nexyz. Corp4346 | 94.95% | 1.181 | 15% | 40 | 2005-05-23 |
Broadmedia Corp4347 | 289.02% | 1.555 | 18.6% | 43 | 2007-03-19 |
Infocom Corp4348 | 426.63% | 2.808 | 30.43% | 23 | 2010-06-30 |
Medical System Network Co Ltd4350 | 336.54% | 2.878 | 33.33% | 18 | 2009-01-21 |
Yamada Servicer Synthetic Office Co Ltd4351 | 165.7% | 1.757 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-07-28 |
Longlife Holding Co Ltd4355 | 238.88% | 1.923 | 22.73% | 22 | 2007-05-16 |
Applied Technology Co Ltd4356 | 550.05% | 2.42 | 27.27% | 33 | 2006-02-16 |
Kawaguchi Chemical Industry Co Ltd4361 | 111.88% | 1.403 | 19.23% | 26 | 2005-04-01 |
Nippon Fine Chemical Co Ltd4362 | 316.11% | 2.969 | 31.25% | 16 | 2003-12-03 |
Matsumoto Yushi Seiyaku Co Ltd4365 | 46.67% | 1.99 | 20% | 5 | 2006-12-15 |
Daito Chemix Corp4366 | 325.97% | 2.033 | 23.08% | 26 | 2005-11-11 |
Koei Chemical Co Ltd4367 | 293.42% | 2.569 | 27.78% | 18 | 2004-11-05 |
Fuso Chemical Co Ltd4368 | 359.06% | 2.846 | 33.33% | 18 | 2014-10-29 |
Tri Chemical Laboratories Inc4369 | 314.51% | 1.705 | 22.22% | 36 | 2007-11-12 |
Mobilus Corp4370 | -48.12% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-12-03 |
Core Concept Technologies Inc4371 | 139.37% | 4.011 | 40% | 5 | 2022-01-05 |
Simplex Holdings Inc4373 | -13.87% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-01-11 |
Robot Payment Inc4374 | -66.3% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2022-01-12 |
Safie Inc4375 | -57.62% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2022-01-11 |
Kufu Company Inc4376 | 81.29% | 6.403 | 50% | 2 | 2022-01-11 |
One Career Inc4377 | -14.47% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-01-12 |
Photosynth Inc4379 | -29.24% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-02-18 |
M Mart Inc4380 | 28.16% | 1.167 | 15.38% | 13 | 2018-06-11 |
BPLATS Inc4381 | -28.5% | 0.91 | 11.54% | 26 | 2018-08-02 |
Raksul Inc4384 | 124.03% | 1.803 | 20% | 15 | 2018-10-12 |
Mercari Inc4385 | 0.78% | 1.009 | 12.5% | 8 | 2018-11-21 |
SIG Co4386 | 54.74% | 1.366 | 16.67% | 12 | 2018-10-26 |
ZUU Co Ltd4387 | -52.73% | 0.676 | 8.33% | 12 | 2018-10-15 |
AI Inc4388 | -66.05% | 0.6 | 7.69% | 13 | 2018-12-07 |
Property Data Bank Inc4389 | 282.8% | 3.573 | 36.36% | 11 | 2018-10-29 |
IPS Inc4390 | 45.68% | 1.506 | 14.29% | 7 | 2018-10-11 |
Logizard Co4391 | -74.85% | 0.538 | 8.33% | 12 | 2019-02-01 |
Future Innovation Group Inc4392 | 28.67% | 1.451 | 20% | 5 | 2018-12-20 |
Bank of Innovation Inc4393 | 123.85% | 1.736 | 21.43% | 14 | 2018-10-29 |
eXmotion Co Ltd4394 | -86.37% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2018-10-30 |
Accrete Inc4395 | 116.52% | 2.647 | 28.57% | 7 | 2018-12-26 |
System Support Inc4396 | 140.63% | 4.256 | 40% | 5 | 2019-03-08 |
BroadBand Security Inc4398 | -19.55% | 0.828 | 11.11% | 9 | 2018-12-26 |
Adeka Corp4401 | 211.37% | 3.419 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-09-05 |
NOF Corp4403 | 317.31% | 3.125 | 33.33% | 15 | 2002-11-20 |
Miyoshi Oil & Fat Co Ltd4404 | -65.15% | 0.565 | 9.09% | 11 | 2002-05-10 |
New Japan Chemical Co Ltd4406 | 44.64% | 1.122 | 14.81% | 27 | 2012-05-18 |
Toho Chemical Industry Co Ltd4409 | 111.79% | 2.002 | 30% | 10 | 2017-12-27 |
Harima Chemicals Group Inc4410 | 93.71% | 1.91 | 22.22% | 9 | 2004-02-23 |
Science Arts Inc4412 | -39.11% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-02-25 |
Flect Co Ltd4414 | -14.3% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-04-22 |
Broad Enterprise Co Ltd4415 | -14.74% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-04-13 |
True Data Inc4416 | -52.52% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-04-04 |
Global Security Experts Inc4417 | 84.46% | 6.839 | 50% | 2 | 2022-04-11 |
Japan Data Science Consortium Co Ltd4418 | -29.11% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-04-15 |
eSOL Co Ltd4420 | 36.48% | 1.625 | 20% | 5 | 2019-04-22 |
D.I.System Co Ltd4421 | 115.69% | 2.59 | 28.57% | 7 | 2019-03-11 |
Valuenex Japan Inc4422 | 53.5% | 1.425 | 18.18% | 11 | 2019-03-27 |
ARTERIA Networks Corporation4423 | 61.74% | 2.551 | 25% | 4 | 2019-06-05 |
Amazia Inc4424 | -70.74% | 0.563 | 8.33% | 12 | 2019-05-08 |
Kudan Inc4425 | -11.39% | 0.937 | 12.5% | 16 | 2019-08-26 |
Sinops Inc4428 | -57.3% | 0.607 | 10% | 10 | 2019-04-05 |
Tokai Soft Co Ltd4430 | 52.84% | 2.342 | 25% | 4 | 2019-07-31 |
Smaregi Inc4431 | 7.16% | 1.084 | 14.29% | 7 | 2019-06-05 |
WingArc1st Inc4432 | -25.58% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-07-09 |
Hito Communications Holdings Inc4433 | 0.56% | 1.005 | 12.5% | 8 | 2019-07-02 |
Kaonavi Inc4435 | 106.96% | 2.113 | 20% | 10 | 2019-07-18 |
Minkabu the Infonoid Inc4436 | 35.15% | 1.516 | 16.67% | 6 | 2019-06-26 |
gooddays holdings Inc4437 | 56.22% | 2.345 | 25% | 4 | 2019-08-19 |
Toumei Co Ltd4439 | -15.82% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-10-15 |
Witz4440 | 8.88% | 1.1 | 14.29% | 7 | 2019-10-17 |
Tobila Systems Inc4441 | -83.62% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2019-08-29 |
Valtes Co Ltd4442 | 19.58% | 1.232 | 14.29% | 7 | 2020-02-20 |
Sansan Inc4443 | 77.23% | 1.656 | 20% | 10 | 2019-12-16 |
Living Technologies Inc4445 | 149.39% | 2.42 | 30% | 10 | 2022-02-18 |
Giftee Inc4449 | 51.2% | 1.313 | 14.29% | 14 | 2020-02-19 |
Power Solutions Ltd4450 | -41.56% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2020-01-10 |
Kao Corp.4452 | 143.25% | 4.928 | 40% | 5 | 2003-05-06 |
DKS Co Ltd4461 | 175.77% | 2 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-12-02 |
Ishihara Chemical Co Ltd4462 | 146.92% | 4.209 | 40% | 5 | 2011-08-23 |
Nicca Chemical Co Ltd4463 | 38.37% | 1.667 | 20% | 5 | 2016-10-21 |
Soft99 Corp4464 | 215.46% | 2.287 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-08-28 |
Niitaka Co Ltd4465 | 164.69% | 2.111 | 21.43% | 14 | 2015-06-02 |
Sanyo Chemical Industries Ltd4471 | 117.01% | 2.855 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-11-21 |
Hennge K K4475 | 122.94% | 1.734 | 20% | 15 | 2020-07-02 |
Ai Cross Inc4476 | -6.11% | 0.929 | 14.29% | 7 | 2020-02-28 |
Base Inc4477 | -12.94% | 0.933 | 13.33% | 15 | 2020-02-04 |
Makuake Inc4479 | -31.43% | 0.745 | 9.09% | 11 | 2020-04-27 |
Medley Inc4480 | 82.94% | 1.743 | 18.18% | 11 | 2020-03-18 |
Base Co Ltd4481 | 185.74% | 14.596 | 66.67% | 3 | 2020-04-27 |
Wills Inc4482 | 14.35% | 1.173 | 16.67% | 6 | 2020-07-03 |
Jmdc Inc4483 | 65.52% | 5.378 | 50% | 2 | 2020-05-07 |
Lancers Inc4484 | -55.74% | 0.636 | 9.09% | 11 | 2020-05-20 |
Jtower Inc4485 | 161.76% | 2.986 | 30% | 10 | 2020-04-07 |
Unite and Grow Inc4486 | 52.66% | 2.248 | 25% | 4 | 2020-05-19 |
Space Market Inc4487 | -39.84% | 0.706 | 10% | 10 | 2020-04-06 |
Ai Inside Inc4488 | -55.19% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-08-17 |
Payroll Inc4489 | -29.17% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-09-21 |
Visasq Inc4490 | 50.64% | 1.455 | 18.18% | 11 | 2020-07-02 |
Genetec Corp4492 | -42.63% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2020-07-02 |
Cyber Security Cloud Inc4493 | -7.92% | 0.924 | 10% | 10 | 2020-07-16 |
Vario Secure Inc4494 | -26.69% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-05-07 |
Cybertrust Japan Co Ltd4498 | -64.35% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-07-29 |
Speee Inc4499 | -54.5% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-09-08 |
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.4502 | 229.68% | 2.603 | 25% | 16 | 1990-08-24 |
Astellas Pharma Inc.4503 | 100.06% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2003-08-13 |
Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd4506 | 132.55% | 1.842 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-12-24 |
Shionogi & Co., Ltd.4507 | 127.33% | 2.906 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-05-30 |
Wakamoto Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4512 | 75.31% | 1.556 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-10-08 |
Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd4516 | 351.26% | 9.067 | 57.14% | 7 | 2002-11-22 |
Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.4519 | 365.97% | 4.193 | 38.46% | 13 | 2002-11-29 |
Kaken Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4521 | 351.26% | 9.067 | 57.14% | 7 | 2003-07-28 |
Eisai Co., Ltd.4523 | 125.78% | 2.327 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-12-13 |
Morishita Jintan Co Ltd4524 | 141.71% | 2.022 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-06-05 |
Riken Vitamin Co Ltd4526 | 116.09% | 2.351 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-11-14 |
Rohto Pharmaceutical4527 | 235% | 6.602 | 50% | 6 | 2004-08-26 |
Ono Pharmaceutical Ltd4528 | 325.1% | 3.138 | 33.33% | 15 | 2002-09-20 |
Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Inc4530 | 156.92% | 2.739 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-12-10 |
Yuki Gosei Kogyo Co Ltd4531 | 323.42% | 2.759 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-11-14 |
Mochida Pharmaceutical4534 | 157.77% | 7.686 | 50% | 4 | 2003-05-06 |
Santen Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4536 | 157.77% | 7.686 | 50% | 4 | 2002-08-01 |
Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd4538 | 15.57% | 1.106 | 15.38% | 13 | 2004-10-15 |
Nippon Chemiphar Co Ltd4539 | -10.11% | 0.946 | 11.11% | 18 | 2002-09-24 |
Tsumura & Co4540 | 69.73% | 1.668 | 20% | 10 | 2002-11-11 |
Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4541 | 69.73% | 1.668 | 20% | 10 | 2011-03-14 |
Terumo Corp.4543 | 220.89% | 4.706 | 42.86% | 7 | 2002-06-05 |
Hu Group Holdings Ord Shs4544 | 164.05% | 2.603 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-07-02 |
Kissei Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4547 | 38.72% | 1.691 | 20% | 5 | 2003-02-19 |
Seikagaku Corp4548 | 115.24% | 2.572 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-07-22 |
Eiken Chemical Co Ltd4549 | 310.04% | 4.558 | 40% | 10 | 2002-07-25 |
Torii Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4551 | 28.94% | 1.412 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-09-05 |
JCR Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd4552 | 278.83% | 3.684 | 36.36% | 11 | 2011-08-03 |
Towa Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4553 | 242.66% | 2.785 | 30.77% | 13 | 2004-07-09 |
Fuji Pharma Co Ltd4554 | 128.92% | 2.855 | 28.57% | 7 | 2011-10-28 |
Kainos Laboratories Inc4556 | 390.51% | 2.737 | 30% | 20 | 2006-05-17 |
Chukyoiyakuhin Co Ltd4558 | 118.77% | 1.591 | 18.75% | 16 | 2006-11-24 |
Zeria Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4559 | 53.37% | 2.313 | 25% | 4 | 2002-12-20 |
Sosei Group Corp4565 | 428.18% | 1.566 | 19.35% | 62 | 2005-02-18 |
Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.4568 | 232.01% | 2.763 | 35.71% | 14 | 2018-05-29 |
Kyorin Holdings Inc4569 | 38.02% | 1.665 | 20% | 5 | 2006-06-09 |
Immuno-Biological Laboratories Co Ltd4570 | 141.24% | 1.26 | 17.78% | 45 | 2013-03-22 |
NanoCarrier Co Ltd4571 | 597% | 1.957 | 23.08% | 52 | 2008-07-03 |
Carna Biosciences Inc4572 | 333.66% | 1.641 | 21.43% | 42 | 2013-04-05 |
Taiko Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4574 | 42.8% | 1.161 | 15.79% | 19 | 2009-09-24 |
CanBas Co Ltd4575 | 378.5% | 1.811 | 23.08% | 39 | 2013-05-28 |
D.Western Therapeutics Institute Inc4576 | 289.67% | 1.575 | 20.51% | 39 | 2013-05-15 |
Daito Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4577 | 222.82% | 5.039 | 42.86% | 7 | 2010-06-30 |
Otsuka Holdings Ltd4578 | 72.22% | 7.002 | 50% | 2 | 2011-05-30 |
RaQualia Pharma Inc4579 | 240.12% | 1.616 | 19.35% | 31 | 2011-12-15 |
Taisho Pharmaceutical Hold Ltd4581 | 15.89% | 1.336 | 20% | 5 | 2012-08-31 |
SymBio Pharmaceuticals Ltd4582 | 161.86% | 1.383 | 17.14% | 35 | 2012-05-10 |
Kidswell Bio Corporation4584 | 60.87% | 1.187 | 15.38% | 26 | 2013-06-11 |
Medrx Co Ltd4586 | -25.49% | 0.952 | 12.5% | 40 | 2013-08-29 |
PeptiDream Inc4587 | 112.85% | 1.594 | 18.75% | 16 | 2013-11-19 |
Oncolys Biopharma Inc4588 | 73.84% | 1.231 | 16% | 25 | 2014-03-25 |
Ribomic Inc4591 | 16.94% | 1.045 | 13.79% | 29 | 2015-01-23 |
Sanbio Company Limited4592 | 73.53% | 1.34 | 16.67% | 18 | 2015-08-04 |
BrightPath Biotherapeutics Co Ltd4594 | 87.39% | 1.322 | 15% | 20 | 2016-05-17 |
Mizuho Medy Co Ltd4595 | 326.75% | 5.925 | 44.44% | 9 | 2016-06-27 |
Kubota Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd4596 | 74.73% | 1.324 | 16.67% | 18 | 2017-03-21 |
Delta-Fly Pharma Inc4598 | -18.08% | 0.878 | 9.09% | 11 | 2019-03-22 |
StemRIM4599 | 135.86% | 2.898 | 28.57% | 7 | 2019-12-04 |
Dai Nippon Toryo Co Ltd4611 | 117.2% | 1.671 | 20% | 15 | 2013-06-18 |
Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd4612 | 404.89% | 3.242 | 33.33% | 18 | 2004-09-29 |
Kansai Paint Co Ltd4613 | 402.99% | 3.275 | 33.33% | 18 | 2002-09-05 |
Shinto Paint Co Ltd4615 | -0.37% | 0.998 | 14.29% | 14 | 2005-04-18 |
Kawakami Paint Mfg Co Ltd4616 | 111.9% | 1.41 | 17.39% | 23 | 2004-02-10 |
Chugoku Marine Paints Ltd4617 | 38.94% | 1.238 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-11-21 |
Nihon Tokushu Toryo Co Ltd4619 | 74.42% | 1.349 | 17.65% | 17 | 2004-06-09 |
Fujikura Kasei Co Ltd4620 | 13.73% | 1.075 | 14.29% | 14 | 2002-06-27 |
Rock Paint Co Ltd4621 | 29.35% | 1.409 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-12-21 |
Asahipen Corp4623 | 29.95% | 1.465 | 20% | 5 | 2004-08-10 |
Isamu Paint Co Ltd4624 | 29.44% | 1.493 | 20% | 5 | 2006-11-16 |
Taiyo Hldg Co Ltd4626 | 219% | 2.245 | 25% | 16 | 2002-12-04 |
Daishin Chemical Co Ltd4629 | 104.75% | 2.066 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-02-22 |
DIC Corp4631 | 187.35% | 3.248 | 30% | 10 | 2002-12-20 |
Sakata Inx Corp4633 | 191.13% | 1.969 | 25% | 16 | 2003-01-28 |
Toyo Ink Sc Holdings Co Ltd4634 | 55.98% | 1.434 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-12-09 |
T&K Toka Co Ltd4636 | 51.65% | 2.159 | 25% | 4 | 2012-09-12 |
Altech Corp4641 | 459.11% | 3.167 | 36.36% | 22 | 2013-05-29 |
Original Engineering Consultants Co Ltd4642 | 436.55% | 3.031 | 33.33% | 21 | 2006-02-14 |
Imagineer Co Ltd4644 | 255.58% | 1.828 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-05-29 |
Ichishin Holdings Co Ltd4645 | 31.2% | 1.194 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-06-01 |
SD Entertainment Inc4650 | 55.65% | 1.183 | 19.05% | 21 | 2006-02-14 |
Sanix Inc4651 | 337.79% | 1.616 | 20.93% | 43 | 2002-07-03 |
Daiohs Corp4653 | 54.94% | 1.513 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-05-02 |
Environmental Control Center Co Ltd4657 | 291.92% | 1.517 | 20.93% | 43 | 2013-06-11 |
Nippon Air Conditioning Services Co Ltd4658 | 113.07% | 2.528 | 28.57% | 7 | 2007-05-23 |
AJIS Co Ltd4659 | 99.9% | 1.569 | 18.75% | 16 | 2007-05-18 |
Oriental Land Co Ltd4661 | 184.81% | 4.422 | 42.86% | 7 | 2002-07-29 |
Focus Systems Corp4662 | 140.08% | 1.917 | 23.08% | 13 | 2006-05-15 |
Japan Reliance Service Corp4664 | 385.3% | 2.299 | 26.92% | 26 | 2015-02-24 |
Duskin Co Ltd4665 | 39.52% | 1.784 | 20% | 5 | 2007-04-13 |
Park24 Co Ltd4666 | 238.99% | 1.976 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-06-18 |
Aisan Technology Co Ltd4667 | 350.48% | 1.925 | 21.21% | 33 | 2006-01-27 |
Meiko Network Japan Co Ltd4668 | -25.91% | 0.784 | 11.11% | 9 | 2004-08-12 |
Falco Holdings Co Ltd4671 | 38.65% | 1.631 | 20% | 5 | 2005-03-10 |
Kawasaki Geological Engineering Co Ltd4673 | 172.25% | 2.69 | 30% | 10 | 2008-08-06 |
Cresco Ltd4674 | 259.81% | 2.919 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-09-24 |
Fuji Media Holdings Inc4676 | -12.21% | 0.875 | 12.5% | 8 | 2004-05-19 |
Taya Co Ltd4679 | -67.33% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2002-10-08 |
Round One Corp4680 | 395.73% | 2.042 | 24.24% | 33 | 2004-05-18 |
Resorttrust Inc4681 | 205.09% | 1.798 | 25% | 24 | 2013-05-16 |
Obic Co Ltd4684 | 183.99% | 3.503 | 37.5% | 8 | 2002-10-31 |
Ryoyu Systems Co Ltd4685 | 204.04% | 3.631 | 37.5% | 8 | 2006-02-15 |
Justsystems Corp4686 | 204.04% | 3.631 | 37.5% | 8 | 2006-03-23 |
TDC Software Engineering Inc4687 | 236.97% | 2.422 | 26.67% | 15 | 2004-01-28 |
Z Holdings Corp4689 | -9.62% | 0.954 | 12.5% | 16 | 2004-04-21 |
Nippon Pallet Pool Co Ltd4690 | 97.2% | 2.06 | 25% | 8 | 2008-04-09 |
Washington Hotel Corp4691 | -68.99% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2020-01-29 |
BML Inc4694 | 240.11% | 5.738 | 42.86% | 7 | 2003-05-22 |
Trend Micro Inc.4704 | 110.19% | 1.819 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-12-19 |
Clip Corp4705 | -15.06% | 0.872 | 11.11% | 9 | 2006-01-19 |
Kitac Corp4707 | 295.34% | 2.152 | 25% | 20 | 2006-04-24 |
Relia Inc4708 | 164.21% | 2.201 | 25% | 12 | 2002-07-19 |
ID Holdings Corp4709 | 134.32% | 3.193 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-01-20 |
KeyHolder Inc4712 | -42.26% | 0.899 | 12.12% | 33 | 2006-01-20 |
Riso Kyoiku Co Ltd4714 | 345.69% | 1.747 | 21.05% | 38 | 2004-05-11 |
Oracle Corp Japan4716 | 218.39% | 2.928 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-12-20 |
Waseda Academy Co Ltd4718 | 126.59% | 2.783 | 28.57% | 7 | 2007-05-18 |
Alpha Systems Inc4719 | 120.46% | 1.758 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-07-25 |
Johnan Academic Preparatory Institute Inc4720 | 25.19% | 1.129 | 14.29% | 14 | 2006-01-20 |
Future Architect Inc4722 | 402.25% | 3.512 | 41.18% | 17 | 2004-02-05 |
CAC Holdings Corp4725 | 302.57% | 2.737 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-11-20 |
SB Technology Corp4726 | 268.14% | 2.132 | 23.81% | 21 | 2005-05-26 |
Tose Co Ltd4728 | 10.4% | 1.033 | 12.5% | 24 | 2002-10-30 |
USS Co Ltd4732 | 155.22% | 4.609 | 40% | 5 | 2002-09-27 |
Obic Business Consultants Co Ltd4733 | 222.58% | 2.742 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-08-11 |
Kyoshin Co Ltd4735 | 222.42% | 1.832 | 23.81% | 21 | 2004-09-24 |
Nippon Rad Inc4736 | 330.47% | 1.6 | 20.93% | 43 | 2006-02-23 |
Itochu Techno Solutions4739 | 409.48% | 2.534 | 28% | 25 | 2003-03-20 |
ITFOR Inc4743 | 78.97% | 1.263 | 17.39% | 23 | 2005-08-23 |
Tokyo Individualized Educational Institute Inc4745 | 400.37% | 2.254 | 25% | 28 | 2003-05-16 |
Toukei Computer Co Ltd4746 | 192.61% | 3.03 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-07-26 |
Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc4748 | 392.56% | 2.817 | 31.82% | 22 | 2011-07-05 |
Daisan Co Ltd4750 | 133.62% | 1.807 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-11-12 |
CyberAgent Inc4751 | 523.86% | 2.124 | 24.39% | 41 | 2004-07-27 |
Showa System Engineering Corp4752 | 41.69% | 1.263 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-06-05 |
Tosnet Corp4754 | 199.46% | 1.988 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-02-20 |
Rakuten Inc4755 | 169.48% | 1.866 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-07-14 |
Alpha Co Ltd4760 | 172.3% | 1.883 | 18.75% | 16 | 2007-02-07 |
Sakura KCS Corp4761 | 27.35% | 1.433 | 20% | 5 | 2005-10-04 |
XNET Corp4762 | 51.96% | 1.3 | 20% | 15 | 2004-06-23 |
Creek & River Co Ltd4763 | 498.55% | 2.679 | 29.63% | 27 | 2007-02-09 |
Morningstar Japan KK4765 | 270.12% | 2.231 | 26.32% | 19 | 2007-04-18 |
PA Co Ltd4766 | 579.01% | 2.116 | 24.39% | 41 | 2003-12-22 |
TOW Co Ltd4767 | 88.39% | 1.828 | 22.22% | 9 | 2007-10-26 |
Otsuka Corp4768 | 434.82% | 2.939 | 30.43% | 23 | 2002-10-01 |
IC Co Ltd4769 | 282.39% | 3.321 | 33.33% | 12 | 2006-02-21 |
Zuken Elmic Inc4770 | 591.61% | 2.749 | 26.67% | 30 | 2002-12-12 |
F&M Co Ltd4771 | 386.32% | 2.905 | 30% | 20 | 2007-01-31 |
Stream Media Corp4772 | 610.17% | 2.253 | 25.58% | 43 | 2007-09-11 |
Cybozu Inc4776 | 710.39% | 2.578 | 30.23% | 43 | 2009-12-02 |
Gala Inc4777 | 430.97% | 1.665 | 21.57% | 51 | 2007-04-19 |
Nihon Housing Co Ltd4781 | 488.79% | 9.488 | 60% | 10 | 2005-10-19 |
Nippon Computer Dynamics Co Ltd4783 | 20.21% | 1.06 | 15.38% | 26 | 2015-07-09 |
GMO AD Partners Inc4784 | 218.59% | 2.022 | 22.22% | 18 | 2007-02-05 |
Yamada Consulting Group Co Ltd4792 | 437.13% | 2.766 | 30.43% | 23 | 2007-03-09 |
Oricon Inc4800 | 302.59% | 1.958 | 23.08% | 26 | 2007-03-05 |
Central Sports Co Ltd4801 | 166.38% | 1.973 | 29.41% | 17 | 2004-06-29 |
Paraca Inc4809 | 87.32% | 1.298 | 16.67% | 24 | 2005-04-19 |
Information Services International-Dentsu Ltd4812 | 264.75% | 3.491 | 36.36% | 11 | 2003-06-17 |
Access Co Ltd4813 | 262.79% | 1.562 | 19.51% | 41 | 2004-02-02 |
Nextware Ltd4814 | 430.53% | 2 | 25% | 36 | 2007-03-05 |
Toei Animation Co Ltd4816 | 306.62% | 3.168 | 33.33% | 15 | 2006-01-18 |
Digital Garage Inc4819 | 216.23% | 1.511 | 20% | 35 | 2006-01-23 |
EM Systems Co Ltd4820 | 274.76% | 1.85 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-03-08 |
Mediaseek Inc4824 | 217.26% | 1.362 | 16.67% | 48 | 2002-11-13 |
Weathernews Inc4825 | 308.03% | 3.054 | 33.33% | 15 | 2003-06-12 |
Computer Institute of Japan Ltd4826 | 189.72% | 2.017 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-07-25 |
Toyo Business Engineering Corp4828 | 184.93% | 13.737 | 66.67% | 3 | 2013-12-25 |
Nihon Enterprise Co Ltd4829 | 280.64% | 1.875 | 25.93% | 27 | 2013-05-27 |
JFE Systems Inc4832 | 155.14% | 1.993 | 28.57% | 14 | 2017-07-07 |
Success Holders Inc4833 | 280.09% | 1.493 | 17.78% | 45 | 2007-04-11 |
Shidax Corp4837 | -11.74% | 0.945 | 11.76% | 17 | 2014-03-24 |
Space Shower Networks Inc4838 | 184.89% | 1.572 | 18.52% | 27 | 2006-03-08 |
Wowow Inc4839 | 229.47% | 1.784 | 20% | 25 | 2003-04-08 |
Triis Inc4840 | 253.36% | 1.974 | 22.73% | 22 | 2007-02-22 |
Scala Inc4845 | 282.24% | 1.912 | 23.08% | 26 | 2007-05-15 |
Intelligent Wave Inc4847 | 257.5% | 1.683 | 22.58% | 31 | 2006-04-12 |
Fullcast Holdings Co Ltd4848 | 590.46% | 1.899 | 21.82% | 55 | 2004-05-18 |
En-Japan Inc4849 | 216.44% | 1.641 | 20% | 30 | 2007-02-02 |
MediciNova Inc4875 | 112.33% | 1.182 | 15.22% | 46 | 2005-07-05 |
Cellsource Co Ltd4880 | 204.47% | 4.892 | 42.86% | 7 | 2020-08-13 |
Funpep Company Ltd4881 | -75.65% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-03-30 |
Perseus Proteomics Inc4882 | 69.35% | 2.56 | 25% | 4 | 2021-09-30 |
Kringle Pharma Inc4884 | -42.84% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-04-09 |
Muromachi Chemicals Inc4885 | -27.65% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-08-05 |
Sawai Group Holdings Co Ltd4887 | -14.16% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-07-12 |
Stella Pharma Corp4888 | -62.01% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-07-26 |
Renascience Inc4889 | -60.89% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-12-30 |
Fujifilm Holdings Corp.4901 | 139.09% | 2.242 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-06-05 |
Konica Minolta, Inc.4902 | 192.56% | 1.633 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-07-25 |
Shiseido Co., Ltd.4911 | 253.97% | 3.14 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-06-25 |
Lion Corp4912 | 145.43% | 4.337 | 40% | 5 | 2002-12-13 |
Takasago International Corp4914 | 28.95% | 1.198 | 15.38% | 13 | 2003-06-25 |
Ivy Cosmetics Corp4918 | 206.77% | 1.578 | 19.35% | 31 | 2006-07-31 |
Milbon Co Ltd4919 | 324.39% | 5.884 | 44.44% | 9 | 2003-07-11 |
Nippon Shikizai Inc4920 | 218.27% | 2.247 | 29.41% | 17 | 2016-12-08 |
Fancl Corp4921 | 251.81% | 2.913 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-10-09 |
Kose Corp4922 | 230.47% | 6.688 | 50% | 6 | 2004-02-17 |
Haba Laboratories Inc4925 | -23.29% | 0.844 | 14.29% | 14 | 2014-09-16 |
C’Bon Cosmetics Co Ltd4926 | 52.6% | 1.586 | 36.36% | 11 | 2018-01-31 |
Pola Orbis Holdings Inc4927 | 225.38% | 4.365 | 37.5% | 8 | 2011-05-26 |
Noevir Holdings Co Ltd4928 | 210.09% | 4.41 | 37.5% | 8 | 2011-08-01 |
Graphico Inc4930 | -49.66% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-01-15 |
Shinnihonseiyaku Co Ltd4931 | 33.29% | 1.549 | 20% | 5 | 2019-10-02 |
Almado Inc4932 | 36.24% | 1.589 | 20% | 5 | 2021-10-14 |
I Ne Co Ltd4933 | 71.11% | 7.816 | 50% | 2 | 2021-02-01 |
Premier Anti Aging Co Ltd4934 | 7.25% | 1.112 | 16.67% | 6 | 2021-01-29 |
Liberta Co Ltd4935 | -76.11% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-04-14 |
Axxzia Inc4936 | -57.33% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-07-06 |
Waqoo Inc4937 | 175.01% | 4.112 | 40% | 5 | 2021-10-04 |
ST Corporation4951 | 119.28% | 3.029 | 42.86% | 7 | 2004-05-18 |
Agro-Kanesho Co Ltd4955 | 250.56% | 2.703 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-07-07 |
Konishi Co Ltd4956 | 162.49% | 6.48 | 50% | 4 | 2003-10-14 |
Yasuhara Chemical Co Ltd4957 | 40.09% | 1.689 | 20% | 5 | 2004-10-28 |
T.Hasegawa Co Ltd4958 | 134.31% | 3.449 | 33.33% | 6 | 2003-03-12 |
Chemipro Kasei Kaisha Ltd4960 | 648.32% | 2.801 | 30.3% | 33 | 2004-08-02 |
Seiko PMC Corp4963 | 31.15% | 1.177 | 15.38% | 13 | 2004-11-17 |
C.Uyemura & Co Ltd4966 | 271.96% | 2.35 | 26.32% | 19 | 2004-11-05 |
Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co Ltd4967 | 226.11% | 9.407 | 60% | 5 | 2002-05-30 |
Arakawa Chemical Industries Ltd4968 | 156.13% | 2.199 | 25% | 12 | 2002-07-19 |
Toyo Gosei Co Ltd4970 | 214.93% | 1.697 | 23.08% | 26 | 2014-11-17 |
MEC Co Ltd4971 | 420.27% | 2.091 | 23.53% | 34 | 2004-05-19 |
Soken Chemical & Engineering Co Ltd4972 | 70.7% | 1.231 | 16% | 25 | 2006-02-15 |
Takara Bio Inc4974 | 331.15% | 2.181 | 26.92% | 26 | 2013-08-02 |
JCU Corp4975 | 385.11% | 2.977 | 35% | 20 | 2011-03-16 |
Nitta Gelatin Inc4977 | 98.57% | 1.975 | 22.22% | 9 | 2012-05-25 |
OAT Agrio Co Ltd4979 | 194.76% | 2.859 | 30% | 10 | 2014-12-25 |
Dexerials Corp4980 | 87.09% | 1.787 | 20% | 10 | 2016-02-12 |
Earth Chemical Co Ltd4985 | 70.12% | 3.522 | 33.33% | 3 | 2006-05-12 |
Teraoka Seisakusho Co Ltd4987 | -24.21% | 0.892 | 11.76% | 17 | 2004-03-24 |
Showa Chemical Industry Co Ltd4990 | 401.64% | 4.373 | 41.67% | 12 | 2005-03-08 |
Hokko Chemical Industry Co Ltd4992 | 162.67% | 2.182 | 25% | 12 | 2002-07-25 |
Taisei Lamick Co Ltd4994 | -26.65% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2003-09-25 |
Kumiai Chemical Industry Co Ltd4996 | 341.16% | 3.188 | 33.33% | 15 | 2002-05-13 |
Nihon Nohyaku Co Ltd4997 | 341.47% | 2.28 | 25% | 24 | 2002-12-11 |
Fumakilla Ltd4998 | 313.89% | 4.495 | 45.45% | 11 | 2015-08-13 |
Toa Oil Co Ltd5008 | 121.35% | 1.759 | 25% | 16 | 2003-09-24 |
Fuji Kosan Co Ltd5009 | 275.33% | 2.275 | 25% | 20 | 2002-07-02 |
Nichireki Co Ltd5011 | 272.99% | 3.358 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-12-20 |
Yushiro Chemical Industry Co Ltd5013 | 78.43% | 1.336 | 15% | 20 | 2003-09-02 |
BP Castrol KK5015 | 158.71% | 2.26 | 25% | 12 | 2002-10-09 |
Fuji Oil Co Ltd5017 | 80.34% | 1.194 | 15.63% | 32 | 2003-07-02 |
MORESCO Corp5018 | 129.84% | 1.841 | 21.43% | 14 | 2008-11-21 |
Idemitsu Kosan Co Ltd5019 | 46.9% | 1.346 | 16.67% | 12 | 2007-02-01 |
Eneos Holdings Inc5020 | 22.07% | 1.287 | 16.67% | 6 | 2010-07-01 |
Cosmo Energy Holdings Co Ltd5021 | 180.35% | 3.384 | 33.33% | 9 | 2016-01-12 |
Mercury Realtech Innovator Inc5025 | -29.19% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-05-30 |
Draft Inc5070 | 26.31% | 1.36 | 16.67% | 6 | 2020-07-30 |
Tess Holdings Co Ltd5074 | -85.37% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-08-04 |
Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd5101 | 243.08% | 1.954 | 21.74% | 23 | 2002-07-25 |
Showa Holdings Co Ltd5103 | 370.12% | 1.565 | 19.23% | 52 | 2003-06-10 |
Nitto Kako Co Ltd5104 | 75.24% | 1.352 | 16.67% | 18 | 2005-03-31 |
Toyo Tire & Rubber Co Ltd5105 | 240.03% | 1.71 | 20.69% | 29 | 2002-07-25 |
Bridgestone Corp.5108 | 99.59% | 2.017 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-08-07 |
Sumitomo Rubber Ind Ltd5110 | 169.18% | 2.458 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-11-13 |
Fujikura Rubber Ltd5121 | 78.26% | 1.322 | 20% | 20 | 2004-07-28 |
Okamoto Industries Inc5122 | 83.9% | 1.8 | 20% | 10 | 2002-10-17 |
Achilles Corp5142 | 99.96% | 2.091 | 25% | 8 | 2002-11-21 |
Nishikawa Rubber Co Ltd5161 | 198.81% | 3.076 | 33.33% | 9 | 2004-03-16 |
Asahi Rubber Inc5162 | -33.08% | 0.872 | 15% | 20 | 2014-12-04 |
Nichirin Co Ltd5184 | 272.48% | 2.213 | 25% | 20 | 2006-03-06 |
Fukoku Co Ltd5185 | 98.18% | 2.086 | 25% | 8 | 2004-06-21 |
Nitta Corp5186 | 328.13% | 3.215 | 31.25% | 16 | 2002-12-20 |
Create Medic Co Ltd5187 | 53.09% | 1.955 | 33.33% | 6 | 2018-03-07 |
Sakura Rubber Co Ltd5189 | 232.01% | 2.522 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-06-09 |
Sumitomo Riko Co Ltd5191 | -59.86% | 0.601 | 9.09% | 11 | 2004-01-15 |
Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd5192 | 199.41% | 1.98 | 22.22% | 18 | 2004-05-19 |
Sagami Rubber Industries Co Ltd5194 | 360.15% | 2.494 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-12-24 |
Bando Chemical Industries Ltd5195 | 215.6% | 3.947 | 37.5% | 8 | 2004-02-02 |
Fuji Latex Co Ltd5199 | 307.43% | 3.079 | 26.67% | 15 | 2006-11-16 |
AGC Inc5201 | 165.55% | 1.877 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-04-07 |
Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd.5202 | -26.55% | 0.936 | 12.12% | 33 | 2002-09-05 |
Ishizuka Glass Co Ltd5204 | 152.23% | 1.7 | 20% | 20 | 2002-08-23 |
Arisawa Mfg Co Ltd5208 | 105.57% | 1.282 | 16.13% | 31 | 2002-12-13 |
Nihon Yamamura Glass Co Ltd5210 | 3.23% | 1.017 | 12.5% | 16 | 2003-12-02 |
Fuji Glass Co Ltd5212 | 200.6% | 2.549 | 30.77% | 13 | 2009-01-14 |
Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.5214 | 206.4% | 1.826 | 20% | 25 | 2002-12-10 |
Kuramoto Seisakusho Co5216 | 394.7% | 1.551 | 20.37% | 54 | 2011-02-28 |
Techno Quartz Inc5217 | 191.58% | 2.833 | 30% | 10 | 2007-04-02 |
Ohara Inc5218 | 81.22% | 1.275 | 16.67% | 24 | 2006-02-06 |
Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd.5232 | 132.07% | 1.897 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-07-25 |
Taiheiyo Cement Corp.5233 | 115.02% | 1.428 | 16.67% | 24 | 2002-11-20 |
Resol Holdings Co Ltd5261 | 256.84% | 3.181 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-10-16 |
Nippon Hume Corp5262 | 244.39% | 2.695 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-11-12 |
Asahi Concrete Works Co Ltd5268 | -60.44% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2005-06-29 |
Nippon Concrete Industries Co Ltd5269 | 268.17% | 1.622 | 20% | 35 | 2004-09-07 |
Toyo Asano Foundation Co Ltd5271 | 172.67% | 1.422 | 18.18% | 33 | 2004-08-05 |
Mitani Sekisan Co Ltd5273 | 353.61% | 3.59 | 33.33% | 15 | 2004-12-15 |
Spancrete Corp5277 | 129.95% | 1.448 | 21.74% | 23 | 2012-05-18 |
Nihon Kogyo Co Ltd5279 | 300.87% | 2.78 | 26.67% | 15 | 2006-02-21 |
Yoshicon Co Ltd5280 | -41.51% | 0.729 | 16.67% | 12 | 2013-05-30 |
Geostr Corp5282 | 374.65% | 1.956 | 24.24% | 33 | 2004-09-06 |
Takamisawa Co Ltd5283 | 55.53% | 1.38 | 18.18% | 11 | 2006-06-28 |
Yamau Co Ltd5284 | 337.65% | 2.294 | 26.09% | 23 | 2006-05-17 |
Yamax Corp5285 | 345.5% | 2.662 | 27.78% | 18 | 2006-09-20 |
Ito Yogyo Co Ltd5287 | 164.21% | 1.499 | 20% | 25 | 2004-12-14 |
Asia Pile Holdings Corp5288 | 368.57% | 3.703 | 35.71% | 14 | 2010-09-09 |
Vertex Corp5290 | 96.08% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2019-07-10 |
Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd.5301 | 309.51% | 2.667 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-11-22 |
Nippon Carbon Co Ltd5302 | 435.86% | 2.37 | 24.24% | 33 | 2002-12-20 |
SEC Carbon Ltd5304 | 303.31% | 2.697 | 28.57% | 21 | 2004-08-26 |
Toyo Tanso Co Ltd5310 | -25.03% | 0.883 | 11.11% | 18 | 2007-01-11 |
Noritake Co Ltd5331 | 66.54% | 1.517 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-11-22 |
TOTO Ltd.5332 | 135.49% | 1.743 | 22.22% | 18 | 2004-05-11 |
NGK Insulators, Ltd.5333 | 240.25% | 2.089 | 25% | 20 | 2004-04-20 |
Ngk Spark Plug Co Ltd5334 | 201.88% | 1.764 | 24% | 25 | 2005-12-12 |
Danto Holdings Corp5337 | 349.27% | 2.052 | 22.22% | 27 | 2003-05-19 |
Asahi Eito Co Ltd5341 | 410.12% | 1.78 | 20.45% | 44 | 2004-04-23 |
Maruwa Co Ltd5344 | 589.02% | 4.807 | 40% | 20 | 2002-09-05 |
Shinagawa Refractories Co Ltd5351 | 128.45% | 1.831 | 20% | 15 | 2003-07-07 |
Krosaki Harima Corp5352 | 237.84% | 1.931 | 23.08% | 26 | 2010-05-26 |
Nippon Crucible Co Ltd5355 | 237.33% | 2.493 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-10-29 |
Yotai Refractories Co Ltd5357 | 353.02% | 2.985 | 33.33% | 18 | 2005-03-29 |
TYK Corp5363 | 56.16% | 1.396 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-11-13 |
Nikkato Corp5367 | 28.84% | 1.193 | 16.67% | 12 | 2007-07-30 |
Shinto Co Ltd5380 | 52.3% | 1.357 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-05-17 |
Mipox Corp5381 | 395.76% | 1.728 | 20.45% | 44 | 2006-01-20 |
Fujimi Inc5384 | 244.66% | 3.097 | 33.33% | 12 | 2007-06-14 |
Tsuruya Co Ltd5386 | -68.35% | 0.572 | 9.09% | 11 | 2005-04-19 |
Kunimine Industries Co Ltd5388 | 91.57% | 1.856 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-02-17 |
A&A Material Corp5391 | 470.73% | 2.766 | 28% | 25 | 2002-12-20 |
Nichias Corp5393 | 469.44% | 4.755 | 40% | 15 | 2002-07-25 |
Riken Corundum Co Ltd5395 | -39.46% | 0.781 | 14.29% | 14 | 2004-06-10 |
Nippon Steel Corp5401 | 76.85% | 1.273 | 16% | 25 | 2002-08-02 |
Kobe Steel, Ltd.5406 | -5.21% | 0.987 | 13.33% | 30 | 2004-05-11 |
Nakayama Steel Works Ltd5408 | 115.84% | 1.434 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-02-09 |
Godo Steel Ltd5410 | 167.86% | 1.721 | 21.74% | 23 | 2004-01-21 |
JFE Holdings, Inc.5411 | 200.95% | 1.542 | 17.65% | 34 | 2003-04-07 |
Tokyo Steel Mfg Co Ltd5423 | 191.62% | 1.636 | 20% | 25 | 2002-07-25 |
Kyoei Steel Ltd5440 | -6.43% | 0.968 | 12.5% | 16 | 2007-03-26 |
Yamato Kogyo Co Ltd5444 | 176.35% | 2.58 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-07-25 |
Tokyo Tekko Co Ltd5445 | 185.94% | 1.672 | 20% | 25 | 2004-02-05 |
Hokuetsu Metal Co Ltd5446 | 108.48% | 1.406 | 18.18% | 22 | 2004-04-07 |
Osaka Steel Co Ltd5449 | 179.57% | 1.914 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-05-14 |
Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd5451 | 80.82% | 1.763 | 20% | 10 | 2003-12-03 |
Takasago Tekko KK5458 | 462.49% | 3.162 | 33.33% | 21 | 2004-05-12 |
Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd5463 | 121.34% | 2.864 | 28.57% | 7 | 2003-05-22 |
Mory Industries Inc5464 | 399.06% | 2.303 | 26.67% | 30 | 2003-11-12 |
Daido Steel Co Ltd5471 | 248.59% | 1.975 | 22.22% | 27 | 2002-12-20 |
Nippon Koshuha Steel Co Ltd5476 | 21.12% | 1.084 | 15% | 20 | 2004-05-11 |
Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co Ltd5480 | 311.33% | 1.721 | 20% | 40 | 2003-12-25 |
Sanyo Special Steel Co Ltd5481 | 216.57% | 1.81 | 24% | 25 | 2005-11-21 |
Aichi Steel Corp5482 | 22.75% | 1.1 | 13.04% | 23 | 2002-07-02 |
Tohoku Steel Co Ltd5484 | 84.5% | 1.794 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-06-09 |
Hitachi Metals Ltd5486 | 340.81% | 3.064 | 33.33% | 15 | 2002-06-05 |
Nippon Kinzoku Co Ltd5491 | 159.06% | 1.616 | 21.74% | 23 | 2007-04-27 |
Pacific Metals Co., Ltd.5541 | 178.13% | 1.557 | 19.35% | 31 | 2002-11-20 |
Shinhokoku Steel Corp5542 | 362.51% | 1.793 | 20.51% | 39 | 2006-07-20 |
Nippon Denko Co Ltd5563 | 223.31% | 1.47 | 21.05% | 38 | 2004-04-16 |
Kurimoto Ltd5602 | 162.11% | 1.551 | 20% | 25 | 2003-11-12 |
Kogi Corp5603 | 268.17% | 1.959 | 22.22% | 27 | 2005-03-30 |
Nippon Chuzo KK5609 | 479.08% | 2.36 | 25% | 32 | 2003-12-22 |
Daiwa Heavy Industry Co Ltd5610 | 230.66% | 1.793 | 20.83% | 24 | 2003-04-10 |
Nippon Chutetsukan KK5612 | 283.24% | 2.418 | 26.32% | 19 | 2003-12-24 |
Japan Steel Works Ltd5631 | 362.55% | 2.772 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-12-20 |
Mitsubishi Steel Mfg. Co Ltd5632 | 98.46% | 1.358 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-05-11 |
Metalart Corp5644 | 260.67% | 1.886 | 23.08% | 26 | 2004-08-09 |
Nichia Steel Works Ltd5658 | -21.74% | 0.821 | 11.11% | 9 | 2004-05-12 |
Nippon Seisen Co Ltd5659 | 250.73% | 1.965 | 20.83% | 24 | 2010-06-30 |
Kobelco Wire Co Ltd5660 | 122.39% | 1.797 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-03-22 |
Powdertech Co Ltd5695 | 110.5% | 2.31 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-05-22 |
Sanyu Co Ltd5697 | 177.38% | 2.053 | 28.57% | 14 | 2005-05-18 |
Envipro Holdings Inc5698 | 266.76% | 2.896 | 30.77% | 13 | 2014-03-14 |
IBOKIN Co Ltd5699 | 120.57% | 2.411 | 25% | 8 | 2018-12-27 |
Daiki Aluminium Industry Co Ltd5702 | 176.18% | 1.564 | 20.83% | 24 | 2006-05-16 |
Nippon Light Metal Holdings Co.5703 | 116.09% | 2.726 | 28.57% | 7 | 2013-04-03 |
JMC Corp5704 | 72.05% | 1.32 | 16.67% | 18 | 2017-04-07 |
Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co.5706 | 179.33% | 1.525 | 18.75% | 32 | 2003-03-20 |
Mitsubishi Materials Corp.5711 | 124.72% | 1.756 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-07-15 |
Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.5713 | 318.12% | 2.037 | 23.33% | 30 | 2003-03-20 |
DOWA Holdings Co., Ltd.5714 | 166.29% | 1.824 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-12-20 |
Furukawa Co., Ltd.5715 | 30.92% | 1.127 | 15.79% | 19 | 2004-05-11 |
Osaka Titanium Tech Co Ltd5726 | 228.85% | 1.452 | 20.83% | 48 | 2005-12-09 |
Toho Titanium Co Ltd5727 | 352.23% | 1.67 | 20.83% | 48 | 2005-12-12 |
Nihon Seiko Co Ltd5729 | 323.09% | 2.252 | 26.09% | 23 | 2003-05-26 |
Uacj Corp5741 | -20.23% | 0.933 | 12% | 25 | 2006-04-19 |
NIC Autotec Inc5742 | 93.65% | 1.44 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-12-25 |
Nippon Shindo Co Ltd5753 | 244.44% | 1.961 | 22.73% | 22 | 2005-06-13 |
CK San-Etsu Co Ltd5757 | 140.77% | 3.097 | 28.57% | 7 | 2017-07-19 |
Nippon Denkai Ltd5759 | -37.7% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-01-24 |
Toho Kinzoku Co Ltd5781 | 765.71% | 3.069 | 27.78% | 36 | 2004-06-28 |
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.5801 | 183.59% | 1.723 | 20.83% | 24 | 2002-12-20 |
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.5802 | 114.99% | 2.383 | 25% | 8 | 2002-12-20 |
Fujikura Ltd.5803 | 325.88% | 1.863 | 21.88% | 32 | 2002-11-20 |
SWCC Showa Holdings Co Ltd5805 | 303.29% | 2.061 | 24% | 25 | 2002-11-13 |
Totoku Electric Co Ltd5807 | 726.47% | 3.101 | 30.3% | 33 | 2002-07-25 |
Tatsuta Electric Wire and Cable Co Ltd5809 | 253.82% | 1.916 | 25% | 24 | 2002-11-13 |
Onamba Co Ltd5816 | 139.75% | 1.777 | 21.43% | 14 | 2007-08-16 |
JMACS Japan Co Ltd5817 | 52.58% | 1.147 | 14.81% | 27 | 2017-06-29 |
Canare Electric Co Ltd5819 | 31.57% | 1.441 | 16.67% | 6 | 2007-09-14 |
Mitsuboshi Co Ltd5820 | 157.2% | 1.736 | 26.32% | 19 | 2022-04-06 |
Hirakawa Hewtech Corp5821 | 113.94% | 1.641 | 20% | 15 | 2006-08-25 |
Ryobi Ltd5851 | 168.1% | 1.443 | 18.18% | 33 | 2004-04-28 |
Ahresty Corp5852 | 354.39% | 1.668 | 20.93% | 43 | 2002-10-31 |
Life Intelligent Enterprise Holdings Co Ltd5856 | 131.23% | 1.309 | 17.65% | 34 | 2005-02-15 |
Asahi Holdings Inc5857 | 130.4% | 3.185 | 33.33% | 6 | 2009-09-01 |
Daiken Co Ltd5900 | 129.12% | 2.661 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-02-21 |
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd.5901 | 87.18% | 1.453 | 20% | 15 | 2002-06-05 |
Hokkan Holdings Ltd5902 | 72.91% | 1.74 | 22.22% | 9 | 2005-08-31 |
Shinpo Co Ltd5903 | 238.32% | 2.594 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-02-15 |
Nihon Seikan KK5905 | 214.9% | 2.261 | 25% | 16 | 2003-12-15 |
MK Seiko Co Ltd5906 | 110.59% | 1.598 | 20% | 15 | 2006-06-07 |
Corona Corp5909 | 32.8% | 1.206 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-10-30 |
Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp5911 | 240.14% | 2.618 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-07-15 |
Komaihaltec Inc5915 | 273.36% | 2.473 | 26.32% | 19 | 2003-11-12 |
Takigami Steel Construction Co Ltd5918 | 75.84% | 1.924 | 25% | 8 | 2005-06-22 |
Nasu Denki Tekko Co Ltd5922 | 546.02% | 3.958 | 36.36% | 22 | 2003-04-15 |
Takadakiko Steel Construction Co Ltd5923 | 118.3% | 1.741 | 20% | 15 | 2002-08-23 |
Almetax Manufacturing Co Ltd5928 | 188.45% | 2.545 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-02-09 |
Sanwa Holdings Corp5929 | 154.94% | 1.653 | 20% | 20 | 2002-09-05 |
Bunka Shutter Co Ltd5930 | 208.66% | 2.147 | 25% | 16 | 2003-03-20 |
Alinco Inc5933 | 102.92% | 2.02 | 25% | 8 | 2006-05-29 |
Toyo Shutter Co Ltd5936 | 121.26% | 1.621 | 18.75% | 16 | 2005-05-18 |
Lixil Group5938 | 94.41% | 1.508 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-06-03 |
Otani Kogyo Co Ltd5939 | 252.82% | 3.082 | 33.33% | 12 | 2006-06-09 |
Fujisash Co Ltd5940 | 211.11% | 1.375 | 16.67% | 42 | 2004-03-25 |
Nakanishi MFG Co Ltd5941 | 322.44% | 2.909 | 31.25% | 16 | 2004-12-30 |
Nippon Filcon Co Ltd5942 | 28.16% | 1.102 | 13.64% | 22 | 2002-12-16 |
Noritz Corp5943 | 64.39% | 1.511 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-03-20 |
Tenryu Saw Mfg. Co Ltd5945 | 55% | 2.344 | 25% | 4 | 2009-01-21 |
Chofu Seisakusho Co Ltd5946 | 68.11% | 3.588 | 33.33% | 3 | 2002-10-25 |
Rinnai Corp5947 | 200.13% | 4.835 | 42.86% | 7 | 2003-06-12 |
Unipres Corp5949 | 153.33% | 2.187 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-07-27 |
Japan Power Fastening Co Ltd5950 | -0.29% | 0.999 | 13.64% | 22 | 2005-04-19 |
Dainichi Co Ltd5951 | 217.81% | 2.211 | 25% | 16 | 2002-11-21 |
Amatei Inc5952 | 175.16% | 1.391 | 19.44% | 36 | 2005-11-17 |
Toso Co Ltd5956 | 128.91% | 1.764 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-08-19 |
Nitto Seiko Co Ltd5957 | 52.29% | 1.22 | 16.67% | 18 | 2006-03-03 |
Sanyo Industries Ltd5958 | -11.81% | 0.889 | 12.5% | 8 | 2002-12-24 |
Okabe Co Ltd5959 | 208.93% | 3.34 | 33.33% | 9 | 2003-03-24 |
Fujimak Corp5965 | 34.57% | 1.18 | 14.29% | 14 | 2005-05-27 |
Tone Co Ltd5967 | 224.43% | 2.437 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-11-15 |
G-Tekt Corp5970 | 119.2% | 1.451 | 18.18% | 22 | 2006-09-06 |
Kyowakogyosyo Co Ltd5971 | 108.18% | 1.635 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-07-19 |
Toami Corp5973 | 121.19% | 1.683 | 20% | 15 | 2004-05-12 |
ChugokuKogyo Co Ltd5974 | 132.84% | 1.374 | 16.67% | 30 | 2002-11-21 |
Topre Corp5975 | 205.8% | 2.15 | 25% | 16 | 2002-07-25 |
Neturen Co Ltd5976 | 115.14% | 1.652 | 20% | 15 | 2003-01-23 |
Tokyo Rope Mfg Co Ltd5981 | 311.34% | 1.862 | 21.88% | 32 | 2004-05-11 |
Maruzen Co Ltd5982 | 180.65% | 2.251 | 30.77% | 13 | 2006-03-09 |
Iwabuchi Corp5983 | 84.57% | 2.029 | 25% | 8 | 2006-07-21 |
Kanefusa Corp5984 | -9.41% | 0.913 | 12.5% | 8 | 2006-10-06 |
Suncall Corp5985 | -2.65% | 0.987 | 13.33% | 15 | 2004-01-26 |
Molitec Steel Co Ltd5986 | -59.74% | 0.831 | 11.54% | 26 | 2004-03-23 |
Piolax Inc5988 | 268.52% | 3.115 | 30.77% | 13 | 2003-07-24 |
H-One Co Ltd5989 | 93.33% | 1.22 | 14.71% | 34 | 2006-04-17 |
Super Tool Co Ltd5990 | 25.33% | 1.177 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-05-15 |
Nhk Spring Co Ltd5991 | 200.98% | 2.042 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-07-25 |
Chuo Spring Co Ltd5992 | 0.29% | 1.003 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-05-19 |
Fine Sinter Co Ltd5994 | 120.35% | 1.756 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-12-01 |
Kyoritsu Air Tech Inc5997 | 113.71% | 2.02 | 30% | 10 | 2006-05-23 |
Advanex Inc5998 | 350.1% | 1.948 | 24.24% | 33 | 2003-12-26 |
Ihara Science Corp5999 | 153.2% | 1.63 | 20% | 20 | 2006-07-19 |
Miura Co Ltd6005 | 353.29% | 4.128 | 35.71% | 14 | 2003-10-29 |
Takuma Co Ltd6013 | 281.87% | 1.903 | 23.08% | 26 | 2002-07-25 |
Japan Engine Corp6016 | 128.52% | 1.469 | 17.39% | 23 | 2004-04-28 |
Hanshin Diesel Works Ltd6018 | 95.23% | 1.514 | 18.75% | 16 | 2006-06-14 |
Akasaka Diesels Ltd6022 | 88.29% | 1.449 | 16.67% | 18 | 2004-05-11 |
Daihatsu Diesel Mfg Co Ltd6023 | 457.05% | 2.349 | 26.67% | 30 | 2004-05-19 |
Gmo Tech Inc6026 | 32.53% | 1.126 | 13.64% | 22 | 2015-05-13 |
Bengo4 Com Inc6027 | 130.43% | 2.017 | 23.08% | 13 | 2015-04-09 |
TechnoPro Holdings Inc6028 | 155.12% | 6.396 | 50% | 4 | 2015-03-25 |
Artra Corp6029 | 131.53% | 1.514 | 20% | 20 | 2015-05-11 |
Adventure Inc6030 | 333.15% | 3.019 | 31.58% | 19 | 2015-12-16 |
Scigineer Inc6031 | 147.15% | 1.41 | 16.67% | 30 | 2015-08-18 |
Interworks Inc6032 | -88.93% | 0.529 | 7.69% | 13 | 2015-04-30 |
Extreme Co Ltd6033 | -0.29% | 0.999 | 11.76% | 17 | 2015-07-30 |
Mrt Inc6034 | 79.9% | 1.409 | 17.65% | 17 | 2016-05-27 |
IR Japan Holdings Ltd6035 | 288.9% | 3.046 | 31.25% | 16 | 2015-05-29 |
KeePer Technical Laboratory Co Ltd6036 | 295.48% | 4.445 | 40% | 10 | 2016-06-16 |
Firstlogic Inc6037 | -22.98% | 0.806 | 11.11% | 9 | 2015-07-30 |
Iid Inc6038 | 194.38% | 1.914 | 22.22% | 18 | 2015-09-18 |
Japan Animal Referral Medical Center Co Ltd6039 | 42.1% | 1.74 | 20% | 5 | 2015-07-08 |
Nippon Ski Resort Development Co Ltd6040 | -43.04% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2015-12-14 |
Nikki Co Ltd6042 | 162.35% | 1.677 | 19.05% | 21 | 2004-10-26 |
Sanki Service Corp6044 | 82.87% | 1.755 | 22.22% | 9 | 2015-08-24 |
Rentracks Co Ltd6045 | 126.78% | 1.717 | 21.43% | 14 | 2016-02-10 |
Linkbal Inc6046 | 264.21% | 2.163 | 25% | 20 | 2015-08-04 |
Gunosy Inc6047 | -8.13% | 0.972 | 13.04% | 23 | 2015-08-19 |
Itokuro Inc6049 | -24.4% | 0.883 | 12.5% | 16 | 2016-03-23 |
E-Guardian Inc6050 | 241.74% | 1.716 | 21.43% | 28 | 2011-05-17 |
Livesense Inc6054 | 3.2% | 1.008 | 13.33% | 30 | 2012-10-22 |
Japan Material Co Ltd6055 | 398.81% | 5.353 | 45.45% | 11 | 2012-07-12 |
Vector Inc6058 | 485.54% | 5.083 | 46.15% | 13 | 2012-10-17 |
Uchiyama Holdings Co Ltd6059 | 13.96% | 1.167 | 16.67% | 6 | 2012-07-31 |
Universal Engeisha Co Ltd6061 | 273.72% | 21.18 | 75% | 4 | 2012-09-03 |
Charm Care Corp6062 | 386.4% | 4.626 | 41.67% | 12 | 2012-09-07 |
Emergency Assistance Japan Co Ltd6063 | 328.01% | 2.035 | 22.22% | 27 | 2012-11-14 |
Impact HD Inc6067 | 436.63% | 2.988 | 30.43% | 23 | 2013-01-17 |
Trenders Inc6069 | 318.75% | 2.182 | 25% | 24 | 2013-02-18 |
Careerlink Co Ltd6070 | 186.29% | 1.871 | 22.22% | 18 | 2013-04-05 |
IBJ Inc6071 | 479.51% | 3.266 | 35% | 20 | 2013-05-28 |
Jibannet Holdings Co Ltd6072 | -63.81% | 0.759 | 10.53% | 19 | 2013-06-28 |
Asante Inc6073 | 83.68% | 7.059 | 50% | 2 | 2013-07-23 |
JSS Corp6074 | 109.27% | 2.239 | 25% | 8 | 2014-05-08 |
Value HR Co Ltd6078 | 326.81% | 4.738 | 40% | 10 | 2014-01-22 |
M&A Capital Partners Co Ltd6080 | 356.81% | 3.66 | 33.33% | 15 | 2014-03-06 |
Allied Architects Inc6081 | 351.35% | 1.891 | 21.21% | 33 | 2014-06-30 |
Ride on Express Co Ltd6082 | 241.61% | 1.908 | 20.83% | 24 | 2014-03-07 |
Eri Holdings Co Ltd6083 | -0.14% | 0.999 | 14.29% | 7 | 2014-12-01 |
Architects Studio Japan Inc6085 | 55.52% | 1.23 | 15.79% | 19 | 2014-04-16 |
Shin Pro Maint Inc6086 | 410.96% | 6.016 | 45.45% | 11 | 2014-03-27 |
Abist Co Ltd6087 | 199.18% | 3.446 | 33.33% | 9 | 2014-03-27 |
Sigmaxyz Inc6088 | 208.52% | 2.103 | 25% | 16 | 2014-06-26 |
Will Group Inc6089 | 220.45% | 2.145 | 25% | 16 | 2014-05-01 |
Human Metabolome Technologies Inc6090 | -65.16% | 0.754 | 10% | 20 | 2014-07-10 |
Wesco Holdings Inc6091 | 54.83% | 2.227 | 25% | 4 | 2014-11-27 |
Enbio Holdings Inc6092 | 271.08% | 1.837 | 22.22% | 27 | 2014-07-11 |
Escrow Agent Japan Inc6093 | 254.37% | 1.996 | 23.81% | 21 | 2014-06-30 |
Freakout Inc6094 | -17.39% | 0.943 | 12.5% | 24 | 2014-09-24 |
Medpeer Inc6095 | 179.14% | 1.579 | 19.23% | 26 | 2014-10-02 |
Rarejob Inc6096 | 46.51% | 1.175 | 15.79% | 19 | 2014-10-16 |
Recruit Holdings Co Ltd6098 | 127.62% | 3.292 | 33.33% | 6 | 2015-05-08 |
Elan Corp6099 | 240.85% | 5.219 | 42.86% | 7 | 2015-04-06 |
Tsugami Corp6101 | 391.47% | 2.384 | 26.92% | 26 | 2002-11-18 |
Okuma Corp.6103 | 361.71% | 2.683 | 28% | 25 | 2004-07-09 |
Shibaura Machine Co Ltd6104 | 167.32% | 1.836 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-05-11 |
Amada Co., Ltd.6113 | 195.35% | 2.018 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-12-19 |
Aida Engineering Ltd6118 | 226.96% | 2.386 | 26.67% | 15 | 2003-08-28 |
Takisawa Machine Tool Co Ltd6121 | 152.02% | 1.663 | 20% | 20 | 2003-10-23 |
Okamoto Machine Tool Works Ltd6125 | 119.85% | 1.356 | 17.24% | 29 | 2003-11-12 |
Hamai Co Ltd6131 | 116.28% | 1.3 | 15.63% | 32 | 2002-11-20 |
Fuji Machine Mfg. Co Ltd6134 | 138.78% | 4.375 | 40% | 5 | 2014-01-17 |
Makino Milling Machine Co Ltd6135 | 88.22% | 1.349 | 17.39% | 23 | 2002-07-25 |
OSG Corp6136 | 361.61% | 2.792 | 30% | 20 | 2002-12-13 |
Koike Sanso Kogyo Co Ltd6137 | 126.44% | 1.575 | 20% | 20 | 2002-07-19 |
Dijet Industrial Co Ltd6138 | 50.23% | 1.212 | 15% | 20 | 2002-11-18 |
Asahi Diamond Ind Co Ltd6140 | -4.5% | 0.985 | 13.04% | 23 | 2002-07-19 |
Dmg Mori Seiki Co Ltd6141 | 378.44% | 2.292 | 25.93% | 27 | 2002-09-24 |
Sodick Co Ltd6143 | 533.95% | 2.362 | 27.78% | 36 | 2002-12-18 |
Seibu Electric & Machinery Co Ltd6144 | 135.51% | 3.233 | 33.33% | 6 | 2007-08-23 |
Nittoku Engineering Co Ltd6145 | 341.36% | 2.015 | 23.33% | 30 | 2006-02-16 |
Disco Corp6146 | 182.07% | 1.846 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-06-05 |
Yamazaki Co Ltd6147 | 75.21% | 1.442 | 15.38% | 13 | 2008-12-19 |
Odawara Engineering Co Ltd6149 | 175.87% | 1.604 | 23.08% | 26 | 2017-09-26 |
Takeda Machinery Co Ltd6150 | 218.96% | 1.784 | 21.74% | 23 | 2006-01-20 |
Nitto Kohki Co Ltd6151 | 70.16% | 1.686 | 22.22% | 9 | 2003-04-15 |
Takamatsu Machinery Co Ltd6155 | 80.93% | 1.38 | 22.22% | 18 | 2014-07-22 |
A-One Seimitsu Inc6156 | -1.21% | 0.988 | 12.5% | 8 | 2006-04-25 |
NS Tool Co Ltd6157 | 129.33% | 1.797 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-01-23 |
Waida MFG. Co Ltd6158 | 169.76% | 1.483 | 17.24% | 29 | 2006-02-17 |
Micron Machinery Co Ltd6159 | 64.63% | 1.286 | 16.67% | 18 | 2006-05-31 |
Estic Corp6161 | 243.54% | 1.945 | 22.73% | 22 | 2006-05-16 |
Taiyo Koki Co Ltd6164 | 187.95% | 1.84 | 28.57% | 21 | 2017-12-06 |
Punch Industry Co Ltd6165 | 176.31% | 1.797 | 21.05% | 19 | 2013-04-18 |
Nakamura Choukou Co Ltd6166 | 184.32% | 1.566 | 20% | 25 | 2015-09-25 |
Fuji Die Co Ltd6167 | 23.81% | 1.327 | 16.67% | 6 | 2015-10-07 |
CE Management Integrated Laboratory Co Ltd6171 | -17.43% | 0.862 | 20% | 10 | 2017-12-21 |
Metaps Inc6172 | 106.26% | 1.503 | 16.67% | 18 | 2015-12-07 |
Aqualine Ltd6173 | 207.88% | 2.291 | 26.67% | 15 | 2016-02-10 |
Net Marketing Co Ltd6175 | 8.32% | 1.077 | 12.5% | 8 | 2017-07-04 |
Brangista Inc6176 | 80.73% | 1.376 | 16.67% | 18 | 2015-12-22 |
Appbank Inc6177 | 98.2% | 1.333 | 18.18% | 22 | 2016-04-08 |
Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd6178 | -28.7% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2016-02-12 |
Gmo Media Inc6180 | -17.26% | 0.86 | 10% | 10 | 2016-02-10 |
Tameny Inc6181 | 53.29% | 1.362 | 18.18% | 11 | 2016-02-19 |
MetaReal Corp6182 | 11.7% | 1.069 | 14.29% | 14 | 2016-08-29 |
BELLSYSTEM24 Holdings Inc6183 | 108.54% | 2.33 | 28.57% | 7 | 2016-02-23 |
Kamakura Shinsho Ltd6184 | 148.65% | 2.071 | 25% | 12 | 2016-06-20 |
SMN Corp6185 | 76.17% | 1.373 | 17.65% | 17 | 2016-08-03 |
Fuji Soft Service Bureau Inc6188 | 177.19% | 2.512 | 30% | 10 | 2016-06-20 |
Global Group Corp6189 | -51.38% | 0.64 | 9.09% | 11 | 2016-08-19 |
AirTrip Corp6191 | 152.02% | 2.035 | 23.08% | 13 | 2016-07-21 |
HyAS&Co. Inc6192 | 215.32% | 2.229 | 28.57% | 14 | 2017-08-02 |
Virtualex Consulting Inc6193 | 222.03% | 2.36 | 28.57% | 14 | 2016-11-14 |
Atrae Inc6194 | -34.96% | 0.731 | 10% | 10 | 2017-08-15 |
Hope Inc6195 | 177.57% | 1.481 | 17.24% | 29 | 2016-09-21 |
Strike Company Ltd6196 | 128.29% | 1.86 | 21.43% | 14 | 2017-01-20 |
Solasto Corp6197 | 131.91% | 3.121 | 33.33% | 6 | 2016-12-12 |
Seraku Co Ltd6199 | 219.33% | 3.467 | 33.33% | 9 | 2016-11-10 |
Insource Co Ltd6200 | 274.85% | 3.587 | 36.36% | 11 | 2017-01-06 |
Toyota Industries Corp6201 | 147.15% | 2.294 | 27.27% | 11 | 2003-07-31 |
Howa Machinery Ltd6203 | 236.24% | 1.926 | 22.73% | 22 | 2003-04-22 |
OKK Corp6205 | 326.09% | 1.9 | 22.58% | 31 | 2005-11-28 |
Ishikawa Seisakusho Ltd6208 | 414.49% | 2.574 | 28% | 25 | 2003-12-24 |
Toyo Machinery Metal Co Ltd6210 | 104.84% | 1.364 | 17.39% | 23 | 2005-02-23 |
Tsudakoma Corp6217 | 268.96% | 1.622 | 18.92% | 37 | 2002-11-21 |
Enshu Ltd6218 | 345.03% | 2.079 | 24.14% | 29 | 2002-08-21 |
Shima Seiki Mfg. Ltd6222 | 104.4% | 1.399 | 16.67% | 24 | 2003-06-03 |
Okumura Engineering Corp6229 | -13.44% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-07-20 |
Sanei Ltd6230 | -11.16% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-06-17 |
Kimura Kohki Co Ltd6231 | -89.01% | 0 | 0% | 7 | 2020-06-24 |
ACSL Ltd6232 | -32.26% | 0.715 | 10% | 10 | 2019-06-12 |
Kyokuto Sanki Co Ltd6233 | 41.56% | 1.712 | 20% | 5 | 2019-04-03 |
Optorun Co Ltd6235 | -0.22% | 0.997 | 14.29% | 7 | 2018-03-23 |
NC Holdings Co Ltd6236 | 195.41% | 3.258 | 33.33% | 9 | 2016-08-22 |
Iwaki Co Ltd6237 | 52.97% | 2.176 | 25% | 4 | 2016-06-20 |
FuRyu Corp6238 | 53.1% | 2.245 | 25% | 4 | 2016-05-09 |
Nagaoka International Corp6239 | 152.25% | 1.532 | 17.39% | 23 | 2020-03-02 |
Yamashin-Filter Corp6240 | 300.38% | 2.53 | 27.78% | 18 | 2015-01-19 |
Hirano Tecseed Co Ltd6245 | 176.09% | 1.585 | 19.23% | 26 | 2006-02-14 |
Techno Smart Corp6246 | 202.76% | 1.636 | 23.08% | 26 | 2004-03-16 |
Hisaka Works Ltd6247 | 146.98% | 1.99 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-11-20 |
Yokota Manufacturing Co Ltd6248 | 48.45% | 2.107 | 25% | 4 | 2013-12-17 |
Gamecard Joyco Holdings Inc6249 | -3.79% | 0.937 | 33.33% | 6 | 2015-05-20 |
Yamabiko Corp6250 | 300.03% | 2.561 | 27.78% | 18 | 2009-05-15 |
Nomura Micro Science Co Ltd6254 | 222.55% | 1.849 | 26.09% | 23 | 2017-04-04 |
NPC Inc Japan6255 | 66.06% | 1.152 | 14.71% | 34 | 2007-11-26 |
Fujishoji Co Ltd6257 | 9.52% | 1.111 | 14.29% | 7 | 2007-07-17 |
Hirata Corp6258 | 254.83% | 1.695 | 20.59% | 34 | 2007-03-22 |
Pegasus Sewing Machine Mfg Co Ltd6262 | 165.15% | 1.537 | 20% | 25 | 2006-06-29 |
Marumae Co Ltd6264 | 572.49% | 1.904 | 24% | 50 | 2007-11-22 |
Convum Ltd6265 | 96.44% | 1.559 | 20% | 15 | 2007-03-05 |
Tazmo Co Ltd6266 | 277.36% | 1.499 | 17.78% | 45 | 2006-02-15 |
General Packer Co Ltd6267 | 182.82% | 2.993 | 33.33% | 9 | 2006-02-02 |
Nabtesco Corp6268 | 318.55% | 2.276 | 25% | 24 | 2004-05-26 |
Modec Inc6269 | 125.95% | 1.362 | 17.24% | 29 | 2004-01-21 |
Rheon Automatic Machinery Co Ltd6272 | 228.01% | 2.272 | 25% | 16 | 2002-08-23 |
SMC Corp6273 | 15.07% | 1.261 | 20% | 5 | 2008-03-19 |
Hosokawa Micron Corp6277 | 117.49% | 1.68 | 20% | 15 | 2002-08-15 |
Union Tool Co6278 | 212.7% | 1.812 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-02-15 |
Zuiko Corp6279 | 40.89% | 1.158 | 15.79% | 19 | 2004-12-07 |
Oiles Corp6282 | 110.86% | 2.267 | 25% | 8 | 2002-09-25 |
Nissei ASB Machine Co Ltd6284 | 53.62% | 1.251 | 15.79% | 19 | 2013-05-17 |
Seiko Corp6286 | 12.28% | 1.137 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-05-01 |
Sato Holdings Corp6287 | 141.47% | 1.619 | 20% | 20 | 2003-05-20 |
Giken Ltd6289 | 250.1% | 7.383 | 50% | 6 | 2004-11-15 |
Airtech Japan Ltd6291 | 130.12% | 1.478 | 21.74% | 23 | 2020-03-04 |
Kawata Mfg. Co Ltd6292 | 123.01% | 1.728 | 21.43% | 14 | 2018-03-27 |
Nissei Plastic Industrial Co Ltd6293 | 134.92% | 1.391 | 18.52% | 27 | 2003-12-16 |
Okada Aiyon Corp6294 | 303.8% | 2.072 | 25% | 24 | 2004-04-01 |
Koken Boring Machine Co Ltd6297 | 248.33% | 1.735 | 21.43% | 28 | 2006-02-21 |
Y.A.C. Co Ltd6298 | 272.12% | 1.663 | 21.21% | 33 | 2007-02-01 |
Komatsu Ltd.6301 | 449.99% | 3.244 | 31.82% | 22 | 2002-07-25 |
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.6302 | 156.12% | 1.55 | 19.23% | 26 | 2004-04-20 |
Hitachi Construction Machinery Co6305 | 344.58% | 2.411 | 26.09% | 23 | 2002-12-18 |
Nikko Co Ltd6306 | 84.85% | 1.754 | 22.22% | 9 | 2003-12-29 |
Sansei Co Ltd6307 | 257.24% | 2.847 | 30.77% | 13 | 2004-05-07 |
Tomoe Engineering Co Ltd6309 | 73.1% | 1.617 | 20% | 10 | 2005-11-02 |
Iseki & Co Ltd6310 | 7.21% | 1.018 | 12.12% | 33 | 2004-01-30 |
Freund Corp6312 | 129.06% | 1.496 | 19.05% | 21 | 2006-10-02 |
Towa Corp6315 | 213.1% | 1.453 | 18.92% | 37 | 2002-08-22 |
Maruyama MFG Co Inc6316 | 43.07% | 1.179 | 14.29% | 21 | 2003-07-22 |
Kitagawa Iron Works Co Ltd6317 | 171.12% | 1.905 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-11-19 |
SNT Corp6319 | 153.73% | 1.628 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-11-19 |
Tacmina Corp6322 | 140.2% | 2.808 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-10-15 |
Rorze Corp6323 | 645.8% | 2.877 | 31.25% | 32 | 2006-05-22 |
Harmonic Drive Systems Inc6324 | 468.5% | 2.779 | 29.63% | 27 | 2006-04-24 |
Takakita Co Ltd6325 | 323.1% | 2.479 | 26.32% | 19 | 2005-04-07 |
Kubota Corp.6326 | 375.75% | 4.162 | 38.46% | 13 | 2003-05-20 |
Kitagawa Seiki Co Ltd6327 | 7.52% | 1.019 | 13.33% | 30 | 2006-04-27 |
Ebara Jitsugyo Co Ltd6328 | 102.02% | 2.216 | 33.33% | 6 | 2004-04-20 |
Toyo Engineering Corp6330 | 142.7% | 1.534 | 18.18% | 22 | 2005-12-12 |
Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha Ltd6331 | 363.37% | 2.227 | 23.33% | 30 | 2002-11-21 |
Tsukishima Kikai Co Ltd6332 | 178.78% | 2.504 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-10-16 |
Teikoku Electric Mfg. Co Ltd6333 | 437.03% | 3.155 | 33.33% | 21 | 2007-08-14 |
Meiji Machine Co Ltd6334 | 247.74% | 1.551 | 19.44% | 36 | 2003-02-27 |
Tokyo Kikai Seisakusho Ltd6335 | 137.13% | 1.281 | 17.07% | 41 | 2002-07-02 |
Ishii Hyoki Co Ltd6336 | 145.84% | 1.244 | 15.22% | 46 | 2002-07-03 |
Tesec Corp6337 | 147.58% | 1.616 | 20% | 20 | 2006-03-24 |
Takatori Corp6338 | 491.86% | 2.247 | 27.27% | 33 | 2004-02-04 |
Sintokogio Ltd6339 | 118.64% | 1.719 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-07-15 |
Shibuya Kogyo Co Ltd6340 | 245.92% | 2.695 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-07-25 |
Taihei Machinery Works Ltd6342 | 327.14% | 2.53 | 30% | 20 | 2004-03-29 |
Freesia Macross Corp6343 | 213.66% | 1.587 | 20% | 30 | 2003-01-28 |
Aichi Corp6345 | 168.39% | 1.753 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-01-28 |
Placo Co Ltd6347 | 203.19% | 1.513 | 20.69% | 29 | 2006-01-20 |
Komori Corp6349 | 5.38% | 1.019 | 13.64% | 22 | 2002-08-07 |
Tsurumi Manufacturing Co Ltd6351 | 182.67% | 2.779 | 30% | 10 | 2004-05-18 |
Sumitomo Precision Products Co Ltd6355 | 22.55% | 1.14 | 12.5% | 16 | 2002-07-25 |
Nippon Gear Co Ltd6356 | 258.51% | 1.801 | 22.22% | 27 | 2003-12-15 |
Sansei Technologies Inc6357 | 41.83% | 1.271 | 16.67% | 12 | 2004-10-05 |
Sakai Heavy Industries Ltd6358 | 205.06% | 1.803 | 25% | 24 | 2002-07-15 |
Tokyo Automatic Machinery Works Ltd6360 | -10.96% | 0.891 | 12.5% | 8 | 2004-02-04 |
Ebara Corp.6361 | 245.65% | 2.077 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-12-18 |
Ishii Iron Works Co Ltd6362 | 179.46% | 1.957 | 22.22% | 18 | 2003-12-03 |
Torishima Pump Mfg Co Ltd6363 | 265.02% | 2.319 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-10-17 |
Hokuetsu Industries Co Ltd6364 | 354.29% | 2.377 | 30.43% | 23 | 2002-10-16 |
DMW Corp6365 | 159.19% | 6.591 | 50% | 4 | 2004-10-29 |
Chiyoda Corp.6366 | 119.82% | 1.312 | 16.67% | 30 | 2002-09-05 |
Daikin Industries, Ltd.6367 | 263.51% | 4.728 | 44.44% | 9 | 2003-02-04 |
Organo Corp6368 | 333.82% | 2.434 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-12-12 |
Toyo Kanetsu KK6369 | 133.58% | 1.548 | 18.18% | 22 | 2002-07-25 |
Kurita Water Industries Ltd6370 | 293.28% | 3.784 | 33.33% | 12 | 2003-12-12 |
Tsubakimoto Chain Co6371 | 86.8% | 1.422 | 16.67% | 18 | 2002-06-05 |
Daido Kogyo Co Ltd6373 | 121.29% | 1.456 | 19.05% | 21 | 2003-07-22 |
Nikkiso Co Ltd6376 | 138.57% | 1.89 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-07-25 |
Kimura Chemical Plants Co Ltd6378 | 697.69% | 2.719 | 30.56% | 36 | 2003-12-15 |
Raiznext Corp6379 | 343.07% | 3.195 | 31.25% | 16 | 2004-04-27 |
Anest Iwata Corp6381 | 285.77% | 3.806 | 36.36% | 11 | 2004-09-28 |
Trinity Industrial Corp6382 | 289.18% | 2.353 | 30% | 20 | 2006-01-19 |
Daifuku Co Ltd6383 | 461.15% | 3.465 | 35% | 20 | 2002-12-11 |
Showa Shinku Co Ltd6384 | 87.82% | 1.314 | 13.04% | 23 | 2006-05-17 |
Samco Inc6387 | 172.8% | 1.46 | 21.88% | 32 | 2006-01-27 |
Kato Works Co Ltd6390 | 329.92% | 2.047 | 24.14% | 29 | 2002-11-21 |
Kaji Technology Corp6391 | 104.96% | 1.602 | 17.65% | 17 | 2005-03-18 |
Yamada Corp6392 | 234.03% | 2.431 | 26.67% | 15 | 2003-03-20 |
Yuken Kogyo Co Ltd6393 | 102.47% | 1.545 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-04-20 |
Tadano Ltd6395 | 306.71% | 2.568 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-12-20 |
Unozawa-gumi Iron Works Ltd6396 | 216.7% | 2.08 | 25% | 20 | 2004-04-13 |
Fuji Seiki Co Ltd6400 | 340.5% | 1.677 | 21.43% | 42 | 2006-02-17 |
Kanematsu Engineering Co Ltd6402 | 146.89% | 4.109 | 40% | 5 | 2006-05-25 |
Suido Kiko Kaisha Ltd6403 | 66.01% | 1.482 | 18.18% | 11 | 2006-12-20 |
Suzumo Machinery Co Ltd6405 | 314.5% | 2.876 | 31.25% | 16 | 2006-02-16 |
Fujitec Co Ltd6406 | 266.04% | 3.246 | 33.33% | 12 | 2003-09-24 |
CKD Corp6407 | 394.52% | 2.085 | 24.24% | 33 | 2003-09-25 |
Ogura Clutch Co Ltd6408 | 282.71% | 2.696 | 27.78% | 18 | 2006-06-08 |
Kito Corp6409 | 206.13% | 2.113 | 29.41% | 17 | 2007-11-08 |
Nakano Refrigerators Co Ltd6411 | 209.06% | 2.657 | 30.77% | 13 | 2006-04-13 |
Heiwa Corp6412 | 70.77% | 1.631 | 20% | 10 | 2002-09-25 |
Riso Kagaku Corp6413 | 254.23% | 2.067 | 23.81% | 21 | 2007-05-15 |
Katsuragawa Electric Co Ltd6416 | -15.78% | 0.95 | 11.54% | 26 | 2006-04-19 |
Sankyo Co Ltd6417 | 26.67% | 1.536 | 20% | 5 | 2003-05-15 |
Japan Cash Machine Co Ltd6418 | 39.13% | 1.159 | 15% | 20 | 2002-12-16 |
Mars Engineering Corp6419 | 132.86% | 1.534 | 19.05% | 21 | 2002-11-13 |
Fukushima Industries Corp6420 | 343.6% | 3.492 | 35.71% | 14 | 2003-07-31 |
Takamisawa Cybernetics Co Ltd6424 | 544.73% | 3.902 | 25% | 16 | 2006-12-25 |
Universal Entertainment Corp6425 | 399.76% | 2.268 | 25.81% | 31 | 2006-02-08 |
Oizumi Corp6428 | -6.14% | 0.985 | 12.9% | 31 | 2003-08-26 |
Daikoku Denki Co Ltd6430 | 190.27% | 1.679 | 20% | 25 | 2004-02-23 |
Takeuchi Mfg Co Ltd6432 | 273.94% | 1.913 | 23.08% | 26 | 2006-02-17 |
Hephaist Seiko Co Ltd6433 | 172.37% | 1.475 | 17.24% | 29 | 2006-02-14 |
Amano Corp6436 | 176.7% | 2.481 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-11-13 |
Juki Corp6440 | 279.41% | 1.497 | 18.75% | 48 | 2002-10-25 |
Sanden Corporation6444 | 7.9% | 1.017 | 13.89% | 36 | 2002-09-05 |
Janome Sewing Machine Co Ltd6445 | 140.44% | 1.427 | 18.52% | 27 | 2004-08-09 |
Brother Industries Ltd6448 | 207.17% | 2.164 | 25% | 16 | 2002-12-06 |
Max Co Ltd6454 | 100.24% | 2.016 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-07-31 |
Morita Holdings Corp6455 | 228.16% | 4.187 | 37.5% | 8 | 2002-12-10 |
Glory Ltd6457 | 76.81% | 1.67 | 20% | 10 | 2004-01-21 |
Sinko Industries Ltd6458 | 297.73% | 2.537 | 31.58% | 19 | 2007-12-20 |
Sega Sammy Holdings6460 | 96.13% | 1.515 | 18.75% | 16 | 2005-02-23 |
Nippon Piston Ring Co Ltd6461 | 120.59% | 1.675 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-02-03 |
Riken Corp6462 | 38.63% | 1.183 | 15% | 20 | 2003-07-07 |
TPR Co Ltd6463 | 340.06% | 2.04 | 23.33% | 30 | 2002-11-26 |
Tsubaki Nakashima Co Ltd6464 | 5.33% | 1.055 | 12.5% | 8 | 2016-11-22 |
Hoshizaki Electric Co Ltd6465 | 160.27% | 6.462 | 50% | 4 | 2010-01-22 |
TVE Co Ltd6466 | 238.45% | 2.085 | 23.81% | 21 | 2002-11-21 |
Nichidai Corp6467 | -33.29% | 0.906 | 15.38% | 26 | 2006-02-23 |
Hoden Seimitsu Kako Kenkyusho Co Ltd6469 | 126.9% | 1.356 | 17.86% | 28 | 2006-04-18 |
Taiho Kogyo Co Ltd6470 | 142.39% | 1.586 | 19.05% | 21 | 2002-10-01 |
NSK Ltd.6471 | 270.1% | 1.849 | 22.22% | 27 | 2002-12-11 |
NTN Corp.6472 | 59.89% | 1.135 | 14.71% | 34 | 2003-03-20 |
JTEKT Corp.6473 | 165.73% | 1.749 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-01-16 |
Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp6474 | 111.45% | 1.323 | 15.63% | 32 | 2004-04-28 |
Minebea Mitsumi Inc6479 | 280% | 1.88 | 21.43% | 28 | 2002-07-25 |
Nippon Thompson Co Ltd6480 | 197.51% | 1.509 | 18.75% | 32 | 2002-06-05 |
THK Co Ltd6481 | 160.61% | 1.559 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-07-17 |
Yushin Precision Equipment Co Ltd6482 | 24.89% | 1.093 | 14.29% | 21 | 2002-09-05 |
KVK Corp6484 | 298.25% | 3.158 | 30.77% | 13 | 2006-05-19 |
Maezawa Kyuso Industries Co Ltd6485 | 6.17% | 1.068 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-04-01 |
Eagle Industry Co Ltd6486 | 321.06% | 1.882 | 21.88% | 32 | 2002-11-13 |
Yoshitake Inc6488 | 31.73% | 1.469 | 20% | 5 | 2006-09-12 |
Maezawa Industries Inc6489 | 245.49% | 1.965 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-12-19 |
Nippon Pillar Packing Co Ltd6490 | 338.9% | 2.402 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-09-05 |
Okano Valve Mfg. Co Ltd6492 | 169.91% | 1.869 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-10-01 |
Nittan Valve Co Ltd6493 | 116.49% | 1.656 | 20% | 15 | 2002-11-20 |
NFK Holdings Co Ltd6494 | 364.64% | 1.786 | 21.62% | 37 | 2006-02-21 |
Miyairi Valve MFG Co Ltd6495 | -31.15% | 0.954 | 14.58% | 48 | 2004-10-21 |
Nakakita Seisakusho Co Ltd6496 | -51.38% | 0.64 | 9.09% | 11 | 2004-11-25 |
Hamai Industries Ltd6497 | 214.08% | 2.69 | 27.27% | 11 | 2006-10-02 |
Kitz Corp6498 | 215.37% | 1.752 | 20.83% | 24 | 2004-07-09 |
Hitachi Ltd6501 | 235.65% | 2.147 | 23.81% | 21 | 2003-05-20 |
Toshiba Corp.6502 | 278.09% | 1.909 | 20.69% | 29 | 2003-05-26 |
Mitsubishi Electric Corp6503 | 338.1% | 3.267 | 33.33% | 15 | 2002-07-25 |
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.6504 | 245.97% | 1.721 | 21.43% | 28 | 2002-12-20 |
Toyo Denki Seizo KK6505 | 51.44% | 1.15 | 14.29% | 28 | 2002-11-14 |
Yaskawa Electric Corp.6506 | 351.31% | 2.513 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-12-13 |
Sinfonia Technology Co Ltd6507 | 159.15% | 1.704 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-12-24 |
Meidensha Corp.6508 | 336.36% | 2.5 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-12-11 |
Origin Electric Co Ltd6513 | 182.71% | 1.657 | 20.83% | 24 | 2002-07-17 |
Sanyo Denki Co Ltd6516 | 401.3% | 2.462 | 25% | 28 | 2002-11-21 |
Denyo Co Ltd6517 | 293.65% | 2.468 | 30% | 20 | 2011-04-26 |
Oxide Corp6521 | -22.89% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-07-14 |
Asterisk Inc6522 | -27.07% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-01-26 |
PHC Holdings Corp6523 | -26.5% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-01-20 |
BayCurrent Consulting Inc6532 | 494.13% | 6.425 | 46.15% | 13 | 2016-12-22 |
Orchestra Holdings Inc6533 | 209.71% | 4.106 | 42.86% | 7 | 2016-12-20 |
I-mobile Co Ltd6535 | -1.69% | 0.983 | 14.29% | 7 | 2017-08-10 |
CareerIndex Inc6538 | 191.16% | 1.636 | 20% | 25 | 2017-07-10 |
Matching Service Japan Co Ltd6539 | 122.13% | 2.749 | 28.57% | 7 | 2017-03-16 |
Semba Corp6540 | -43.78% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2017-05-17 |
Founder’s Consultants Holdings Inc6542 | 180.14% | 7.473 | 50% | 4 | 2017-11-17 |
Japan Elevator Service Holdings Co Ltd6544 | 279.15% | 21.222 | 75% | 4 | 2017-06-27 |
Fulltech Co Ltd6546 | -14.74% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2017-10-02 |
Greens Co Ltd6547 | -9.01% | 0.915 | 12.5% | 8 | 2017-06-26 |
Tabikobo Co Ltd6548 | 91.35% | 1.414 | 17.65% | 17 | 2017-07-24 |
Unipos Inc6550 | -45.47% | 0.814 | 11.11% | 18 | 2017-10-05 |
Tsunagu Solutions Inc6551 | -73.11% | 0.568 | 8.33% | 12 | 2017-12-04 |
SUS Co Ltd6554 | 134.78% | 1.768 | 20% | 15 | 2018-04-12 |
Ms&Consulting Co Ltd6555 | -52.12% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2018-02-09 |
Welbe Inc6556 | -36.1% | 0.717 | 11.11% | 9 | 2018-03-06 |
AIAI Group Corp6557 | 6.79% | 1.079 | 14.29% | 7 | 2020-04-06 |
Cookbiz Co Ltd6558 | 97.95% | 1.826 | 20% | 10 | 2018-04-17 |
LTS Inc6560 | 43.96% | 1.346 | 16.67% | 12 | 2018-03-29 |
Hanatour Japan Co Ltd6561 | 213.19% | 2.017 | 22.22% | 18 | 2018-03-29 |
Geniee Inc6562 | 170.13% | 2.306 | 27.27% | 11 | 2018-05-28 |
Mirai Works Inc6563 | -40.6% | 0.719 | 9.09% | 11 | 2018-05-29 |
Midac Co Ltd6564 | 178.82% | 2.551 | 27.27% | 11 | 2019-10-11 |
ABHOTEL CO LTD6565 | 17.03% | 1.233 | 16.67% | 6 | 2018-04-17 |
KANAME KOGYO CO LTD6566 | -28.01% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-05-29 |
KNC Laboratories Co Ltd6568 | -67.76% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2018-08-07 |
Nisso Corporation6569 | 61.56% | 1.479 | 20% | 10 | 2018-08-22 |
QB Net Holdings Co6571 | -34.07% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-10-30 |
Agile Media Network6573 | -84.02% | 0.583 | 6.67% | 15 | 2018-07-20 |
Convano Inc6574 | 23.2% | 1.322 | 16.67% | 6 | 2018-07-23 |
bestone.com Co Ltd6577 | 57.29% | 1.256 | 15% | 20 | 2018-08-29 |
logly Inc6579 | 150.27% | 1.585 | 20% | 20 | 2020-12-09 |
Writeup Co Ltd6580 | 144.25% | 1.712 | 17.65% | 17 | 2018-10-11 |
Sanoh Industrial Co Ltd6584 | 254.12% | 2.1 | 25% | 20 | 2002-11-19 |
Makita6586 | 424.56% | 3.629 | 31.58% | 19 | 2003-02-12 |
Toshiba Tec Corp6588 | 41.23% | 1.3 | 16.67% | 12 | 2003-10-23 |
Shibaura Mechatronics Corp6590 | 192.58% | 1.62 | 20% | 30 | 2002-11-20 |
Mabuchi Motor Ltd6592 | -56.06% | 0.633 | 7.69% | 13 | 2003-01-22 |
Nidec Corp6594 | 397.09% | 2.127 | 24.24% | 33 | 2000-03-02 |
Hpc Systems Inc6597 | 20.4% | 1.304 | 16.67% | 6 | 2020-01-30 |
Balmuda Inc6612 | -53.97% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-04-13 |
QD Laser Inc6613 | -75.47% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-05-14 |
Shikino High Tech Co Ltd6614 | -26.85% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-10-06 |
UMC Electronics Co Ltd6615 | 20.83% | 1.081 | 15% | 20 | 2016-08-16 |
Torex Semiconductor Ltd6616 | 126.44% | 1.79 | 21.43% | 14 | 2014-07-10 |
Takaoka Toko Co Ltd6617 | 33.82% | 1.468 | 16.67% | 6 | 2013-08-12 |
Ohizumi MFG Co Ltd6618 | 114.47% | 1.378 | 20% | 25 | 2014-10-30 |
W-Scope Corp6619 | 338.66% | 1.985 | 25% | 28 | 2012-04-25 |
Miyakoshi Holdings Inc6620 | 223.18% | 1.739 | 20% | 25 | 2012-02-02 |
Daihen Corp6622 | 358.65% | 2.842 | 30% | 20 | 2003-12-25 |
Jalco Holdings Inc6625 | 260.77% | 2.57 | 28.57% | 14 | 2013-08-14 |
Semitec Corp6626 | 597.95% | 3.362 | 33.33% | 27 | 2011-10-24 |
Tera Probe Inc6627 | 285.22% | 1.937 | 23.08% | 26 | 2011-06-30 |
Techno Horizon Holdings Co Ltd6629 | 334.53% | 2.223 | 26.09% | 23 | 2010-12-20 |
Ya-Man Ltd6630 | 476.17% | 2.979 | 33.33% | 24 | 2013-05-27 |
JVC Kenwood Corp6632 | 158.94% | 1.65 | 20% | 20 | 2009-07-10 |
NCXX Group Inc6634 | 85.37% | 1.137 | 15.22% | 46 | 2007-11-06 |
Di-Nikko Engineering Co Ltd6635 | 324.91% | 2.579 | 29.41% | 17 | 2007-07-02 |
Terasaki Electric Co Ltd6637 | 118.71% | 1.428 | 18.18% | 22 | 2007-08-31 |
Mimaki Engineering Co Ltd6638 | 355.62% | 1.772 | 21.62% | 37 | 2008-03-03 |
IPEX Inc6640 | 29.2% | 1.116 | 15% | 20 | 2011-08-09 |
Nissin Electric Co Ltd6641 | 350.62% | 2.463 | 27.27% | 22 | 2003-11-11 |
Togami Electric Mfg Co Ltd6643 | 277.89% | 2.381 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-10-16 |
Osaki Electric Co Ltd6644 | 113.09% | 1.404 | 17.39% | 23 | 2003-10-22 |
Omron Cor6645 | 318.42% | 2.441 | 26.09% | 23 | 2003-05-22 |
Morio Denki Co Ltd6647 | 228.58% | 2.029 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-12-26 |
Kawaden Corp6648 | 119.58% | 2.545 | 25% | 8 | 2006-09-20 |
Nitto Kogyo Corp6651 | 199.9% | 2.111 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-02-04 |
IDEC Corp6652 | 306.89% | 2.731 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-09-05 |
Seiko Electric Co Ltd6653 | 8.89% | 1.1 | 14.29% | 7 | 2018-03-28 |
Fuji Electric Industry Co Ltd6654 | 41.93% | 1.717 | 20% | 5 | 2007-03-19 |
Inspec Inc6656 | 596.47% | 2.032 | 22.92% | 48 | 2006-09-19 |
Shirai Electronics Industrial Co Ltd6658 | 222.29% | 1.431 | 17.5% | 40 | 2006-07-12 |
Media Links Co Ltd6659 | 287.75% | 1.407 | 18.97% | 58 | 2012-02-14 |
Ubiteq Inc6662 | 187.05% | 1.444 | 18.18% | 33 | 2007-04-17 |
Optoelectronics Co Ltd6664 | 133.87% | 1.246 | 16.28% | 43 | 2006-02-16 |
River Eletec Corp6666 | 242.7% | 1.381 | 18.37% | 49 | 2013-11-06 |
Adtec Plasma Technology Co Ltd6668 | 199.49% | 1.346 | 16.33% | 49 | 2004-12-10 |
MCJ Co Ltd6670 | 325.31% | 1.663 | 21.05% | 38 | 2004-09-16 |
GS Yuasa Corp.6674 | 167.47% | 1.844 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-07-09 |
SAXA Holdings Inc6675 | 66.66% | 1.223 | 15.38% | 26 | 2004-05-18 |
Melco Holdings Inc6676 | 243.45% | 2.068 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-06-23 |
SK-Electronics Co Ltd6677 | 34.92% | 1.05 | 13.21% | 53 | 2006-05-17 |
Techno Medica Co Ltd6678 | 140.63% | 3.546 | 33.33% | 6 | 2007-11-12 |
Zoom Corp6694 | 98.26% | 2 | 25% | 8 | 2017-06-26 |
TRaaS On Product Inc6696 | 39.78% | 1.151 | 15% | 20 | 2017-11-13 |
Diamond Electric Holdings Co Ltd6699 | 249.39% | 2.823 | 28.57% | 14 | 2019-01-31 |
NEC Corp.6701 | -24.09% | 0.881 | 11.11% | 18 | 2002-09-24 |
Fujitsu Ltd.6702 | 105.71% | 1.858 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-09-24 |
Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.6703 | -30.46% | 0.902 | 13.04% | 23 | 2002-12-16 |
Iwatsu Electric Co Ltd6704 | 201.37% | 2.067 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-07-25 |
DKK Co Ltd6706 | 159.97% | 2.134 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-12-20 |
Sanken Electric Co Ltd6707 | 289.8% | 1.715 | 21.05% | 38 | 2002-07-17 |
Nakayo Inc6715 | 85.43% | 1.446 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-05-16 |
Aiphone Co Ltd6718 | 25.58% | 1.379 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-09-05 |
Wintest Corp6721 | 548.15% | 1.834 | 20.37% | 54 | 2004-02-06 |
Renesas Electronics Corp6723 | 120.79% | 1.207 | 14.89% | 47 | 2004-07-08 |
Seiko Epson Cor6724 | 75.61% | 1.243 | 16% | 25 | 2004-02-03 |
Wacom Co Ltd6727 | 76.83% | 1.179 | 15.63% | 32 | 2006-09-28 |
Ulvac Inc6728 | 198.82% | 1.557 | 19.35% | 31 | 2004-07-28 |
Axell Corp6730 | -1.67% | 0.991 | 13.33% | 15 | 2009-07-09 |
Pixela Corp6731 | 64.54% | 1.094 | 13.73% | 51 | 2004-03-22 |
Newtech Co Ltd6734 | 235.99% | 1.75 | 23.08% | 26 | 2020-06-30 |
Sun Corp6736 | 178.12% | 1.556 | 19.23% | 26 | 2006-03-08 |
Eizo Corp6737 | 141.05% | 1.974 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-08-23 |
Japan Display Inc6740 | -58.49% | 0.769 | 11.11% | 18 | 2014-10-15 |
Nippon Signal Co Ltd6741 | 243.69% | 2.266 | 27.78% | 18 | 2003-12-24 |
Kyosan Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd6742 | 89.69% | 1.837 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-11-21 |
Daido Signal Co Ltd6743 | 132.17% | 3.206 | 33.33% | 6 | 2004-04-12 |
Nohmi Bosai Ltd6744 | 268.2% | 3.342 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-11-20 |
Hochiki Corp6745 | 157.01% | 2.742 | 40% | 10 | 2005-11-16 |
Seiwa Electric Mfg. Co Ltd6748 | 114.5% | 1.392 | 18.18% | 22 | 2004-06-03 |
Elecom Co Ltd6750 | 233.76% | 5.16 | 42.86% | 7 | 2013-07-01 |
Panasonic Corp6752 | 106.65% | 1.282 | 16.67% | 30 | 1990-04-18 |
Anritsu Corp6754 | 280.27% | 1.901 | 22.22% | 27 | 2002-12-20 |
Fujitsu General Ltd6755 | 600.89% | 3.209 | 34.62% | 26 | 2002-12-20 |
OSG Corporation Co Ltd6757 | 212.8% | 1.741 | 20.83% | 24 | 2020-02-13 |
Sony Corp6758 | 394.77% | 2.049 | 24.32% | 37 | 1984-06-05 |
TDK Corp6762 | 128.7% | 1.537 | 19.05% | 21 | 2003-12-11 |
Teikoku Tsushin Kogyo Co Ltd6763 | 111.78% | 1.636 | 18.75% | 16 | 2003-11-19 |
Tamura Corp6768 | 350.99% | 2.322 | 26.09% | 23 | 2002-07-25 |
Thine Electronics Inc6769 | 38.18% | 1.112 | 14.81% | 27 | 2006-02-14 |
Alps Electric Co., Ltd.6770 | 197.16% | 1.487 | 17.65% | 34 | 2002-10-08 |
Ikegami Tsushinki Co Ltd6771 | 163.67% | 1.734 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-12-20 |
Tokyo Cosmos Electric Co Ltd6772 | 130.53% | 1.45 | 16.67% | 24 | 2004-07-21 |
TB Group Inc6775 | 89.13% | 1.187 | 16.22% | 37 | 2003-11-17 |
Tensho Electric Industries Co Ltd6776 | 541.75% | 2.317 | 28.57% | 35 | 2019-10-03 |
Santec Corp6777 | 867.62% | 4.239 | 41.38% | 29 | 2019-03-13 |
Artiza Networks Inc6778 | 367.17% | 1.695 | 20.93% | 43 | 2002-12-11 |
Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co Ltd6779 | 217.86% | 1.611 | 18.75% | 32 | 2002-12-20 |
Suzuki Co Ltd6785 | 185.15% | 2.802 | 30% | 10 | 2013-02-08 |
RVH Inc6786 | 309.8% | 1.409 | 18.33% | 60 | 2004-02-05 |
Meiko Electronics Co Ltd6787 | 63.32% | 1.153 | 15.15% | 33 | 2006-03-06 |
Nihon Trim Co Ltd6788 | -21.36% | 0.892 | 11.76% | 17 | 2003-12-12 |
Roland DG Corp6789 | 337.49% | 2.441 | 25% | 24 | 2002-07-31 |
Foster Electric Co Ltd6794 | 420.38% | 1.966 | 25.64% | 39 | 2006-01-20 |
SMK Corp6798 | 56.69% | 1.225 | 17.39% | 23 | 2002-07-03 |
Yokowo Co Ltd6800 | 169.68% | 1.768 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-09-24 |
TEAC Corp6803 | -24.47% | 0.939 | 12.9% | 31 | 2002-06-25 |
Hosiden Corp6804 | 254.62% | 1.772 | 22.22% | 27 | 2002-07-17 |
Hirose Electric Co Ltd6806 | 254.62% | 1.772 | 22.22% | 27 | 2002-11-13 |
Japan Aviation Electronics Ltd6807 | 219.32% | 1.601 | 19.35% | 31 | 2002-07-25 |
TOA Corp6809 | 28.14% | 1.172 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-07-25 |
Hitachi Maxell Ltd6810 | -30.45% | 0.78 | 10% | 10 | 2002-07-30 |
Furuno Electric Co Ltd6814 | 226.74% | 2.275 | 25% | 16 | 2004-03-17 |
Uniden Corp6815 | 221.21% | 1.567 | 19.44% | 36 | 2002-12-11 |
Sumida Corp6817 | 48.55% | 1.109 | 13.89% | 36 | 2002-07-25 |
Icom Inc6820 | 11.87% | 1.152 | 14.29% | 7 | 2002-07-15 |
Oi Electric Co Ltd6822 | 215.12% | 1.748 | 23.08% | 26 | 2020-01-20 |
Rion Co Ltd6823 | 351.73% | 3.824 | 35.71% | 14 | 2004-12-28 |
New Cosmos Electric Co Ltd6824 | 104.49% | 2.198 | 25% | 8 | 2006-02-16 |
Honda Tsushin Kogyo Co Ltd6826 | 387.69% | 1.984 | 24.24% | 33 | 2014-10-15 |
Aoi Electronics Co Ltd6832 | 106.72% | 1.302 | 16.67% | 30 | 2002-07-15 |
Seikoh Giken Co Ltd6834 | 128.94% | 1.473 | 20.83% | 24 | 2006-05-19 |
Allied Telesis Holdings KK6835 | 1% | 2.927 | 21.57% | 51 | 2002-07-25 |
Plat’Home Co Ltd6836 | 442.26% | 1.863 | 20.45% | 44 | 2004-02-12 |
Kyosha Co Ltd6837 | 255.11% | 1.744 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-01-25 |
Tamagawa Holdings Co Ltd6838 | 295.15% | 1.519 | 19.57% | 46 | 2006-02-21 |
Akiba Holdings Co Ltd6840 | 427.56% | 1.798 | 21.95% | 41 | 2006-05-22 |
Yokogawa Electric Corp.6841 | 264.87% | 2.091 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-06-05 |
Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd6844 | 329.28% | 1.747 | 19.51% | 41 | 2002-07-25 |
Azbil Corp6845 | 249.18% | 3.198 | 33.33% | 12 | 2003-09-01 |
DKK-Toa Corp6848 | 298.32% | 4.712 | 50% | 8 | 2003-12-18 |
Nihon Kohden Corp6849 | 269.7% | 3.647 | 36.36% | 11 | 2002-07-25 |
Chino Corp6850 | 22.27% | 1.328 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-05-11 |
Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co Ltd6853 | 67.44% | 1.496 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-06-26 |
Japan Electronic Materials Corp6855 | 355.05% | 2.034 | 24.14% | 29 | 2006-01-20 |
Horiba Ltd6856 | 216.79% | 2.881 | 30.77% | 13 | 2004-07-13 |
Advantest Corp.6857 | 479.1% | 1.617 | 20.29% | 69 | 1984-04-04 |
Ono Sokki Co Ltd6858 | 23.42% | 1.132 | 14.29% | 14 | 2003-06-05 |
Espec Corp6859 | 237.54% | 1.924 | 22.73% | 22 | 2004-02-03 |
Keyence6861 | 153.38% | 6.442 | 50% | 4 | 2002-12-10 |
Minato Holdings Inc6862 | 289.67% | 1.886 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-07-19 |
Nireco Corp6863 | 52.93% | 1.359 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-02-17 |
NF Corp6864 | 165.01% | 1.609 | 18.18% | 22 | 2006-02-15 |
Hioki EE Corp6866 | 219.46% | 2.426 | 26.67% | 15 | 2004-03-18 |
Leader Electronics Corp6867 | -78.21% | 0.727 | 10% | 20 | 2006-01-19 |
Sysmex Cor6869 | 455.55% | 4.513 | 40% | 15 | 2002-08-07 |
Fenwal Controls of Japan6870 | 10.71% | 1.12 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-06-12 |
Kyoritsu Electric Corp6874 | 64.47% | 1.464 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-12-01 |
MegaChips Corp6875 | 300.64% | 2.228 | 26.09% | 23 | 2002-09-05 |
Obara Group Inc6877 | 143.27% | 1.496 | 19.23% | 26 | 2007-04-09 |
Imagica Robot Holdings Inc6879 | 331.5% | 2.675 | 29.41% | 17 | 2013-07-31 |
Kyoden Co Ltd6881 | 212.83% | 1.564 | 19.35% | 31 | 2004-02-12 |
Sansha Electric Manufacturing Co Ltd6882 | 349.7% | 1.995 | 23.33% | 30 | 2004-11-02 |
Acmos Inc6888 | 162.36% | 1.412 | 16.67% | 30 | 2006-01-23 |
Ferrotec Corp6890 | 455.41% | 2.121 | 25% | 36 | 2006-01-20 |
Pulstec Industrial Co Ltd6894 | 344.25% | 1.774 | 20.51% | 39 | 2003-12-19 |
Twinbird Corp6897 | 251.57% | 1.654 | 21.88% | 32 | 2020-07-16 |
Tomita Electric Co Ltd6898 | 639.24% | 3.303 | 32.14% | 28 | 2006-05-19 |
Asti Corp6899 | 215.09% | 1.573 | 18.75% | 32 | 2004-01-20 |
Sawafuji Electric Co Ltd6901 | 152.99% | 1.569 | 18.18% | 22 | 2002-08-01 |
Denso Corp.6902 | 232.94% | 2.747 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-09-05 |
Harada Industry Co Ltd6904 | 90.26% | 1.448 | 18.75% | 16 | 2006-04-11 |
Cosel Co Ltd6905 | 104.48% | 1.567 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-01-15 |
Geomatec Co Ltd6907 | 224.72% | 1.596 | 16.67% | 30 | 2006-02-21 |
Iriso Electronics Co Ltd6908 | 69.98% | 1.174 | 15.15% | 33 | 2006-02-17 |
Kikusui Electronics Corp6912 | 178.38% | 2.332 | 25% | 12 | 2006-05-17 |
Optex Co Ltd6914 | 129.92% | 1.531 | 19.05% | 21 | 2004-05-11 |
Chiyoda Integre Co Ltd6915 | 55.77% | 1.246 | 15% | 20 | 2003-12-10 |
Aval Data Corp6918 | 370.12% | 2.132 | 24.14% | 29 | 2006-02-14 |
Kel Corp6919 | 203.97% | 2.077 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-05-01 |
Lasertec Corp6920 | 483.5% | 7.042 | 54.55% | 11 | 2012-07-03 |
Stanley Electric Co Ltd6923 | 121.27% | 1.75 | 20% | 15 | 2003-02-19 |
Iwasaki Electric Co Ltd6924 | 240.62% | 2.049 | 23.81% | 21 | 2002-12-20 |
Ushio Inc6925 | 57.25% | 1.435 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-12-10 |
Okaya Electric Industries Co Ltd6926 | 123.2% | 1.576 | 22.22% | 18 | 2004-11-25 |
Helios Techno Holding Co Ltd6927 | 60.03% | 1.138 | 15.15% | 33 | 2005-08-24 |
Enomoto Co Ltd6928 | 81.29% | 1.252 | 16% | 25 | 2017-06-01 |
Nippon Ceramic Co Ltd6929 | 234.08% | 2.641 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-02-16 |
Nippon Antenna Co Ltd6930 | -67.25% | 0.598 | 8.33% | 12 | 2006-10-10 |
Endo Lighting Corp6932 | 112.08% | 1.246 | 16.67% | 36 | 2004-08-06 |
Furukawa Battery Co Ltd6937 | 591.28% | 2.544 | 30.56% | 36 | 2002-07-25 |
Yamaichi Electronics Co Ltd6941 | 257.62% | 1.456 | 20% | 45 | 2003-01-06 |
Sophia Holdings Co Ltd6942 | 0.98% | 1.002 | 11.43% | 35 | 2006-04-14 |
NKK Switches Co Ltd6943 | 54.77% | 1.401 | 16.67% | 12 | 2007-12-18 |
Nippon Avionics Co Ltd6946 | 511.93% | 2.475 | 25.71% | 35 | 2003-04-10 |
Zuken Inc6947 | 216.15% | 4.682 | 42.86% | 7 | 2003-12-10 |
JEOL Ltd6951 | 387.92% | 2.283 | 25% | 28 | 2002-06-25 |
Casio Computer Co., Ltd.6952 | 226.65% | 2.385 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-12-19 |
Fanuc Corp.6954 | 204.27% | 5.324 | 42.86% | 7 | 2002-11-13 |
FDK Corp6955 | 482.11% | 1.975 | 22.73% | 44 | 2002-11-21 |
Shibaura Electronics Co Ltd6957 | 245.35% | 2.082 | 23.81% | 21 | 2006-03-10 |
CMK Corp6958 | 71.05% | 1.172 | 15.63% | 32 | 2002-08-29 |
Fukuda Denshi Co Ltd6960 | 103.3% | 2.928 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-01-17 |
Enplas Corp6961 | 171.1% | 1.618 | 20% | 25 | 2003-03-06 |
Daishinku Corp6962 | 360.03% | 1.784 | 21.05% | 38 | 2004-02-18 |
Rohm Ltd6963 | 30.06% | 1.162 | 15.79% | 19 | 2004-11-15 |
Sanko Co Ltd6964 | 127.17% | 1.778 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-11-18 |
Hamamatsu Photonics KK6965 | 245.97% | 3.024 | 33.33% | 12 | 2003-04-11 |
Mitsui High-tec Inc6966 | 487.17% | 2.422 | 28.13% | 32 | 2021-03-08 |
Shinko Electric Ind Co Ltd6967 | 403.21% | 2.082 | 24.24% | 33 | 2002-12-18 |
Matsuo Electric Co Ltd6969 | 408.04% | 1.963 | 22.86% | 35 | 2004-10-28 |
Kyocera Corp.6971 | 123.68% | 3.013 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-07-25 |
Kyoei Sangyo Co Ltd6973 | 75.71% | 1.389 | 17.65% | 17 | 2004-07-06 |
Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd.6976 | 301.38% | 1.661 | 19.51% | 41 | 2002-06-05 |
Murata Mfg Co6981 | 353.8% | 2.259 | 25% | 28 | 1990-08-07 |
Lead Co Inc6982 | 352.17% | 1.936 | 24.24% | 33 | 2006-04-28 |
Nitto Denko Co6988 | 318.3% | 2.122 | 23.33% | 30 | 2002-12-20 |
Hokuriku Electric Industry Co Ltd6989 | 92.51% | 1.475 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-07-02 |
Daikokuya Holdings Co Ltd6993 | 346.87% | 1.62 | 21.74% | 46 | 2005-11-25 |
Shizuki Electric Co Inc6994 | 334.04% | 2.556 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-12-20 |
Tokai Rika Co Ltd6995 | 187.21% | 2.018 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-11-21 |
Nichicon Corp6996 | 115.82% | 1.415 | 17.39% | 23 | 2003-06-03 |
Nippon Chemi-Con Corp6997 | 142.46% | 1.364 | 16.67% | 36 | 2002-08-21 |
Nippon Tungsten Co Ltd6998 | 185.22% | 1.864 | 20% | 20 | 2004-05-11 |
Koa Corp6999 | 400.5% | 3.119 | 31.58% | 19 | 2003-05-15 |
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding7003 | 66.97% | 1.159 | 14.29% | 35 | 2002-12-20 |
Hitachi Zosen Corp.7004 | 3.88% | 1.019 | 12.5% | 16 | 2004-05-07 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.7011 | 144.32% | 2.311 | 25% | 12 | 2003-05-15 |
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.7012 | 338.88% | 2.543 | 26.09% | 23 | 2002-11-20 |
IHI Corp.7013 | 203.41% | 1.706 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-12-16 |
Namura Shipbuild Co Ltd7014 | 57.51% | 1.119 | 15.79% | 38 | 2014-03-03 |
Naikai Zosen Corp7018 | 130.91% | 1.567 | 18.18% | 22 | 2004-09-22 |
Nitchitsu Co Ltd7021 | 120.44% | 1.908 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-11-14 |
Sanoyas Holdings Corp7022 | -9.06% | 0.956 | 13.33% | 15 | 2012-01-16 |
SPRIX7030 | 14.84% | 1.086 | 15.38% | 13 | 2018-10-16 |
Inbound Tech Inc7031 | 80.28% | 5.943 | 50% | 2 | 2021-09-03 |
Management Solutions Co Ltd7033 | 241.17% | 5.709 | 42.86% | 7 | 2019-02-20 |
Prored Partners Co7034 | -52.93% | 0.763 | 11.11% | 18 | 2018-10-26 |
eMnet Japan Co Ltd7036 | 223.27% | 2.331 | 25% | 16 | 2018-12-21 |
teno Holdings Co Ltd7037 | -2.9% | 0.971 | 12.5% | 8 | 2019-06-05 |
Frontier Management Inc7038 | 78.07% | 1.672 | 20% | 10 | 2018-12-27 |
Bridge International Corp7039 | 27.83% | 1.414 | 16.67% | 6 | 2019-03-05 |
Sun Life Holding Co Ltd7040 | -15.87% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-04-23 |
CRG Holdings Co Ltd7041 | -64.5% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2019-03-12 |
Access Group Holdings Co Ltd7042 | 97.22% | 1.86 | 22.22% | 9 | 2019-05-17 |
Alue Co Ltd7043 | -58.09% | 0.611 | 9.09% | 11 | 2019-05-14 |
PIALA Inc7044 | 62.42% | 1.275 | 16.67% | 18 | 2019-03-25 |
TDSE Inc7046 | -45.66% | 0.664 | 9.09% | 11 | 2019-05-16 |
Port Inc7047 | 87.86% | 1.831 | 22.22% | 9 | 2019-07-10 |
Veltra Corp7048 | 24.69% | 1.142 | 15.38% | 13 | 2019-07-16 |
SHIKIGAKU Co Ltd7049 | 9.21% | 1.048 | 14.29% | 14 | 2019-08-05 |
Frontier International Inc7050 | 269.46% | 3.104 | 30.77% | 13 | 2019-06-17 |
New Constructor's Network Co Ltd7057 | 11.08% | 1.134 | 16.67% | 6 | 2019-08-06 |
Kyoei Security Service Co7058 | 24.51% | 1.477 | 20% | 5 | 2019-07-11 |
Copro Holdings Co7059 | -0.4% | 0.996 | 14.29% | 7 | 2019-07-01 |
Geechs Inc7060 | 6.53% | 1.076 | 16.67% | 6 | 2019-06-26 |
Japan Hospice Holdings Inc7061 | 35.33% | 1.621 | 20% | 5 | 2019-09-19 |
Fureasu Co Ltd7062 | 1.09% | 1.01 | 12.5% | 8 | 2019-07-11 |
A Dot Co Ltd7063 | 353.73% | 3.869 | 35.71% | 14 | 2019-07-09 |
Howtelevision Inc7064 | 71.55% | 3.614 | 33.33% | 3 | 2019-08-06 |
Peers Co Ltd7066 | 23.01% | 1.125 | 14.29% | 14 | 2019-11-25 |
Branding Technology Inc7067 | 112.08% | 2.277 | 25% | 8 | 2019-09-26 |
Feedforce Grp Inc7068 | -24.74% | 0.806 | 11.11% | 9 | 2019-12-13 |
CyberBuzz Inc7069 | -22.03% | 0.831 | 9.09% | 11 | 2020-01-31 |
Si Holdings Plc7070 | -74.8% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2020-05-18 |
Amvis Holdings Inc7071 | 161.12% | 7.153 | 50% | 4 | 2020-02-28 |
Intimate Merger Inc7072 | -4.94% | 0.949 | 12.5% | 8 | 2020-09-10 |
Jaic Co Ltd7073 | -24.97% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2020-04-06 |
Twenty Four Seven Inc7074 | 29.91% | 1.487 | 20% | 5 | 2020-04-27 |
Alink Internet Inc7077 | -82.56% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2020-08-31 |
Inclusive Inc7078 | 294.11% | 3.969 | 22.22% | 9 | 2020-08-21 |
Wdb Coco Co Ltd7079 | 48.56% | 3.325 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-10-28 |
Sportsfield Co Ltd7080 | 93.23% | 1.944 | 22.22% | 9 | 2020-07-02 |
Koyou Rentia Co Ltd7081 | 69.34% | 3.435 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-07-07 |
Jimoty Inc7082 | 178.22% | 2.628 | 27.27% | 11 | 2020-07-16 |
Ahc Group Inc7083 | -58.78% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-01-20 |
Kids Smile Holdings Inc7084 | -69.62% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2020-06-08 |
Curves Holdings Co Ltd7085 | 70.16% | 3.457 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-07-15 |
Kizuna Holdings Corp7086 | 59.29% | 2.425 | 25% | 4 | 2020-06-18 |
Willtec Co Ltd7087 | 35.98% | 1.62 | 20% | 5 | 2020-07-31 |
Forum Engineering Inc7088 | -14.37% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-06-10 |
For Startups Inc7089 | 129.03% | 2.816 | 28.57% | 7 | 2021-01-21 |
Ligua Inc7090 | -50.31% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2020-09-29 |
Living Platform Ltd7091 | 16.6% | 1.201 | 14.29% | 7 | 2020-08-31 |
Fast Fitness Japan Inc7092 | -78.86% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-06-10 |
Adish Co Ltd7093 | -75.97% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2020-10-28 |
Nextone Inc7094 | 142.16% | 4.981 | 40% | 5 | 2020-11-02 |
Macbee Planet Inc7095 | 109.02% | 6.899 | 50% | 4 | 2020-08-03 |
Stemcell Institute7096 | -17.77% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-11-02 |
Sakurasaku Plus Co Ltd7097 | -79.81% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-04-23 |
Nippon Sharyo Ltd7102 | 85.08% | 1.453 | 16.67% | 18 | 2003-08-15 |
Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift Co Ltd7105 | 188.22% | 1.872 | 22.22% | 18 | 2004-02-12 |
Kinki Sharyo Co Ltd7122 | 37.61% | 1.162 | 14.29% | 21 | 2003-11-11 |
Hyuga Primary Care Co Ltd7133 | -9.64% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-03-29 |
Torico Co Ltd7138 | 66.64% | 3.398 | 33.33% | 3 | 2022-07-12 |
Financial Products Group Co Ltd7148 | 179.07% | 2.31 | 25% | 12 | 2016-01-13 |
Shimane Bank Ltd7150 | 41.63% | 1.409 | 30% | 10 | 2012-03-22 |
Lifenet Insurance Co7157 | 43.95% | 1.268 | 15.38% | 13 | 2012-07-19 |
Astmax Co Ltd7162 | 97.86% | 1.479 | 18.75% | 16 | 2013-01-29 |
Zenkoku Hosho Co Ltd7164 | 94.71% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2013-06-26 |
Mebuki Financial Group Inc7167 | -73.33% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2014-04-11 |
Japan Investment Adviser Co Ltd7172 | 270.24% | 2.441 | 27.78% | 18 | 2015-01-05 |
Tokyo Kiraboshi Financial Gp Inc7173 | 58.97% | 1.397 | 15.38% | 13 | 2015-03-11 |
Imamura Securities Co Ltd7175 | 75.48% | 1.64 | 20% | 10 | 2015-04-10 |
GMO Click Holdings Inc7177 | 19.48% | 1.263 | 16.67% | 6 | 2015-07-23 |
Kyushu Financial Group Inc7180 | -76.15% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2016-02-12 |
Japan Post Insurance Co Ltd7181 | -53.71% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2016-03-30 |
Japan Post Bank Co Ltd7182 | -29.99% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2016-02-10 |
Anshin Guarantor Service Co Ltd7183 | 131.4% | 1.699 | 20% | 15 | 2016-08-24 |
First Bank of Toyama Ltd7184 | -66.25% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2016-06-15 |
Hirose Tusyo Inc7185 | 21.09% | 1.318 | 16.67% | 6 | 2016-09-07 |
Concordia Financial Group Ltd7186 | -51.25% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2016-08-26 |
J-Lease Co Ltd7187 | 304.49% | 2.674 | 31.25% | 16 | 2016-11-14 |
Nishi-Nippon Financial Holdings Inc7189 | -85.6% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2017-02-23 |
Entrust Inc7191 | 158.5% | 2.129 | 25% | 12 | 2017-04-11 |
Mortgage Service Japan Ltd7192 | 106.75% | 2.152 | 25% | 8 | 2017-04-07 |
Casa Inc7196 | -13.97% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2018-03-23 |
Aruhi Corp7198 | -16.61% | 0.86 | 11.11% | 9 | 2018-07-17 |
Premium Group Co Ltd7199 | 148.23% | 3.795 | 40% | 5 | 2018-09-07 |
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.7201 | -32.45% | 0.86 | 11.76% | 17 | 2004-01-16 |
Isuzu Motors, Ltd.7202 | 209.75% | 1.795 | 23.81% | 21 | 2003-09-22 |
Toyota Motor Corp7203 | 405.63% | 2.443 | 26.92% | 26 | 1984-12-05 |
Hino Motors, Ltd.7205 | 172.18% | 1.761 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-06-05 |
Kanemitsu Corp7208 | 186.45% | 1.8 | 20% | 20 | 2007-01-29 |
Mitsubishi Motors Corp.7211 | 180.23% | 1.55 | 22.22% | 27 | 2005-11-16 |
F-Tech Inc7212 | 175.65% | 1.388 | 21.05% | 38 | 2006-01-20 |
GMB Corp7214 | 44.08% | 1.158 | 13.04% | 23 | 2006-04-17 |
Faltec Co Ltd7215 | 675.83% | 4.681 | 25% | 16 | 2004-08-20 |
Tein Inc7217 | 423.21% | 2.371 | 25.93% | 27 | 2006-09-15 |
Tanaka Seimitsu Kogyo Co Ltd7218 | -18.35% | 0.914 | 12.5% | 16 | 2006-05-25 |
HKS Co Ltd7219 | 98.48% | 1.654 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-02-09 |
Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co Ltd7220 | 121.83% | 1.447 | 18.18% | 22 | 2004-08-09 |
Nissan Shatai Co Ltd7222 | -33.43% | 0.742 | 10% | 10 | 2004-03-26 |
Shinmaywa Industries Ltd7224 | 248.8% | 2.686 | 28.57% | 14 | 2003-07-22 |
Kyokuto Kaihatsu Kogyo Co Ltd7226 | 102.77% | 1.54 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-07-12 |
Daytona Corp7228 | 231.75% | 2.314 | 26.67% | 15 | 2006-02-23 |
Yutaka Giken Co Ltd7229 | -20.39% | 0.905 | 11.11% | 18 | 2006-03-10 |
Topy Industries Ltd7231 | -11.15% | 0.943 | 12.5% | 16 | 2004-02-10 |
Tokyo Radiator Mfg Co Ltd7235 | 201.6% | 1.63 | 18.52% | 27 | 2006-01-16 |
T.RAD Co Ltd7236 | 213.66% | 1.629 | 19.35% | 31 | 2002-09-06 |
Akebono Brake Industry Co Ltd7238 | 145.41% | 1.333 | 17.14% | 35 | 2002-07-25 |
Tachi-S Co Ltd7239 | 150.59% | 2.043 | 25% | 12 | 2003-01-31 |
NOK Corp7240 | -35.7% | 0.846 | 10.53% | 19 | 2004-01-27 |
Futaba Industrial Co Ltd7241 | 191.18% | 1.483 | 18.75% | 32 | 2003-03-03 |
KYB Corp7242 | 260.5% | 1.684 | 18.42% | 38 | 2002-12-20 |
Ichikoh Industries Ltd7244 | 370.94% | 2.063 | 23.33% | 30 | 2002-11-13 |
Daido Metal Co Ltd7245 | 166.04% | 1.777 | 22.22% | 18 | 2004-11-09 |
Press Kogyo Co Ltd7246 | 391.31% | 1.914 | 22.22% | 36 | 2002-12-20 |
Mikuni Corp7247 | 329.33% | 2.127 | 24% | 25 | 2003-07-24 |
Pacific Industrial Co Ltd7250 | 302.91% | 2.067 | 24% | 25 | 2003-05-20 |
Univance Corp7254 | 219.69% | 1.784 | 22.73% | 22 | 2005-10-11 |
Kasai Kogyo Co Ltd7256 | 269.49% | 1.646 | 20% | 35 | 2002-08-23 |
Aisin Seiki Ltd7259 | 198.74% | 2.14 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-09-05 |
Mazda Motor Corp7261 | 87.38% | 1.227 | 15.63% | 32 | 2002-10-08 |
Muro Corp7264 | 124.16% | 1.713 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-04-27 |
Eiken Industries Co Ltd7265 | 18.8% | 1.102 | 14.29% | 14 | 2006-08-29 |
Imasen Electric Industrial Co Ltd7266 | 150.72% | 1.868 | 26.67% | 15 | 2004-05-11 |
Honda Motor Co Ltd7267 | 22.23% | 1.148 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-06-25 |
Tatsumi Corp7268 | 186.21% | 2.36 | 27.27% | 11 | 2008-07-28 |
Suzuki Motor Corp.7269 | 248.13% | 1.823 | 21.43% | 28 | 2002-07-15 |
Subaru Corp7270 | 137.45% | 1.945 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-12-02 |
Yasunaga Corp7271 | 241% | 1.563 | 19.44% | 36 | 2017-01-12 |
Yamaha Motor Co Ltd7272 | 269.21% | 1.895 | 22.22% | 27 | 2004-02-10 |
Ikuyo Co Ltd7273 | 311.47% | 1.88 | 21.21% | 33 | 2004-01-30 |
Koito Mfg Co Ltd7276 | 418.53% | 2.615 | 28% | 25 | 2002-12-11 |
TBK Co Ltd7277 | 215.28% | 1.771 | 21.74% | 23 | 2003-04-15 |
Exedy Corp7278 | 201.48% | 2.133 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-02-04 |
Hi-Lex Corp7279 | 86.39% | 1.408 | 16.67% | 18 | 2004-11-26 |
Mitsuba Corp7280 | 119.23% | 1.25 | 15.79% | 38 | 2002-08-09 |
Toyoda Gosei Co Ltd7282 | 86.6% | 1.413 | 16.67% | 18 | 2003-06-17 |
Aisan Industry Co Ltd7283 | 181.7% | 1.829 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-04-07 |
Meiwa Industry Co Ltd7284 | 190.88% | 2.361 | 25% | 12 | 2003-04-03 |
Nippon Seiki Co Ltd7287 | 235.24% | 1.938 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-07-25 |
Nihon Plast Co Ltd7291 | 199.24% | 1.661 | 23.08% | 26 | 2008-09-10 |
Murakami Corp7292 | 151.86% | 2.097 | 25% | 12 | 2006-08-16 |
Yorozu Corp7294 | 244.9% | 2.037 | 23.81% | 21 | 2003-01-28 |
F.C.C. Co Ltd7296 | 132.14% | 1.824 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-08-12 |
Car Mate Mfg Co Ltd7297 | 168.71% | 1.957 | 20% | 15 | 2006-05-16 |
Yachiyo Industry Co Ltd7298 | 149.48% | 1.515 | 20.83% | 24 | 2021-12-01 |
Fuji Oozx Inc7299 | 145.06% | 1.793 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-08-07 |
Araya Industrial Co Ltd7305 | 261.44% | 2.21 | 25% | 20 | 2003-12-24 |
Shimano Inc7309 | 250.26% | 19.079 | 75% | 4 | 2002-06-25 |
TS Tech Co Ltd7313 | 89.51% | 1.442 | 17.65% | 17 | 2007-07-17 |
Odawara Auto-Machine Mfg Co Ltd7314 | 164.98% | 2.234 | 25% | 12 | 2009-07-13 |
IJT Technology Holdings Co Ltd7315 | -6.96% | 0.936 | 12.5% | 8 | 2014-02-06 |
Matsuya R And D Co Ltd7317 | 28.09% | 1.423 | 20% | 5 | 2020-09-25 |
SERENDIP HOLDINGS Co Ltd7318 | -28.87% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-12-22 |
Japan Living Warranty Inc7320 | 193.37% | 2.633 | 25% | 12 | 2018-09-07 |
San Ju San Financial Group Inc7322 | -41.58% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2018-08-07 |
IRRC Corporation7325 | 28.28% | 1.392 | 16.67% | 6 | 2018-12-26 |
SBI Insurance Group Co Ltd7326 | -7.01% | 0.93 | 12.5% | 8 | 2018-12-26 |
Daishi Hokuetsu Financial Group Inc7327 | -40.62% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2019-03-14 |
Hirogin Holdings Inc7337 | -15.22% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-04-05 |
ipet Holdings Inc7339 | -13.47% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-01-05 |
Broad-Minded Co Ltd7343 | -29.12% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-07-21 |
Ai Partners Financial Inc7345 | -74.82% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-12-30 |
Mercuria Holdings Co Ltd7347 | -45.26% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-10-04 |
Branding Engineer Co Ltd7352 | 151.03% | 4.384 | 40% | 5 | 2020-11-17 |
Direct Marketing Mix Inc7354 | -14.77% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-03-16 |
Geocode Co Ltd7357 | -71.01% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-03-03 |
Poppins Holdings Inc7358 | -75.26% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-05-25 |
Tokyo Tsushin Inc7359 | 142.95% | 3.557 | 33.33% | 6 | 2021-07-06 |
Ondeck Co Ltd7360 | -66.42% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2021-04-30 |
Human Creation Holdings Inc7361 | -49.7% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-08-02 |
Terminalcare Support Institute Inc7362 | 45.26% | 2.078 | 25% | 4 | 2021-07-12 |
Baby Calendar Inc7363 | -35.29% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-07-13 |
Litalico Inc7366 | 56.97% | 2.84 | 33.33% | 3 | 2021-08-17 |
CELM Inc7367 | 53.37% | 2.219 | 25% | 4 | 2021-07-29 |
HYOJITO Co Ltd7368 | -41.46% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-07-12 |
Meiho HoldingsInc7369 | -13.06% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-11-08 |
Enjin Co Ltd7370 | -11.43% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-11-12 |
Zenken Corp7371 | -29.07% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-10-04 |
Decollte Holdings Corp7372 | -29.55% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2021-10-04 |
Aidma Holdings Inc7373 | 54.43% | 2.965 | 33.33% | 3 | 2021-11-24 |
Confidence Inc7374 | -12.78% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-10-04 |
Refinverse Group Inc7375 | -43.16% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-01-13 |
BCC Co Ltd7376 | 34.42% | 1.528 | 20% | 5 | 2021-11-15 |
DN Holdings Co Ltd7377 | -15.03% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-10-20 |
CIRCULATION Co Ltd7379 | -80% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2021-12-16 |
Net Protections Holdings Inc7383 | -44.5% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-04-25 |
Nansin Co Ltd7399 | 66.89% | 1.514 | 20% | 10 | 2006-05-24 |
Jamco Corp7408 | 334.25% | 1.979 | 25.81% | 31 | 2006-01-20 |
Atom Corp7412 | 73.7% | 1.57 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-09-05 |
Sokensha Co Ltd7413 | 67.13% | 1.428 | 15.38% | 13 | 2006-02-16 |
Onoken Co Ltd7414 | 126.12% | 1.81 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-05-25 |
Haruyama Trading Co Ltd7416 | 7.06% | 1.037 | 13.33% | 15 | 2003-02-27 |
Nanyo Corp7417 | -78.48% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2018-03-26 |
Nojima Corp7419 | 407.11% | 2.466 | 30.77% | 26 | 2014-12-29 |
Satori Electric Co Ltd7420 | 281.77% | 2.263 | 25% | 20 | 2002-09-05 |
Kappa Create Holdings Co Ltd7421 | -18.02% | 0.844 | 11.11% | 9 | 2004-03-11 |
Toho Lamac Co Ltd7422 | -66.73% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2007-05-24 |
Hatsuho Shouji Co Ltd7425 | -24.51% | 0.799 | 11.11% | 9 | 2006-12-29 |
Yamadai Corp7426 | -0.46% | 0.998 | 14.29% | 14 | 2006-06-09 |
Hakuto Co Ltd7433 | 125.54% | 1.734 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-07-17 |
Otake Corp7434 | -29.01% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2006-05-19 |
Nadex Co Ltd7435 | -73.82% | 0.745 | 10% | 20 | 2006-02-15 |
Kondotec Inc7438 | 196.46% | 3.099 | 33.33% | 9 | 2004-01-15 |
Nakayamafuku Co Ltd7442 | -8.15% | 0.917 | 14.29% | 7 | 2007-07-27 |
Yokohama Gyorui Co Ltd7443 | 46.59% | 1.944 | 25% | 4 | 2006-06-08 |
Harima-Kyowa Co Ltd7444 | 117.18% | 2.493 | 25% | 8 | 2004-11-15 |
Right On Co Ltd7445 | -65.19% | 0.808 | 11.11% | 27 | 2002-12-05 |
Tohoku Chemical Co Ltd7446 | 17.54% | 1.221 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-06-13 |
Nagaileben Co Ltd7447 | 111.22% | 2.484 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-07-17 |
Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co Ltd7451 | 23.46% | 1.154 | 15.38% | 13 | 2003-07-04 |
Ryohin Keikaku Ltd7453 | 305.08% | 2.116 | 24% | 25 | 2003-03-20 |
Matsuda Sangyo Co Ltd7456 | 265.32% | 2.331 | 26.32% | 19 | 2003-06-05 |
Daiichikosho Co Ltd7458 | 121.48% | 2.694 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-02-02 |
Medipal Holdings Corp7459 | 191.03% | 2.875 | 30% | 10 | 2003-04-10 |
Yagi & Co Ltd7460 | 13.58% | 1.159 | 14.29% | 7 | 2005-02-07 |
Kimura Co Ltd7461 | 29.51% | 1.421 | 20% | 5 | 2007-08-03 |
Capita Inc7462 | 640.7% | 2.783 | 29.41% | 34 | 2006-01-20 |
Advan Co Ltd7463 | 186.68% | 1.848 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-10-29 |
SPK Corp7466 | 61.17% | 2.211 | 25% | 4 | 2004-09-30 |
Hagiwara Electric Co Ltd7467 | 110.39% | 1.623 | 20% | 15 | 2006-02-14 |
Toba Inc7472 | 45.79% | 1.638 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-09-14 |
Albis Co Ltd7475 | 35.05% | 1.525 | 28.57% | 7 | 2017-04-07 |
As One Corp7476 | 286.72% | 5.148 | 44.44% | 9 | 2002-12-16 |
Muraki Corp7477 | 201.47% | 1.514 | 18.18% | 33 | 2006-02-15 |
Suzuden Corp7480 | 196.9% | 3.23 | 33.33% | 9 | 2006-03-09 |
Oie Sangyo Co Ltd7481 | 150.89% | 2.046 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-11-20 |
Doshisha Co Ltd7483 | 309.83% | 2.821 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-11-20 |
Ozu Corp7487 | 124.32% | 2.683 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-12-13 |
Nissin Shoji Co Ltd7490 | 75.76% | 4.296 | 50% | 2 | 2004-02-03 |
Konaka Co Ltd7494 | 62.92% | 1.146 | 14.71% | 34 | 2004-01-19 |
Tiemco Ltd7501 | 15.51% | 1.183 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-07-26 |
Plaza Create Co Ltd7502 | 183.4% | 1.717 | 25% | 20 | 2014-01-17 |
Kohsoku Corp7504 | 258.93% | 6.997 | 50% | 6 | 2002-11-18 |
Fuso Dentsu Co Ltd7505 | 261.98% | 6.86 | 50% | 6 | 2003-05-08 |
House of Rose Co Ltd7506 | -46.19% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2006-09-25 |
G-7 Holdings Inc7508 | 435.47% | 3.935 | 37.5% | 16 | 2004-08-05 |
Takebishi Corp7510 | 149.33% | 2.19 | 38.46% | 13 | 2017-04-06 |
Aeon Hokkaido Corp7512 | 78.61% | 1.664 | 20% | 10 | 2002-11-18 |
Kojima Co Ltd7513 | 176.95% | 1.567 | 19.23% | 26 | 2003-07-24 |
Himaraya Co Ltd7514 | 152.43% | 1.629 | 20% | 20 | 2003-12-03 |
Maruyoshi Center Inc7515 | 47.62% | 1.863 | 20% | 5 | 2007-03-27 |
Kohnan Shoji Co Ltd7516 | 153.09% | 2.184 | 25% | 12 | 2002-11-21 |
Net One Systems Co Ltd7518 | 156.51% | 1.684 | 20% | 20 | 2004-02-03 |
Eco’s Co Ltd7520 | 158.69% | 2.114 | 23.08% | 13 | 2005-02-09 |
Musashi Co Ltd7521 | 73.37% | 1.751 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-02-07 |
Watami Co Ltd7522 | 75.15% | 1.578 | 25% | 12 | 2005-10-19 |
Art Vivant Co Ltd7523 | 30.65% | 1.116 | 15% | 20 | 2006-03-27 |
Marche Corp7524 | -58.49% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2003-05-26 |
RIX Corp7525 | 151.52% | 4.405 | 40% | 5 | 2008-08-05 |
Systemsoft Corp7527 | 267.97% | 1.629 | 20% | 30 | 2006-05-19 |
Seiwa Chuo Holdings Corporation7531 | 42.05% | 1.24 | 17.65% | 17 | 2014-05-30 |
Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp7532 | 286.36% | 3.545 | 36.36% | 11 | 2002-11-13 |
Marubun Corp7537 | 288.44% | 1.94 | 22.22% | 27 | 2003-01-16 |
Daisui Co Ltd7538 | 68.39% | 1.539 | 22.22% | 9 | 2005-08-11 |
Ainavo Holdings Co Ltd7539 | 44.17% | 1.294 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-05-26 |
Nishimatsuya Chain Co Ltd7545 | 156% | 1.686 | 20% | 20 | 2002-07-29 |
Zensho Holdings Co Ltd7550 | 333.9% | 2.995 | 38.89% | 18 | 2006-03-07 |
Weds Co Ltd7551 | 2.81% | 1.015 | 14.29% | 14 | 2006-01-30 |
Happinet Corp7552 | 189.76% | 1.952 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-07-03 |
Kourakuen Corp7554 | 123.55% | 2.418 | 25% | 8 | 2002-12-16 |
Global Food Creators Co Ltd7559 | 26.78% | 1.384 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-03-29 |
Hurxley Corp7561 | -25.63% | 0.794 | 11.11% | 9 | 2002-07-02 |
Anrakutei Co Ltd7562 | 36.21% | 2.211 | 40% | 5 | 2022-01-27 |
Workman Co Ltd7564 | 370.36% | 4.858 | 41.67% | 12 | 2007-06-19 |
Mansei Corp7565 | 217.53% | 3.729 | 37.5% | 8 | 2006-08-09 |
Sakae Electronics Corp7567 | 324.17% | 2.127 | 25% | 24 | 2006-06-09 |
Hashimoto Sogyo Co Ltd7570 | 175.32% | 2.439 | 27.27% | 11 | 2006-06-06 |
Yamano Holdings Corp7571 | 71.86% | 1.216 | 16% | 25 | 2006-02-13 |
Japan Lifeline Co Ltd7575 | 174.29% | 1.784 | 21.05% | 19 | 2006-07-18 |
Nichiryoku Co Ltd7578 | 21.62% | 1.079 | 15% | 20 | 2006-01-18 |
Saizeriya Co Ltd7581 | 235.97% | 2.509 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-09-24 |
Kan-Nanmaru Corp7585 | 52.07% | 1.297 | 21.43% | 14 | 2007-06-29 |
Takasho Co Ltd7590 | 98.6% | 1.985 | 25% | 8 | 2006-05-19 |
VT Holdings Co Ltd7593 | 382.48% | 2.287 | 26.92% | 26 | 2007-01-26 |
Argo Graphics Inc7595 | 246.53% | 2.951 | 30.77% | 13 | 2004-08-18 |
Uoriki Co Ltd7596 | 127.37% | 2.689 | 40% | 10 | 2006-04-24 |
IDOM Inc7599 | 134.9% | 1.29 | 16.22% | 37 | 2002-07-15 |
Japan Medical Dynamic Marketing Inc7600 | 340.24% | 1.964 | 23.33% | 30 | 2003-07-31 |
Poplar Co Ltd7601 | -73.56% | 0.744 | 9.52% | 21 | 2004-05-06 |
Carchs Holdings Co Ltd7602 | 275.12% | 1.662 | 20.59% | 34 | 2002-10-16 |
Mac House Co Ltd7603 | -40.87% | 0.786 | 18.75% | 16 | 2006-08-01 |
Umenohana Co Ltd7604 | 49.27% | 1.361 | 18.18% | 11 | 2004-08-23 |
Fuji Corp Miyagi7605 | 378.01% | 3.658 | 40% | 15 | 2006-01-20 |
United Arrows Ltd7606 | 209.27% | 1.776 | 20% | 25 | 2002-11-18 |
Shinwa Co Ltd7607 | 99.03% | 1.421 | 19.05% | 21 | 2004-09-02 |
SK Japan Co Ltd7608 | 309.09% | 1.633 | 21.05% | 38 | 2003-12-11 |
Daitron Co Ltd7609 | 409.49% | 2.523 | 28% | 25 | 2002-07-25 |
Tay Two Co Ltd7610 | 55.42% | 1.159 | 15.38% | 26 | 2006-02-16 |
SIIX Corp7613 | 315.83% | 2.161 | 25% | 24 | 2002-08-06 |
OM2 Network Co Ltd7614 | 27.42% | 1.14 | 13.33% | 15 | 2006-03-08 |
YU WA Creation Holdings Inc7615 | -18.5% | 0.91 | 12.5% | 16 | 2004-10-13 |
PC Depot Corp7618 | 101.5% | 1.242 | 18.18% | 33 | 2013-12-25 |
Tanaka Co Ltd7619 | 93.91% | 1.887 | 22.22% | 9 | 2004-05-18 |
Sunautas Co Ltd7623 | 37.24% | 1.21 | 15.38% | 13 | 2006-01-20 |
Naito & Co Ltd7624 | 86.64% | 1.34 | 15.79% | 19 | 2006-04-18 |
Global-Dining Inc7625 | 336.89% | 1.682 | 20.51% | 39 | 2002-12-13 |
Ohashi Technica Inc7628 | 58.8% | 1.437 | 18.18% | 11 | 2004-02-26 |
Hoshi Iryo-Sanki Co Ltd7634 | 108.05% | 3.028 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-05-18 |
Handsman Co Ltd7636 | 196.63% | 1.672 | 23.08% | 26 | 2013-05-17 |
Hakudo Co Ltd7637 | 172.24% | 1.801 | 25% | 20 | 2005-03-31 |
New Art Co Ltd7638 | 229.59% | 1.956 | 22.73% | 22 | 2006-01-27 |
Top Culture Co Ltd7640 | -37.8% | 0.853 | 10.53% | 19 | 2002-11-21 |
Daiichi Co Ltd7643 | 168.81% | 6.753 | 50% | 4 | 2006-11-29 |
Plant Co Ltd7646 | 42.55% | 1.547 | 16.67% | 6 | 2013-04-02 |
Ontsu Co Ltd7647 | 319.6% | 1.864 | 24.14% | 29 | 2004-02-10 |
Sugi Holdings Co Ltd7649 | 262.47% | 3.963 | 33.33% | 12 | 2003-10-20 |
O-Well Corp7670 | -17.67% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-08-27 |
AmidA Holdings Co Ltd7671 | -27.59% | 0.775 | 11.11% | 9 | 2019-04-11 |
Daiko Tsusan Co Ltd7673 | 52.3% | 2.176 | 25% | 4 | 2020-01-30 |
Natty Swanky Co Ltd7674 | 123.99% | 2.887 | 28.57% | 7 | 2019-09-10 |
Goodspeed Co Ltd7676 | 140.21% | 3.474 | 33.33% | 6 | 2019-08-06 |
Yashima & Co Ltd7677 | -15.91% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-11-11 |
Asakuma Co Ltd7678 | -14.21% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-10-07 |
Yakuodo Co Ltd7679 | -42.23% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2019-12-26 |
Leoclan Co Ltd7681 | -14.22% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-02-26 |
Hamayuu Co Ltd7682 | -17.81% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2020-02-28 |
Wa Inc7683 | -24.31% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2020-02-27 |
Buysell Technologies Co Ltd7685 | 147.63% | 4.496 | 40% | 5 | 2020-04-02 |
Kakuyasu Co Ltd7686 | 77.2% | 6.293 | 50% | 2 | 2020-04-06 |
Earth Infinity Co Ltd7692 | -3.4% | 0.966 | 12.5% | 8 | 2021-02-10 |
Koukandekirukun Inc7695 | -33.17% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-05-19 |
Iceco Inc7698 | -12.91% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-08-19 |
Shimadzu Corp7701 | 355.82% | 4.021 | 38.46% | 13 | 2002-12-20 |
JMS Co Ltd7702 | 126.19% | 1.736 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-07-25 |
GL Sciences Inc7705 | 63.57% | 1.523 | 20% | 10 | 2005-06-16 |
Precision System Science Co Ltd7707 | 378.61% | 1.524 | 19.3% | 57 | 2020-08-18 |
Kubotek Corp7709 | 146.16% | 1.201 | 14.55% | 55 | 2004-05-19 |
Sukegawa Electric Co Ltd7711 | 390.2% | 3.106 | 33.33% | 18 | 2006-02-03 |
Sigma Koki Co Ltd7713 | 150.07% | 1.856 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-02-15 |
Nagano Keiki Co Ltd7715 | 118.67% | 1.678 | 20% | 15 | 2005-11-22 |
Nakanishi Inc7716 | 228.96% | 2.584 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-02-21 |
V Technology Co Ltd7717 | 394.46% | 1.609 | 18.64% | 59 | 2004-02-03 |
Star Micronics Co Ltd7718 | 305.85% | 2.725 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-09-25 |
Tokyo Koki Co Ltd7719 | 388.5% | 2.26 | 27.59% | 29 | 2004-12-14 |
Tokyo Keiki Inc7721 | 140.51% | 1.542 | 19.05% | 21 | 2004-05-06 |
Kokusai Co Ltd7722 | 40.59% | 1.15 | 18.18% | 22 | 2006-01-19 |
Aichi Tokei Denki Co Ltd7723 | 119.06% | 2.631 | 28.57% | 7 | 2003-12-22 |
Inter Action Corp7725 | 183.24% | 1.265 | 16.98% | 53 | 2004-03-22 |
Kuroda Precision Industries Ltd7726 | 194.81% | 1.599 | 24.14% | 29 | 2005-12-26 |
Oval Corp7727 | 323.39% | 3.664 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-11-18 |
Tokyo Seimitsu Co Ltd7729 | 203.4% | 1.736 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-07-15 |
Mani Inc7730 | 258.85% | 3.246 | 33.33% | 12 | 2012-02-15 |
Nikon Corp.7731 | 249.2% | 2.139 | 25% | 20 | 2002-10-31 |
Topcon Corp7732 | 542.76% | 2.488 | 28.13% | 32 | 2002-10-08 |
Olympus Corp.7733 | 602.35% | 2.882 | 31.03% | 29 | 1984-07-16 |
Riken Keiki Co Ltd7734 | 290.14% | 4.257 | 40% | 10 | 2002-11-19 |
Dainippon Screen Mfg. Co., Ltd.7735 | 450.1% | 2.223 | 23.68% | 38 | 2002-12-20 |
Canon Electronics Inc7739 | 276.07% | 2.431 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-12-20 |
Tamron Co Ltd7740 | 175.31% | 2.844 | 30% | 10 | 2007-11-26 |
Hoya Cor7741 | 317.81% | 3.991 | 38.46% | 13 | 2002-08-28 |
Seed Co Ltd7743 | 390.1% | 2.368 | 26.92% | 26 | 2006-05-15 |
Noritsu Koki Co Ltd7744 | -53.45% | 0.841 | 12% | 25 | 2003-10-23 |
A&d Holon Holdings Company Ltd7745 | 82.12% | 1.269 | 16.67% | 24 | 2005-09-13 |
Okamoto Glass Co Ltd7746 | 263.9% | 1.707 | 20.69% | 29 | 2006-05-10 |
Asahi Intecc Co Ltd7747 | 307.77% | 2.652 | 38.46% | 13 | 2005-10-25 |
Medikit Co Ltd7749 | 111.4% | 2.578 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-04-25 |
Canon Inc7751 | -5.11% | 0.943 | 12.5% | 8 | 2002-06-05 |
Ricoh Co., Ltd.7752 | 42.48% | 1.276 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-07-25 |
IMV Corp7760 | 177.37% | 1.547 | 19.23% | 26 | 2006-04-19 |
Citizen Holdings Co., Ltd.7762 | 100.15% | 1.348 | 17.39% | 23 | 2002-11-13 |
Rhythm Watch Co Ltd7769 | 51.05% | 1.212 | 15.79% | 19 | 2004-10-18 |
Nihon Seimitsu Co Ltd7771 | 181.14% | 1.526 | 18.52% | 27 | 2006-02-09 |
Japan Tissue Engineering Co Ltd7774 | 130.15% | 1.664 | 23.53% | 17 | 2008-05-22 |
Daiken Medical Co Ltd7775 | 10.62% | 1.091 | 22.22% | 9 | 2009-12-28 |
CellSeed Inc7776 | 177.25% | 1.4 | 17.14% | 35 | 2018-04-20 |
3-D Matrix Ltd7777 | 102.39% | 1.235 | 18.18% | 33 | 2012-04-20 |
Cyberdyne Inc7779 | -79.81% | 0.554 | 7.69% | 13 | 2015-02-03 |
Menicon Co Ltd7780 | 254.08% | 4.958 | 37.5% | 8 | 2015-10-06 |
Hirayama Corp7781 | 140.82% | 3.259 | 33.33% | 6 | 2015-12-28 |
Sincere Co Ltd7782 | 63.31% | 1.495 | 20% | 10 | 2017-04-05 |
Dreambed Co Ltd7791 | -14.92% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-10-29 |
Colan Totte Co Ltd7792 | -14.92% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2021-11-12 |
Image Magic Inc7793 | -43.04% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-06-10 |
Amifa Co Ltd7800 | -28.31% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2020-01-20 |
Bushiroad Inc7803 | 79.61% | 1.679 | 20% | 10 | 2019-11-13 |
B&P Co Ltd7804 | -42.91% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2019-12-16 |
Printnet Inc7805 | 1.85% | 1.02 | 14.29% | 7 | 2019-02-01 |
MTG Co Ltd7806 | -28.05% | 0.78 | 10% | 10 | 2018-10-29 |
KOWA CO LTD7807 | -9.46% | 0.957 | 11.11% | 18 | 2018-03-01 |
C.S. Lumber Co Inc7808 | 128.31% | 2.5 | 25% | 8 | 2018-03-05 |
Kotobukiya Co Ltd7809 | 171.16% | 2.533 | 25% | 12 | 2018-02-05 |
Nakamoto Packs Co Ltd7811 | 30.67% | 1.536 | 20% | 5 | 2017-02-02 |
Crestec Inc7812 | 50.97% | 2.057 | 25% | 4 | 2016-02-16 |
Platz Co Ltd7813 | 196.65% | 1.97 | 22.22% | 18 | 2015-07-09 |
Japan Creative Platform Group Co Ltd7814 | 132.55% | 5 | 100% | 1 | 2015-12-18 |
Tokyo Board Industries Co Ltd7815 | -57.34% | 0.622 | 9.09% | 11 | 2015-09-08 |
Snow Peak Inc7816 | 70.41% | 1.578 | 20% | 10 | 2015-08-25 |
Paramount Bed Holdings Co Ltd7817 | 73.78% | 5.521 | 50% | 2 | 2012-01-19 |
Transaction Co Ltd7818 | 492.93% | 6.145 | 50% | 12 | 2011-02-25 |
SHO-BI Corp7819 | -51.48% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2011-02-22 |
Nihon Flush Co Ltd7820 | 257.76% | 2.882 | 30.77% | 13 | 2009-02-17 |
Maeda Kosen Co Ltd7821 | 438.03% | 3.348 | 36.84% | 19 | 2012-10-15 |
Eidai Co Ltd7822 | -11.12% | 0.947 | 13.33% | 15 | 2007-06-07 |
Artnature Inc7823 | -5.82% | 0.971 | 13.33% | 15 | 2007-09-13 |
Furuya Metal Co Ltd7826 | 312.65% | 2.575 | 28.57% | 21 | 2007-02-22 |
Orvis Corp7827 | 401.5% | 2.186 | 23.33% | 30 | 2006-12-26 |
Wellco Holdings Corp7831 | 67.37% | 1.198 | 17.39% | 23 | 2006-05-15 |
Bandai Namco Holdings Inc7832 | 243.16% | 2.675 | 28.57% | 14 | 2006-02-07 |
IFIS Japan Ltd7833 | 23.59% | 1.064 | 14.29% | 28 | 2006-01-24 |
AVIX Inc7836 | 374.12% | 1.528 | 18.87% | 53 | 2006-03-08 |
R.C.Core Co Ltd7837 | -2.49% | 0.988 | 12.5% | 16 | 2006-01-27 |
Shoei Co Ltd7839 | 326.67% | 3.299 | 38.46% | 13 | 2008-05-08 |
France Bed Holdings Co Ltd7840 | -42.12% | 0.701 | 10% | 10 | 2004-07-28 |
Endo Manufacturing Co Ltd7841 | 127.63% | 1.469 | 18.18% | 22 | 2006-02-22 |
Marvelous Inc7844 | 217.62% | 1.551 | 19.35% | 31 | 2005-09-28 |
Pilot Corp7846 | 413.65% | 3.558 | 38.89% | 18 | 2005-11-09 |
Graphite Design Inc7847 | 398.1% | 1.926 | 22.86% | 35 | 2006-05-17 |
Sougou Shouken Co Ltd7850 | 46.48% | 1.892 | 25% | 4 | 2006-03-09 |
Kawase Computer Supplies Co Ltd7851 | 198.09% | 1.673 | 21.74% | 23 | 2004-09-09 |
Hagihara Industries Inc7856 | 249.07% | 2.739 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-12-02 |
Almedio Inc7859 | 202.4% | 1.573 | 20.69% | 29 | 2005-01-25 |
Avex Group Holdings Inc7860 | 150.76% | 1.476 | 18.52% | 27 | 2002-11-11 |
Hiraga Co Ltd7863 | 26.4% | 1.092 | 14.29% | 21 | 2006-03-29 |
Fuji Seal International Inc7864 | 103.33% | 1.553 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-12-21 |
People Co Ltd7865 | 120.81% | 1.632 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-02-21 |
Tomy Co Ltd7867 | 171.24% | 1.788 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-11-19 |
Kosaido Co Ltd7868 | 137.97% | 1.395 | 18.52% | 27 | 2002-11-21 |
Fukuvi Chemical Industry Co Ltd7871 | 9.62% | 1.108 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-04-20 |
As-me Estelle Co Ltd7872 | 39.72% | 1.163 | 15.79% | 19 | 2012-05-08 |
Lec Inc7874 | 284.57% | 1.919 | 22.22% | 27 | 2003-05-15 |
Takeda Printing Ltd7875 | -46.28% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2018-05-25 |
Kohsai Co Ltd7878 | 172.4% | 1.834 | 21.05% | 19 | 2006-02-21 |
Noda Corp7879 | 239.81% | 1.962 | 23.81% | 21 | 2004-04-15 |
Sun Messe Co Ltd7883 | 19.01% | 1.236 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-06-09 |
Takano Co Ltd7885 | 82.67% | 1.268 | 16% | 25 | 2004-04-01 |
Yamato Industry Co Ltd7886 | 412.74% | 2.051 | 22.86% | 35 | 2007-04-03 |
Nankai Plywood Co Ltd7887 | 103.61% | 2.008 | 30.77% | 13 | 2005-09-16 |
Sanko Gosei Ltd7888 | 207.69% | 1.532 | 19.35% | 31 | 2007-01-10 |
Pronexus Inc7893 | 287.23% | 3.738 | 36.36% | 11 | 2003-12-03 |
Chuo Kagaku Co Ltd7895 | 169.86% | 1.684 | 20% | 20 | 2006-10-10 |
Seven Industries Co Ltd7896 | 0.53% | 1.003 | 13.33% | 15 | 2004-10-18 |
Hokushin Co Ltd7897 | 172.71% | 1.749 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-11-30 |
Wood One Co Ltd7898 | 45.6% | 1.304 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-10-16 |
Mics Chemical Co Ltd7899 | -61.03% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2006-11-08 |
Matsumoto Inc7901 | 63.02% | 1.513 | 18.18% | 11 | 2007-10-02 |
Sonocom Co Ltd7902 | 73.73% | 1.333 | 16.67% | 18 | 2006-03-29 |
Daiken Corp7905 | 63.89% | 1.281 | 15.79% | 19 | 2003-10-17 |
Yonex Co Ltd7906 | 436.75% | 3.945 | 37.5% | 16 | 2002-10-15 |
Kimoto Co Ltd7908 | 381.7% | 1.919 | 22.86% | 35 | 2005-09-20 |
Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.7911 | 57.13% | 1.426 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-10-01 |
Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.7912 | 10.79% | 1.132 | 14.29% | 7 | 2002-09-05 |
Kyodo Printing Co Ltd7914 | 31.4% | 1.477 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-11-21 |
Nissha Printing Co Ltd7915 | 275.89% | 1.753 | 21.88% | 32 | 2003-04-15 |
Mitsumura Printing Co Ltd7916 | -39.39% | 0.7 | 9.09% | 11 | 2002-09-03 |
Fujimori Kogyo Co Ltd7917 | 290.69% | 1.998 | 25% | 28 | 2006-01-16 |
Nozaki Insatsu Shigyo Co Ltd7919 | 64.47% | 1.475 | 20% | 10 | 2004-10-06 |
Takara Printing Co Ltd7921 | 239.49% | 6.118 | 50% | 6 | 2002-11-20 |
Sanko Sangyo Co Ltd7922 | 53.91% | 1.321 | 15.38% | 13 | 2007-10-25 |
Toin Corp7923 | 46.2% | 1.319 | 18.18% | 11 | 2006-01-20 |
Maezawa Kasei Industries Co Ltd7925 | 61.8% | 1.473 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-12-19 |
Muto Seiko Co7927 | -4.65% | 0.984 | 13.04% | 23 | 2006-02-09 |
Asahi Kagaku Kogyo Co Ltd7928 | 263.11% | 2.03 | 23.81% | 21 | 2017-11-17 |
Mirai Industry Co Ltd7931 | -41.52% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2019-04-12 |
Nippi Inc7932 | 172.79% | 1.924 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-01-24 |
Asics Corp7936 | 289.28% | 2.456 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-11-13 |
Tsutsumi Jewelry Co Ltd7937 | -69.14% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2002-12-20 |
Regal Corp7938 | 92.94% | 2.045 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-04-21 |
Kensoh Co Ltd7939 | 144.97% | 2.018 | 25% | 12 | 2006-02-21 |
Wavelock Holdings Co Ltd7940 | 193.04% | 1.772 | 19.05% | 21 | 2004-02-16 |
JSP Corp7942 | 93.3% | 1.512 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-10-04 |
Nichiha Corp7943 | 151.91% | 1.657 | 20% | 20 | 2004-02-26 |
Roland Corp7944 | 197.8% | 2.223 | 25% | 16 | 2002-12-05 |
FP Corp7947 | 328.93% | 5.773 | 44.44% | 9 | 2003-08-26 |
Komatsu Wall Industry Co Ltd7949 | 91.2% | 1.702 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-10-25 |
Yamaha Corp.7951 | 194.93% | 2.151 | 25% | 16 | 2003-06-27 |
Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co Ltd7952 | 434.99% | 2.831 | 29.17% | 24 | 2002-11-19 |
Kikusui Chemical Industries Co Ltd7953 | -45.13% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2015-08-13 |
Cleanup Corp7955 | -25.95% | 0.883 | 11.76% | 17 | 2002-12-20 |
Pigeon Corp7956 | 407.87% | 3.488 | 36.84% | 19 | 2013-05-20 |
Fujicopian Co Ltd7957 | 108.27% | 1.957 | 20% | 10 | 2004-05-12 |
Tenma Corp7958 | 184.99% | 1.926 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-07-25 |
Kanematsu-NNK Corp7961 | -51.81% | 0.8 | 10% | 20 | 2002-07-17 |
King Jim Co Ltd7962 | 83.39% | 1.717 | 20% | 10 | 2002-10-25 |
Koken Ltd7963 | 10.78% | 1.061 | 14.29% | 14 | 2006-01-19 |
Zojirushi Corp7965 | 246.86% | 1.991 | 22.73% | 22 | 2015-08-14 |
Lintec Corp7966 | 170.3% | 2.4 | 25% | 12 | 2003-03-25 |
Shin-Etsu Polymer Co Ltd7970 | 346.29% | 3.075 | 31.25% | 16 | 2002-05-13 |
Toli Corp7971 | 115.68% | 1.586 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-07-25 |
Itoki Corp7972 | 33.58% | 1.131 | 15% | 20 | 2002-08-01 |
Nintendo Co Ltd7974 | 327.65% | 2.33 | 25% | 24 | 2002-12-20 |
Lihit Lab Inc7975 | -47.51% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2006-06-15 |
Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd7976 | 191.88% | 2.866 | 30% | 10 | 2004-05-12 |
Shigematsu Works Co Ltd7980 | 198.82% | 1.902 | 25% | 20 | 2013-05-14 |
Takara Standard Co Ltd7981 | 81.38% | 6.785 | 50% | 2 | 2002-10-31 |
Miroku Corp7983 | 14.31% | 1.087 | 15.38% | 13 | 2005-05-18 |
Kokuyo Co Ltd7984 | 55.77% | 1.421 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-05-15 |
Nepon Inc7985 | 370.78% | 2.448 | 26.09% | 23 | 2002-12-27 |
Nihon ISK Co Ltd7986 | 94.63% | 1.335 | 16.67% | 24 | 2006-02-13 |
Nifco Inc7988 | 340.65% | 3.482 | 35.71% | 14 | 2002-08-15 |
Tachikawa Corp7989 | 174.88% | 2.445 | 27.27% | 11 | 2003-03-12 |
Globeride Inc7990 | 283.74% | 2.558 | 27.78% | 18 | 2004-02-16 |
Mamiya-OP Co Ltd7991 | 49.75% | 1.137 | 17.86% | 28 | 2005-04-19 |
Sailor Pen Co Ltd7992 | 66.91% | 1.15 | 14.29% | 35 | 2002-09-25 |
Okamura Corp7994 | 221.24% | 2.357 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-10-25 |
Nippon Valqua Industries Ltd7995 | 133.4% | 1.908 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-12-24 |
Kurogane Kosakusho Ltd7997 | 164.99% | 1.471 | 18.52% | 27 | 2004-05-11 |
Mutoh Holdings Co Ltd7999 | 97.44% | 1.255 | 17.65% | 34 | 2002-10-31 |
Itochu Corp.8001 | 480.82% | 5.596 | 46.15% | 13 | 2002-11-20 |
Marubeni Corp.8002 | 433.05% | 2.797 | 30.43% | 23 | 2002-11-18 |
Scroll Corp8005 | 133.67% | 1.516 | 19.05% | 21 | 2002-11-21 |
Yuasa Funashoku Co Ltd8006 | 66.81% | 1.582 | 20% | 10 | 2004-03-30 |
Takashima & Co Ltd8007 | 244.61% | 2.086 | 23.81% | 21 | 2004-05-11 |
Yondoshi Holdings Inc8008 | 84.66% | 1.857 | 22.22% | 9 | 2004-12-01 |
Sanyo Shokai Ltd8011 | 62.75% | 1.226 | 16% | 25 | 2003-02-19 |
Nagase & Co Ltd8012 | 106.42% | 2.186 | 25% | 8 | 2002-09-05 |
Naigai Co Ltd8013 | 182.54% | 1.595 | 19.23% | 26 | 2002-09-06 |
Chori Co Ltd8014 | 9.61% | 1.112 | 14.29% | 7 | 2005-04-20 |
Toyota Tsusho Corp.8015 | 444.28% | 4.493 | 40% | 15 | 2002-12-20 |
Onward Holdings Co Ltd8016 | -67.79% | 0.738 | 10.53% | 19 | 2003-03-11 |
Sankyo Seiko Co Ltd8018 | 83.75% | 1.393 | 17.65% | 17 | 2002-11-14 |
Kanematsu Corp8020 | 279.17% | 2.311 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-11-20 |
Mizuno Corp8022 | 59.05% | 1.472 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-06-25 |
Daiko Denshi Tsushin Ltd8023 | 129.84% | 1.35 | 17.86% | 28 | 2002-09-18 |
Tsukamoto Corporation Co Ltd8025 | 31.32% | 1.133 | 15% | 20 | 2002-11-14 |
Look Inc8029 | 196.56% | 1.425 | 17.5% | 40 | 2002-11-20 |
Mitsui & Co., Ltd.8031 | 324.15% | 3.094 | 31.25% | 16 | 2002-07-25 |
Japan Pulp and Paper Co Ltd8032 | 16.17% | 1.208 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-05-10 |
Tokyo Electron Ltd.8035 | 192.39% | 2.907 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-10-08 |
Kamei Corp8037 | 103.11% | 1.35 | 17.39% | 23 | 2002-07-25 |
Tohto Suisan Co Ltd8038 | 301.72% | 2.298 | 25% | 24 | 2002-12-16 |
Tsukiji Uoichiba Co Ltd8039 | 184.57% | 2.05 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-12-27 |
Tokyo Soir Co Ltd8040 | 87.05% | 1.418 | 17.65% | 17 | 2003-08-15 |
OUG Holdings Inc8041 | 23.82% | 1.318 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-09-08 |
Starzen Co Ltd8043 | 173.63% | 2.492 | 27.27% | 11 | 2005-11-09 |
Yokohama Maruuo Co Ltd8045 | -4.36% | 0.958 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-06-09 |
Seiko Holdings Corp8050 | 436.61% | 2.318 | 25% | 32 | 2003-03-20 |
Yamazen Corp8051 | 134.15% | 1.867 | 23.08% | 13 | 2004-08-06 |
Tsubakimoto Kogyo Co Ltd8052 | 190.76% | 2.715 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-05-11 |
Sumitomo Corp.8053 | 273.27% | 3.108 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-07-25 |
Biprogy Inc8056 | 190.33% | 1.936 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-07-25 |
Uchida Yoko Co Ltd8057 | 362.77% | 2.538 | 26.92% | 26 | 2020-02-18 |
Mitsubishi Corp.8058 | 328.41% | 3.697 | 35.71% | 14 | 2002-07-25 |
Daiichi Jitsugyo Co Ltd8059 | 291.15% | 2.728 | 29.41% | 17 | 2003-05-06 |
Canon Marketing Japan Inc8060 | 62.64% | 1.52 | 20% | 10 | 2002-08-07 |
Seika Corp8061 | 276.47% | 2.368 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-11-13 |
Sato Sho-Ji Corp8065 | 227.43% | 2.438 | 26.67% | 15 | 2004-02-02 |
Mitani Corp8066 | 282.3% | 2.339 | 31.58% | 19 | 2006-02-14 |
Ryoyo Electro Corp8068 | 162.43% | 2.239 | 25% | 12 | 2002-07-03 |
Tokyo Sangyo Co Ltd8070 | 112.13% | 2.345 | 28.57% | 7 | 2003-04-03 |
Japan Publications Trading Co Ltd8072 | 30.89% | 1.184 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-03-03 |
Yuasa Trading Co Ltd8074 | 145.14% | 2.083 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-08-23 |
Shinsho Corp8075 | 178.14% | 1.945 | 22.22% | 18 | 2002-12-11 |
TORQ Inc8077 | 112.56% | 1.6 | 20% | 15 | 2004-01-27 |
Hanwa Co Ltd8078 | 315.04% | 2.963 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-07-25 |
Shoei Foods Corp8079 | 352.87% | 3.49 | 43.75% | 16 | 2002-10-31 |
Kanaden Corp8081 | 141.84% | 3.055 | 33.33% | 6 | 2004-10-26 |
Ryoden Trading Co Ltd8084 | 113% | 2.625 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-08-29 |
Narasaki Sangyo Co Ltd8085 | 449.25% | 3.119 | 33.33% | 21 | 2002-11-13 |
Nipro Corp8086 | 51.35% | 1.368 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-08-18 |
Iwatani Corp8088 | 304.71% | 5.673 | 44.44% | 9 | 2004-01-30 |
Nice Holdings Inc8089 | 198.35% | 2.088 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-12-17 |
Nichimo Co Ltd8091 | 229.69% | 2.828 | 30.77% | 13 | 2004-08-04 |
Astena Holdings Co Ltd8095 | 152.78% | 1.998 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-12-09 |
Kanematsu Electronics Ltd8096 | 230.33% | 5.362 | 50% | 6 | 2002-10-09 |
San-Ai Oil Co Ltd8097 | 206.71% | 3.343 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-11-21 |
Inabata & Co Ltd8098 | 239.32% | 2.69 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-05-18 |
GSI Creos Corp8101 | 156.92% | 1.668 | 20% | 20 | 2002-07-25 |
Meiwa Corp8103 | 266.59% | 1.869 | 25.93% | 27 | 2002-12-10 |
Kuwazawa Trading Co Ltd8104 | 53.8% | 2.219 | 25% | 4 | 2018-11-12 |
Marushohotta Co Ltd8105 | 268.81% | 1.68 | 22.58% | 31 | 2017-08-22 |
Goldwin Inc8111 | 729.68% | 3.17 | 35.48% | 31 | 2002-10-25 |
Unicharm Co8113 | 305.88% | 5.268 | 44.44% | 9 | 2004-01-20 |
Descente Ltd8114 | 423.48% | 2.656 | 29.17% | 24 | 2003-06-12 |
Moonbat Co Ltd8115 | -54.85% | 0.63 | 9.09% | 11 | 2005-04-08 |
Central Automotive Products Ltd8117 | 254.36% | 2.955 | 30.77% | 13 | 2006-05-22 |
King Co Ltd8118 | 167.13% | 2.474 | 36.36% | 11 | 2004-12-02 |
T.Kawabe & Co Ltd8123 | 33.21% | 1.203 | 15.38% | 13 | 2006-03-17 |
Wakita & Co Ltd8125 | 113.8% | 1.652 | 20% | 15 | 2004-08-05 |
Yamato International Inc8127 | -40.11% | 0.709 | 10% | 10 | 2007-10-03 |
Toho Holdings Co Ltd8129 | 196.69% | 2.067 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-12-12 |
Sangetsu Co Ltd8130 | 81.78% | 6.653 | 50% | 2 | 2002-10-09 |
Mitsuuroko Group Holdings Co Ltd8131 | 101.65% | 2.188 | 25% | 8 | 2003-01-28 |
Sinanen Co Ltd8132 | 44.04% | 2.125 | 25% | 4 | 2003-12-10 |
Itochu Enex Co Ltd8133 | 62.08% | 1.505 | 20% | 10 | 2002-10-09 |
Zett Corp8135 | 198.49% | 1.925 | 25% | 16 | 2004-12-06 |
Sanrio Co Ltd8136 | 227.45% | 1.657 | 20% | 30 | 2002-07-25 |
Sun-Wa Technos Corp8137 | 174.12% | 1.798 | 21.05% | 19 | 2005-03-22 |
Nagahori Corp8139 | 256.92% | 1.772 | 22.22% | 27 | 2004-10-28 |
Ryosan Co Ltd8140 | 105.97% | 2.291 | 25% | 8 | 2002-09-06 |
Shinko Shoji Co Ltd8141 | 228.39% | 2.249 | 25% | 16 | 2003-07-28 |
Toho Co Ltd8142 | -15.14% | 0.847 | 12.5% | 8 | 2003-10-17 |
Lapine Co Ltd8143 | 319.28% | 1.849 | 23.53% | 34 | 2017-08-02 |
Tomita Co Ltd8147 | 108.75% | 2.301 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-06-05 |
Sanshin Electronics Co Ltd8150 | 316.03% | 2.337 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-07-25 |
Toyo Corp8151 | 4.84% | 1.056 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-04-23 |
Somar Corp8152 | -69.19% | 0.541 | 8.33% | 12 | 2006-05-18 |
Mos Food Services Inc8153 | 96.86% | 4 | 100% | 2 | 2013-05-28 |
Kaga Electronics Co Ltd8154 | 194.66% | 2.09 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-02-20 |
Mimasu Semiconductor Industry Co Ltd8155 | 282.57% | 1.952 | 22.22% | 27 | 2002-06-05 |
Tsuzuki Denki Co Ltd8157 | 419.52% | 3.379 | 35.29% | 17 | 2002-12-20 |
Soda Nikka Co Ltd8158 | 117.56% | 2.508 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-07-02 |
Tachibana Eletech Co Ltd8159 | 108.53% | 2.296 | 25% | 8 | 2004-08-05 |
Kisoji Co Ltd8160 | 73.73% | 6.716 | 66.67% | 3 | 2006-10-16 |
SRS Holdings Co Ltd8163 | 52.8% | 2.712 | 33.33% | 3 | 2004-06-03 |
Senshukai Co Ltd8165 | 69.35% | 1.226 | 16.67% | 24 | 2002-07-25 |
Taka-Q Co Ltd8166 | 66.76% | 1.199 | 15.38% | 26 | 2002-11-21 |
Retail Partners Co Ltd8167 | 79.01% | 1.368 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-01-26 |
Keiyo Co Ltd8168 | 50.41% | 1.207 | 15.79% | 19 | 2003-05-19 |
Joshin Denki Co Ltd8173 | 174.23% | 1.862 | 23.53% | 17 | 2004-06-04 |
Nippon Gas Co Ltd8174 | 284.96% | 3.938 | 40% | 10 | 2002-08-14 |
Royal Holdings Co Ltd8179 | 123.55% | 1.829 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-05-19 |
Totenko Co Ltd8181 | -12.58% | 0.954 | 13.64% | 22 | 2002-09-20 |
Inageya Co Ltd8182 | 47.89% | 2.131 | 25% | 4 | 2003-01-22 |
Chiyoda Co Ltd8185 | 103.65% | 1.385 | 17.39% | 23 | 2002-08-23 |
Life Corp8194 | 261.88% | 3.26 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-11-20 |
Maxvalu Tokai Co Ltd8198 | 50.98% | 1.835 | 50% | 10 | 2004-12-07 |
Ringer Hut Co Ltd8200 | 76.54% | 1.813 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-07-02 |
Laox Co Ltd8202 | 148.63% | 1.189 | 15.87% | 63 | 2009-09-28 |
Mr Max Corp8203 | 163.73% | 1.734 | 21.05% | 19 | 2002-12-16 |
Ten Allied Co Ltd8207 | -5.4% | 0.95 | 12.5% | 8 | 2002-10-25 |
Friendly Corp8209 | -78.16% | 0.575 | 7.14% | 14 | 2005-12-27 |
Aoki Holdings Inc8214 | 169.84% | 1.776 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-03-03 |
Okuwa Co Ltd8217 | 27.99% | 1.397 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-07-17 |
Komeri Co Ltd8218 | 106.64% | 1.581 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-12-12 |
Aoyama Trading Co Ltd8219 | 100.83% | 1.375 | 17.39% | 23 | 2003-04-09 |
Rikei Corp8226 | 428.38% | 2.159 | 25% | 32 | 2003-12-22 |
Shimamura Co Ltd8227 | 153.27% | 2.154 | 26.67% | 15 | 2002-09-20 |
Hasegawa Co Ltd8230 | -41.11% | 0.53 | 14.29% | 7 | 2013-06-10 |
Takashimaya Co., Ltd.8233 | 99.03% | 1.56 | 18.75% | 16 | 2003-12-09 |
Matsuya Co Ltd8237 | 267.31% | 1.604 | 18.42% | 38 | 2002-08-29 |
H2O Retailing Corp8242 | 98.41% | 1.524 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-12-11 |
Daiwa Co Ltd8247 | 115.23% | 1.319 | 17.24% | 29 | 2004-10-04 |
Techno Associe Co Ltd8249 | 13.46% | 1.158 | 16.67% | 6 | 2005-01-05 |
Marui Group Co., Ltd.8252 | 103.56% | 1.552 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-07-15 |
Credit Saison Co., Ltd.8253 | 65.56% | 1.317 | 16.67% | 18 | 2002-12-11 |
Saikaya Department Store Co Ltd8254 | 171.26% | 1.409 | 17.65% | 34 | 2002-12-05 |
Axial Retailing Inc8255 | 251.01% | 4.564 | 44.44% | 9 | 2006-06-06 |
Marumitsu Co Ltd8256 | 205.36% | 1.361 | 15.91% | 44 | 2006-04-10 |
Aeon Co., Ltd.8267 | 113.87% | 1.675 | 20% | 15 | 2002-09-24 |
Izumi Co Ltd8273 | 136.57% | 1.801 | 20% | 15 | 2002-10-01 |
Forval Corp8275 | 152.57% | 1.666 | 21.05% | 19 | 2006-01-20 |
Heiwado Co Ltd8276 | 133.39% | 1.936 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-09-22 |
Fuji Co Ltd8278 | 67.95% | 1.557 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-09-05 |
Yaoko Co Ltd8279 | 343.23% | 13.667 | 66.67% | 6 | 2002-07-02 |
Xebio Co Ltd8281 | -20.28% | 0.829 | 10% | 10 | 2003-05-19 |
K'S Holdings Corp8282 | 387.89% | 2.928 | 31.58% | 19 | 2002-08-07 |
Paltac Corp8283 | 270.23% | 3.947 | 36.36% | 11 | 2010-07-27 |
Mitani Sangyo Co Ltd8285 | 89.83% | 1.858 | 22.22% | 9 | 2014-10-22 |
Olympic Group Corp8289 | 59.14% | 1.246 | 15.79% | 19 | 2002-11-18 |
Nissan Tokyo Sales Holdings Co Ltd8291 | 224.79% | 1.448 | 17.95% | 39 | 2006-02-15 |
Shinsei Bank, Ltd.8303 | -61.12% | 0.747 | 10% | 20 | 2004-07-07 |
Aozora Bank, Ltd.8304 | 116.74% | 1.628 | 18.75% | 16 | 2007-04-25 |
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc8306 | -23.15% | 0.894 | 11.76% | 17 | 2004-04-21 |
Resona Holdings, Inc.8308 | -30.98% | 0.9 | 12.5% | 24 | 2002-11-21 |
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings8309 | -12.98% | 0.92 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-02-04 |
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial8316 | -21.34% | 0.867 | 13.33% | 15 | 2004-02-05 |
Chiba Bank Ltd8331 | 108.42% | 1.559 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-09-05 |
The Gunma Bank Ltd8334 | -42.52% | 0.719 | 9.09% | 11 | 2002-10-08 |
The Musashino Bank Ltd8336 | -61.7% | 0.724 | 10% | 20 | 2003-07-17 |
Chiba Kogyo Bank Ltd8337 | -23.39% | 0.926 | 12% | 25 | 2006-01-04 |
Tsukuba Bank Ltd8338 | 172.34% | 1.454 | 21.88% | 32 | 2006-01-04 |
The 77 Bank Ltd8341 | 17.38% | 1.104 | 14.29% | 14 | 2002-08-01 |
Akita Bank Ltd8343 | -54.32% | 0.618 | 8.33% | 12 | 2002-12-20 |
Yamagata Bank Ltd8344 | -86.07% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2003-02-28 |
Bank of Iwate Ltd8345 | 51.94% | 1.399 | 15.38% | 13 | 2003-08-12 |
Toho Bank Ltd8346 | -40.19% | 0.699 | 10% | 10 | 2004-01-27 |
Tohoku Bank Ltd8349 | -41.16% | 0.666 | 11.11% | 9 | 2004-12-13 |
Fukuoka Financial Group, Inc.8354 | -25.9% | 0.872 | 11.76% | 17 | 2007-07-02 |
Suruga Bank Ltd8358 | 29.65% | 1.184 | 15.38% | 13 | 2002-12-16 |
Hachijuni Bank Ltd8359 | -82.94% | 0.539 | 7.69% | 13 | 2002-07-02 |
Yamanashi Chuo Bank Ltd8360 | 73.32% | 1.359 | 16.67% | 18 | 2003-07-24 |
Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd8361 | -83.12% | 0.481 | 7.14% | 14 | 2003-07-11 |
Fukui Bank Ltd8362 | -58.2% | 0.601 | 8.33% | 12 | 2004-01-30 |
Bank of Toyama Ltd8365 | 47.6% | 1.415 | 18.18% | 11 | 2015-04-06 |
Shiga Bank Ltd8366 | 62.82% | 1.544 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-02-20 |
Nanto Bank Ltd8367 | -30.8% | 0.729 | 10% | 10 | 2003-05-26 |
The Bank Of Kyoto Ltd8369 | 152.2% | 1.741 | 19.05% | 21 | 2003-09-01 |
Hokuhoku Financial Group Inc8377 | -72.83% | 0.705 | 14.29% | 21 | 2013-05-14 |
San-in Godo Bank Ltd8381 | -9.17% | 0.913 | 12.5% | 8 | 2003-05-14 |
Tottori Bank Ltd8383 | -80.81% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2002-12-19 |
Awa Bank Ltd8388 | -50.46% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2003-12-26 |
Oita Bank Ltd8392 | 23.12% | 1.144 | 13.33% | 15 | 2002-12-20 |
Miyazaki Bank Ltd8393 | -11.47% | 0.879 | 12.5% | 8 | 2002-07-17 |
Bank of The Ryukyus Ltd8399 | 1.3% | 1.007 | 12.5% | 16 | 2003-12-09 |
Seven Bank Ltd8410 | 26.03% | 1.355 | 16.67% | 6 | 2012-09-18 |
Mizuho Financial Group Inc8411 | -13.9% | 0.929 | 11.76% | 17 | 2004-06-24 |
Bank of Kochi Ltd8416 | 1.45% | 1.008 | 13.33% | 15 | 2006-06-29 |
Fuyo General Lease Co Ltd8424 | 251.12% | 3.019 | 28.57% | 14 | 2005-03-30 |
Mizuho Leasing Co Ltd8425 | 166.39% | 2.5 | 27.27% | 11 | 2005-05-06 |
Century Tokyo Leasing Corp8439 | 376.28% | 2.828 | 27.27% | 22 | 2004-01-27 |
Future Venture Capital Co Ltd8462 | 763.37% | 2.487 | 28.26% | 46 | 2007-03-05 |
SBI Holdings Inc8473 | 234.14% | 1.586 | 16.22% | 37 | 2002-11-20 |
J Trust Co Ltd8508 | 166.25% | 1.322 | 17.5% | 40 | 2004-09-24 |
Japan Securities Finance Co Ltd8511 | 283.9% | 1.931 | 23.08% | 26 | 2002-06-27 |
Aiful Corp8515 | 33.54% | 1.058 | 15.56% | 45 | 2013-04-15 |
Japan Asia Investment Co Ltd8518 | -52.71% | 0.883 | 12.12% | 33 | 2008-10-07 |
Bank of Nagoya Ltd8522 | -6.79% | 0.955 | 14.29% | 14 | 2002-07-17 |
North Pacific Bank Ltd8524 | -9.14% | 0.912 | 12.5% | 8 | 2013-02-28 |
Taiko Bank Ltd8537 | -44.95% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2009-03-02 |
Keiyo Bank Ltd8544 | -44.62% | 0.814 | 11.11% | 18 | 2003-04-11 |
Tochigi Bank Ltd8550 | -43.11% | 0.821 | 11.11% | 18 | 2003-07-22 |
Kita-Nippon Bank Ltd8551 | -63.17% | 0.576 | 8.33% | 12 | 2002-07-19 |
Towa Bank Ltd8558 | -1.9% | 0.993 | 13.04% | 23 | 2003-06-12 |
Fukushima Bank Ltd8562 | 21.16% | 1.054 | 13.33% | 30 | 2004-04-07 |
Daito Bank Ltd8563 | 42.28% | 1.122 | 14.29% | 28 | 2002-06-28 |
Ricoh Leasing Co Ltd8566 | 134.07% | 2.968 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-11-21 |
Aeon Financial Service Co Ltd8570 | -62.2% | 0.737 | 11.11% | 18 | 2002-09-20 |
Acom Co Ltd8572 | 114.35% | 1.409 | 18.18% | 22 | 2002-09-09 |
JACCS Co Ltd8584 | 282.05% | 2.029 | 23.08% | 26 | 2002-08-23 |
Orient Corp8585 | 30.71% | 1.077 | 16.67% | 36 | 2013-02-14 |
Orix T8591 | 254.85% | 2.046 | 23.81% | 21 | 2002-09-25 |
Mitsubishi Ufj Lease Fin Ltd8593 | 58.64% | 1.418 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-12-11 |
Jafco Co Ltd8595 | 90.04% | 1.231 | 15.63% | 32 | 2002-09-05 |
Kyushu Leasing Service Co Ltd8596 | -58.75% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2017-08-15 |
Tomony Holdings Inc8600 | 58.09% | 1.429 | 18.18% | 11 | 2010-08-16 |
Daiwa Securities Group Inc.8601 | 2% | 1.007 | 13.04% | 23 | 2002-07-25 |
Nomura Holdings Inc8604 | 151.94% | 1.447 | 17.86% | 28 | 2003-05-15 |
Okasan Securities Group Inc8609 | -22.5% | 0.935 | 11.54% | 26 | 2013-06-26 |
Marusan Securities Co Ltd8613 | 120.86% | 1.398 | 16% | 25 | 2003-05-20 |
Toyo Securities Co Ltd8614 | 345.12% | 1.776 | 21.62% | 37 | 2002-12-12 |
Tokai Tokyo Finan Holdings Inc8616 | 236.34% | 1.874 | 21.74% | 23 | 2002-11-21 |
Kosei Securities Co Ltd8617 | 104.77% | 1.261 | 15.63% | 32 | 2002-09-05 |
Mito Securities Co Ltd8622 | 313.9% | 1.729 | 24.32% | 37 | 2002-10-08 |
Ichiyoshi Securities Co Ltd8624 | 325.99% | 1.908 | 22.58% | 31 | 2003-05-19 |
Matsui Securities Co., Ltd.8628 | 142.27% | 1.89 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-07-25 |
Sompo Holdings Inc8630 | 133.78% | 4.516 | 40% | 5 | 2010-07-23 |
Japan Exchange Group Inc8697 | 39.23% | 1.272 | 16.67% | 12 | 2013-05-09 |
HS Holdings Co Ltd8699 | 129.01% | 1.479 | 18.18% | 22 | 2007-03-22 |
Maruhachi Securities Co Ltd8700 | -12.07% | 0.96 | 12.5% | 24 | 2006-01-27 |
Traders Holdings Co Ltd8704 | 603.04% | 1.988 | 23.53% | 51 | 2007-04-13 |
Kyokuto Securities Co Ltd8706 | -33.09% | 0.899 | 12% | 25 | 2006-02-06 |
IwaiCosmo Holdings Inc8707 | 6.83% | 1.022 | 12.5% | 24 | 2006-05-10 |
Aizawa Securities Co Ltd8708 | -28.81% | 0.911 | 12.5% | 24 | 2006-06-02 |
Fidea Holdings Co Ltd8713 | 41.32% | 1.281 | 16.67% | 12 | 2010-01-13 |
Anicom Holdings Inc8715 | 212.77% | 2.184 | 26.67% | 15 | 2010-12-27 |
MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings8725 | 6.55% | 1.076 | 14.29% | 7 | 2008-07-23 |
Money Partners Group Co Ltd8732 | 254.19% | 2.185 | 22.22% | 18 | 2013-02-04 |
Sparx Group Co Ltd8739 | 445.32% | 1.726 | 20.75% | 53 | 2006-05-25 |
Daiichi Commodities Co Ltd8746 | 161.54% | 1.376 | 17.65% | 34 | 2006-02-21 |
Yutaka Shoji Co Ltd8747 | 230.62% | 2.098 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-06-02 |
Dai-ichi Life Holdings Inc8750 | 167.26% | 2.256 | 25% | 12 | 2010-07-02 |
Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.8766 | 113.17% | 2.466 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-10-27 |
Advantage Risk Management Co Ltd8769 | 354.41% | 1.806 | 22.22% | 36 | 2007-05-17 |
Asax Co Ltd8772 | 208.37% | 2.07 | 23.53% | 17 | 2007-07-17 |
GFA Co Ltd8783 | 91.89% | 1.122 | 14.29% | 56 | 2006-05-16 |
FinTech Global Inc8789 | 396.67% | 1.481 | 19.67% | 61 | 2005-09-28 |
NEC Capital Solutions Ltd8793 | 63.76% | 1.263 | 19.05% | 21 | 2013-06-11 |
T&D Holdings, Inc.8795 | 176.3% | 1.849 | 21.05% | 19 | 2004-09-16 |
Advance Create Co Ltd8798 | 240.94% | 4.814 | 42.86% | 7 | 2007-04-23 |
Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.8801 | 123.99% | 1.776 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-07-25 |
Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd8802 | 77.52% | 1.39 | 18.75% | 16 | 2002-11-21 |
Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd.8803 | 235.02% | 2.028 | 23.81% | 21 | 2002-12-10 |
Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd.8804 | 507.52% | 2.774 | 28.57% | 28 | 2003-04-07 |
Keihanshin Building Co Ltd8818 | 229.29% | 2.334 | 26.67% | 15 | 2004-01-30 |
Sumitomo Realty & Development Co.8830 | 255.41% | 2.157 | 23.81% | 21 | 2002-12-10 |
Taiheiyo Kouhatsu Incorporated8835 | 298.53% | 2.715 | 29.41% | 17 | 2003-12-16 |
TOC Co Ltd8841 | 156.81% | 1.658 | 20% | 20 | 2002-08-22 |
Tokyo Rakutenchi Co Ltd8842 | 10.17% | 1.12 | 14.29% | 7 | 2002-08-29 |
Cosmos Initia Co Ltd8844 | -39.31% | 0.929 | 12.5% | 40 | 2012-07-11 |
Leopalace21 Corp8848 | 155.9% | 1.247 | 16% | 50 | 2004-09-30 |
Starts Corp Inc8850 | 241.66% | 1.94 | 22.73% | 22 | 2006-03-03 |
Fuji Corp Ltd8860 | 17.25% | 1.097 | 15.38% | 13 | 2004-07-09 |
Airport Facilities Co Ltd8864 | 54.78% | 1.369 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-11-22 |
Meiwa Estate Co Ltd8869 | 181.79% | 1.597 | 20% | 25 | 2002-12-10 |
Goldcrest Co Ltd8871 | 132.11% | 1.388 | 16.67% | 30 | 2002-07-25 |
Relo Holdings Inc8876 | 358.1% | 8.914 | 62.5% | 8 | 2010-11-25 |
Nihon Eslead Corp8877 | 87.99% | 1.311 | 17.39% | 23 | 2004-05-31 |
Nisshin Fudosan Co Ltd8881 | 356.49% | 2.469 | 27.27% | 22 | 2002-11-20 |
Wood Friends Co Ltd8886 | 158.8% | 1.792 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-06-05 |
Riberesute Corp8887 | 209.26% | 2.178 | 29.41% | 17 | 2006-09-25 |
Apamanshop Holdings Co Ltd8889 | 174.97% | 1.421 | 17.65% | 34 | 2007-03-30 |
Raysum Co Ltd8890 | 62.21% | 1.099 | 14.58% | 48 | 2006-01-24 |
MG Home Co Ltd8891 | 319.46% | 2.093 | 23.08% | 26 | 2004-12-24 |
Es-con Japan Ltd8892 | 411.41% | 1.719 | 19.57% | 46 | 2006-03-09 |
Revolution Co Ltd8894 | 300.96% | 1.386 | 18.33% | 60 | 2004-08-06 |
Mirarth Holdings Inc8897 | 182.85% | 1.439 | 18.75% | 32 | 2004-07-28 |
Century 21 Real Estate of Japan Ltd8898 | 4.61% | 1.024 | 20% | 10 | 2006-07-18 |
Sunwood Corp8903 | 76.4% | 1.293 | 18.18% | 22 | 2013-07-02 |
Avantia Co Ltd8904 | -28.7% | 0.862 | 12.5% | 16 | 2004-08-19 |
Aeon Mall Co Ltd8905 | 266.96% | 2.871 | 28.57% | 14 | 2003-04-07 |
Mainichi Comnet Co Ltd8908 | 127.58% | 1.744 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-06-01 |
Shinoken Group Co Ltd8909 | 495.41% | 1.914 | 24.44% | 45 | 2006-01-25 |
Area Quest Inc8912 | 115.79% | 1.228 | 15.79% | 38 | 2003-07-11 |
Arealink Co Ltd8914 | 340.4% | 1.647 | 19.57% | 46 | 2004-01-22 |
First Juken Co Ltd8917 | -19.74% | 0.938 | 12.5% | 24 | 2004-05-13 |
Katitas Co Ltd8919 | 112.32% | 2.504 | 28.57% | 7 | 2018-03-20 |
Tosho Co Ltd8920 | 252.6% | 2.17 | 25% | 20 | 2013-06-19 |
Tosei Corp8923 | 158.91% | 1.421 | 16.67% | 30 | 2007-07-23 |
Ardepro Co Ltd8925 | 579.2% | 1.683 | 21.43% | 70 | 2014-05-14 |
Meiho Enterprise Co Ltd8927 | 168.85% | 1.258 | 17.02% | 47 | 2006-04-12 |
Anabuki Kosan Inc8928 | 220.67% | 2.119 | 25% | 16 | 2005-01-31 |
Aoyama Zaisan Networks Co Ltd8929 | 360.82% | 1.813 | 21.62% | 37 | 2004-11-26 |
Wadakohsan Corp8931 | 87.93% | 1.431 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-03-07 |
Sun Frontier Fudousan Co Ltd8934 | 87.31% | 1.171 | 17.07% | 41 | 2007-06-15 |
FJ Next Co Ltd8935 | 161.34% | 2.203 | 25% | 12 | 2007-08-20 |
Glome Holdings Inc8938 | 328.83% | 1.6 | 22.22% | 45 | 2015-08-17 |
Intellex Co Ltd8940 | 74% | 1.18 | 15.63% | 32 | 2007-09-11 |
Land Business Co Ltd8944 | 11.27% | 1.022 | 13.89% | 36 | 2007-01-30 |
Sunnexta Group Inc8945 | 189.81% | 1.931 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-02-01 |
Asian Star Co8946 | 101.69% | 1.167 | 15.22% | 46 | 2006-07-19 |
Makoto Construction Co Ltd8995 | -51.71% | 0.699 | 8.33% | 12 | 2006-05-30 |
Grandy House Corp8999 | 184.12% | 1.625 | 20.83% | 24 | 2006-05-08 |
Tobu Railway Co., Ltd.9001 | 51.19% | 2.263 | 25% | 4 | 2004-05-11 |
Sotetsu Holdings Inc9003 | 32.6% | 1.488 | 16.67% | 6 | 2002-12-20 |
Tokyu Corp.9005 | 198.74% | 3.059 | 30% | 10 | 2003-05-26 |
Keikyu Corp9006 | 70.54% | 3.533 | 33.33% | 3 | 2002-07-31 |
Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd.9007 | 77.93% | 7.04 | 50% | 2 | 2003-11-10 |
Keio Corp.9008 | 117.07% | 2.991 | 28.57% | 7 | 2003-05-19 |
Keisei Electric Railway Co., Ltd.9009 | 210.05% | 3.372 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-11-21 |
Fuji Kyuko Co Ltd9010 | 322.25% | 3.651 | 40% | 15 | 2006-05-15 |
Niigata Kotsu Co Ltd9017 | 65.55% | 5.621 | 50% | 2 | 2002-11-11 |
East Japan Railway Co.9020 | 44.93% | 1.944 | 20% | 5 | 2004-09-28 |
West Japan Railway Co.9021 | 45.65% | 2.029 | 20% | 5 | 2004-02-25 |
Central Japan Railway Co.9022 | 6.66% | 1.129 | 20% | 5 | 2004-02-25 |
Seibu Holdings Inc9024 | -86.23% | 0 | 0% | 6 | 2014-08-20 |
Konoike Transport Co Ltd9025 | 119.93% | 2.777 | 28.57% | 7 | 2013-07-02 |
Zero Co Ltd9028 | 225.66% | 2.164 | 25% | 16 | 2006-01-30 |
Higashi Twenty One Co Ltd9029 | 256.34% | 5.221 | 42.86% | 7 | 2012-01-23 |
Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co Ltd9031 | 108.77% | 2.702 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-12-20 |
Nanso Transport Co Ltd9034 | 45.24% | 1.788 | 25% | 4 | 2006-02-21 |
Tohbu Network Co Ltd9036 | 23.48% | 1.321 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-05-18 |
Hamakyorex Co Ltd9037 | 268.96% | 3.112 | 30.77% | 13 | 2003-06-27 |
Sakai Moving Service Co Ltd9039 | 140.96% | 2.079 | 25% | 12 | 2006-10-16 |
Kintetsu Corp9041 | 50.24% | 2.813 | 33.33% | 3 | 2002-12-11 |
Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc9042 | 93.6% | 2.002 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-12-11 |
Keihan Electric Railway Co Ltd9045 | 17.17% | 1.221 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-10-05 |
Kobe Electric Railway Co Ltd9046 | -6.72% | 0.89 | 33.33% | 6 | 2007-09-26 |
Nagoya Railroad Co Ltd9048 | 55.63% | 1.583 | 30% | 10 | 2013-04-19 |
Keifuku Electric Railroad Co Ltd9049 | 76.87% | 6.885 | 50% | 2 | 2006-09-14 |
Senkon Logistics Co Ltd9051 | -16.84% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2008-10-27 |
Sanyo Electric Railway Co Ltd9052 | 85.51% | 7.884 | 50% | 2 | 2004-07-06 |
Alps Logistics Co Ltd9055 | 99.94% | 2.117 | 25% | 8 | 2003-12-10 |
Enshu Truck Co Ltd9057 | 69.32% | 1.525 | 18.18% | 11 | 2006-04-06 |
Trancom Co Ltd9058 | 314.03% | 3.297 | 33.33% | 15 | 2002-08-28 |
Kanda Holdings Co Ltd9059 | 88.07% | 1.938 | 25% | 8 | 2006-09-20 |
Japan Logistic Systems Corp9060 | 98.97% | 2.139 | 25% | 8 | 2006-02-15 |
Okayamaken Freight Transportation Co Ltd9063 | 114.18% | 1.734 | 21.43% | 14 | 2004-12-09 |
Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd.9064 | 137.43% | 3.471 | 33.33% | 6 | 2003-05-20 |
Sankyu Inc9065 | 194.98% | 2.173 | 25% | 16 | 2002-07-25 |
Nissin Corp9066 | 128.36% | 1.827 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-09-05 |
Maruwn Corp9067 | 61.26% | 1.435 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-10-15 |
Maruzen Showa Unyu Co Ltd9068 | 93.59% | 1.924 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-11-21 |
Senko Co Ltd9069 | 108.71% | 2.214 | 25% | 8 | 2004-05-12 |
Tonami Holdings Co Ltd9070 | 122.75% | 1.824 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-12-20 |
Nikkon Holdings Co Ltd9072 | 171.94% | 2.478 | 27.27% | 11 | 2002-11-12 |
Kyogoku Unyu Shoji Co Ltd9073 | 314.78% | 3.755 | 30% | 10 | 2008-09-16 |
Japan Oil Transportation Co Ltd9074 | 13.12% | 1.195 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-11-02 |
Fukuyama Transporting Co Ltd9075 | 84.87% | 2.078 | 25% | 8 | 2002-10-01 |
Seino Holdings Co Ltd9076 | 235.05% | 1.959 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-09-09 |
S Line Co Ltd9078 | -28.62% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2017-10-30 |
Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu Co Ltd9081 | 45.74% | 2.105 | 25% | 4 | 2002-11-19 |
Hitachi Transport Sys Ltd9086 | 399.13% | 6.292 | 50% | 10 | 2002-10-17 |
Maruwa Unyu Kikan Co Ltd9090 | 273.51% | 3.231 | 33.33% | 12 | 2014-10-14 |
Chilled & Frozen Logistics Holdings Co Ltd9099 | 93.06% | 1.909 | 22.22% | 9 | 2016-02-15 |
Nippon Yusen K.K9101 | 151.21% | 1.618 | 19.05% | 21 | 2003-07-17 |
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd.9104 | 290.8% | 2.022 | 23.08% | 26 | 2003-04-30 |
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.9107 | 121.57% | 1.345 | 16.67% | 30 | 2002-07-03 |
NS United Kaiun Kaisha Ltd9110 | 371.97% | 2.336 | 25% | 28 | 2004-05-07 |
Meiji Shipping Co Ltd9115 | 438.37% | 2.094 | 25.71% | 35 | 2007-06-28 |
Iino Kaiun Kaisha Ltd9119 | 287.85% | 1.93 | 23.08% | 26 | 2003-10-23 |
Tamai Steamship Co Ltd9127 | 437.77% | 2.608 | 26.92% | 26 | 2004-09-10 |
Kyoei Tanker Co Ltd9130 | 153.37% | 1.638 | 22.73% | 22 | 2002-10-02 |
Kyushu Railway Co9142 | -50.28% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2017-03-22 |
SG Holdings Co Ltd9143 | 78.35% | 6.668 | 50% | 2 | 2018-05-10 |
Kuribayashi Steamship Co Ltd9171 | 271.24% | 3.023 | 33.33% | 12 | 2004-02-17 |
Tokai Kisen Co Ltd9173 | 51.19% | 2.157 | 25% | 4 | 2003-08-21 |
Tokyo Kisen Co Ltd9193 | -46.28% | 0.678 | 10% | 10 | 2006-05-15 |
Japan Airlines Co Ltd9201 | 19.44% | 1.301 | 16.67% | 6 | 2013-04-02 |
ANA Holdings Inc9202 | 55.22% | 1.441 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-05-22 |
Star Flyer Inc9206 | 57.66% | 1.741 | 33.33% | 9 | 2012-03-30 |
Green Earth Institute Co Ltd9212 | -13.79% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-09-22 |
Recovery International Co Ltd9214 | -13.83% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-06-02 |
Pasco Corp9232 | -17.04% | 0.947 | 16% | 25 | 2020-02-18 |
Asia Air Survey Co Ltd9233 | 408.25% | 2.681 | 28.57% | 21 | 2008-03-03 |
Delivery Consulting Inc9240 | -42.69% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-12-03 |
Future Link Network Co Ltd9241 | -27.85% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-02-22 |
Media Research Institute Inc9242 | -44.5% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2021-12-02 |
Digitalift Inc9244 | -30.05% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-01-20 |
Livero Inc9245 | -62.32% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2022-01-20 |
GRCS Inc9250 | -26.7% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-05-09 |
Last One Mile Co Ltd9252 | 54.09% | 2.278 | 25% | 4 | 2022-02-24 |
Slogan Inc9253 | -44.99% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2022-03-29 |
Lovable Marketing Group Inc9254 | 71.8% | 3.67 | 33.33% | 3 | 2022-04-21 |
CSC Co Ltd9258 | -30% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2022-04-21 |
Takayoshi Inc9259 | -13.47% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2022-03-29 |
Nishimoto Wismettac HD Co Ltd9260 | -3.95% | 0.955 | 12.5% | 8 | 2018-04-20 |
Silver Life Co Ltd9262 | 127.54% | 3.398 | 33.33% | 6 | 2018-03-06 |
Yamashita Health Care Holdings Inc9265 | 117.59% | 3.609 | 40% | 5 | 2020-03-17 |
Genky Drugstores Co Ltd9267 | 8.79% | 1.119 | 14.29% | 7 | 2018-04-06 |
Optimus Group Co Ltd.9268 | -19.65% | 0.836 | 10% | 10 | 2018-05-22 |
Valuence Holdings Inc9270 | 62.05% | 1.411 | 15.38% | 13 | 2018-10-30 |
Wagokoro Co9271 | 59.55% | 1.401 | 16.67% | 12 | 2018-08-17 |
Boutiques Inc9272 | 190.96% | 2.038 | 23.53% | 17 | 2018-08-20 |
Koa Shoji Holdings Co Ltd9273 | 136.75% | 3.301 | 33.33% | 6 | 2018-10-31 |
KPP Group Holdings Co Ltd9274 | 151.98% | 4.092 | 40% | 5 | 2018-10-24 |
Narumiya International Co Ltd9275 | 15.64% | 1.198 | 16.67% | 6 | 2018-12-12 |
Bookoff Group Holdings Ltd9278 | 48.48% | 2.039 | 25% | 4 | 2019-08-27 |
Gift Inc9279 | 120.77% | 3.023 | 33.33% | 6 | 2019-02-19 |
Mitsubishi Logistics Corp.9301 | 50.12% | 1.376 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-07-25 |
Mitsui Soko Holdings Co Ltd9302 | 205.15% | 2.239 | 25% | 16 | 2002-12-13 |
The Sumitomo Warehouse Co Ltd9303 | 259.38% | 2.987 | 30.77% | 13 | 2002-09-24 |
Shibusawa Warehouse Co Ltd9304 | 43.54% | 1.267 | 20% | 15 | 2002-10-16 |
Yamatane Corp9305 | 219.58% | 1.856 | 21.74% | 23 | 2003-10-23 |
Toyo Logistics Co Ltd9306 | 182.15% | 2.489 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-11-21 |
Sugimura Warehouse Co Ltd9307 | 223.68% | 2.181 | 29.41% | 17 | 2005-02-23 |
Inui Global Logistics Co Ltd9308 | 275.1% | 2.288 | 25% | 20 | 2006-07-07 |
Japan Transcity Corp9310 | 222.5% | 3.911 | 37.5% | 8 | 2003-12-02 |
Keihin Co Ltd9312 | 34.67% | 1.203 | 20% | 15 | 2003-09-02 |
Maruhachi Warehouse Co Ltd9313 | 162.13% | 2.223 | 25% | 12 | 2003-12-05 |
Chuo Warehouse Co Ltd9319 | 19.46% | 1.265 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-06-19 |
Kawanishi Warehouse Co Ltd9322 | 170.11% | 1.919 | 27.78% | 18 | 2005-04-04 |
Yasuda Logistics Corp9324 | 113.49% | 2.264 | 33.33% | 9 | 2003-02-05 |
PHYZ inc9325 | 42.87% | 1.275 | 15.38% | 13 | 2017-08-14 |
Kantsu Co Ltd9326 | -57.85% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2020-11-18 |
e-LogiT Co Ltd9327 | -70.51% | 0 | 0% | 4 | 2021-08-20 |
Toyo Wharf & Warehouse Co Ltd9351 | 65.22% | 1.56 | 20% | 10 | 2004-04-09 |
Sakurajima Futo Kaisha Ltd9353 | 36.37% | 1.234 | 15.38% | 13 | 2005-04-19 |
Suzuyo Shinwart Corp9360 | 230.46% | 1.876 | 25% | 24 | 2003-03-04 |
Hyoki Kaiun Kaisha Ltd9362 | 171.73% | 2.545 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-07-29 |
Daiun Co Ltd9363 | 97.29% | 1.308 | 16% | 25 | 2014-05-21 |
Kamigumi Co Ltd9364 | 116.31% | 2.593 | 28.57% | 7 | 2002-09-20 |
Tradia Corp9365 | -7.53% | 0.921 | 11.11% | 9 | 2004-09-09 |
Daito Koun Co Ltd9367 | 115.08% | 2.513 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-11-28 |
Kimura Unity Co Ltd9368 | 32.59% | 1.491 | 20% | 5 | 2004-10-21 |
KRS Corp9369 | 114.37% | 2.621 | 37.5% | 8 | 2002-10-17 |
AGP Corp9377 | 160.08% | 2.043 | 23.08% | 13 | 2007-04-09 |
Azuma Shipping Co Ltd9380 | 111.43% | 1.62 | 20% | 15 | 2006-07-10 |
AIT Corp9381 | 381.61% | 4.219 | 46.15% | 13 | 2013-12-05 |
Naigai Trans Line Ltd9384 | 369.25% | 4.377 | 41.67% | 12 | 2009-02-25 |
Shoei Corp9385 | 192.33% | 2.395 | 35.71% | 14 | 2018-05-21 |
Nippon Concept Corp9386 | 199.36% | 3.385 | 33.33% | 9 | 2013-07-23 |
TBS Holdings Inc9401 | 86.86% | 1.429 | 17.65% | 17 | 2002-08-07 |
Nippon Television Holdings Inc9404 | -23.41% | 0.806 | 11.11% | 9 | 2002-11-21 |
Asahi Broadcasting Corp9405 | 40.47% | 1.164 | 15% | 20 | 2004-10-04 |
Broadcasting System of Niigata Inc9408 | 66.91% | 1.513 | 20% | 10 | 2006-01-20 |
TV Asahi Holdings Corp9409 | 60.53% | 1.487 | 18.18% | 11 | 2002-12-11 |
SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc.9412 | -23.63% | 0.804 | 11.11% | 9 | 2007-07-24 |
TV TOKYO Holdings Corp9413 | 142.94% | 3.664 | 33.33% | 6 | 2011-04-21 |
Vision Inc9416 | 221.79% | 4.249 | 37.5% | 8 | 2016-04-07 |
Smartvalue Co Ltd9417 | 152.34% | 1.954 | 21.43% | 14 | 2015-10-19 |
Usen Next Holdings Co Ltd9418 | 232.1% | 2.31 | 25% | 16 | 2015-05-29 |
WirelessGate Inc9419 | 34.6% | 1.101 | 14.81% | 27 | 2013-02-18 |
NJ Holdings Inc9421 | 379.44% | 1.584 | 18.87% | 53 | 2006-08-07 |
Conexio Corp9422 | 139.76% | 1.965 | 23.08% | 13 | 2006-09-27 |
Forval Realstraight Inc9423 | 13.77% | 1.026 | 12.82% | 39 | 2006-05-15 |
Japan Communications Inc9424 | 385.94% | 1.708 | 20.93% | 43 | 2007-03-09 |
Nippon Telephone Inc9425 | 245.52% | 1.402 | 17.39% | 46 | 2006-02-15 |
Crops Corp9428 | 160.07% | 2.824 | 33.33% | 9 | 2013-09-02 |
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp9432 | 112.72% | 2.536 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-04-20 |
KDDI Corp.9433 | 153.33% | 4.419 | 40% | 5 | 2004-08-19 |
Hikari Tsushin Inc9435 | 254.74% | 2.595 | 29.41% | 17 | 2002-12-16 |
Okinawa Cellular Telephone Co9436 | 34.64% | 1.574 | 20% | 5 | 2006-03-06 |
MTI Ltd9438 | 261.06% | 1.811 | 22.22% | 27 | 2006-01-23 |
M H Group Ltd9439 | 85.43% | 1.225 | 20% | 30 | 2006-02-15 |
Bell-Park Co Ltd9441 | 364.79% | 2.669 | 28.57% | 21 | 2006-02-15 |
Toshin Corp9444 | 56.86% | 1.412 | 20% | 10 | 2007-02-06 |
Forval Telecom Inc9445 | -20.94% | 0.936 | 12.5% | 24 | 2004-02-23 |
Sakai Holdings Co Ltd9446 | 193.29% | 1.874 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-09-05 |
Gmo Internet Inc9449 | 400.37% | 1.951 | 21.62% | 37 | 2004-07-29 |
Fibergate Inc9450 | 47.5% | 1.361 | 18.18% | 11 | 2018-09-10 |
Aidma Marketing Communication Corp9466 | -10.26% | 0.904 | 12.5% | 8 | 2016-06-28 |
Alphapolis Co Ltd9467 | 188.39% | 2.97 | 33.33% | 9 | 2015-05-07 |
Kadokawa Dwango Corp9468 | 129.95% | 3.243 | 33.33% | 6 | 2015-01-15 |
Gakken Holdings Co Ltd9470 | 202.57% | 2.032 | 23.53% | 17 | 2002-12-11 |
Zenrin Co Ltd9474 | 192.96% | 2.022 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-05-22 |
Shobunsha Publications Inc9475 | 47.13% | 1.27 | 14.29% | 14 | 2008-01-18 |
Chuokeizai Sha Holdings Inc9476 | 68.5% | 2.624 | 33.33% | 3 | 2007-07-23 |
SE Holdings and Incubations Co Ltd9478 | 239.82% | 1.519 | 16.67% | 36 | 2010-05-14 |
Impress Holdings Inc9479 | 321.65% | 1.644 | 21.95% | 41 | 2002-07-02 |
Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.9501 | 170.42% | 1.515 | 18.52% | 27 | 2003-07-29 |
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.9502 | 23.57% | 1.156 | 16.67% | 12 | 2002-12-19 |
Kansai Electric Power Co Inc9503 | 40.28% | 1.164 | 15% | 20 | 2002-08-23 |
Chugoku Electric Power Co Inc9504 | -57.5% | 0.632 | 8.33% | 12 | 2002-09-18 |
Hokuriku Electric Power Co9505 | -49.77% | 0.658 | 9.09% | 11 | 2003-01-23 |
Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc9506 | -10.41% | 0.948 | 12.5% | 16 | 2003-07-01 |
Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc9507 | -60.58% | 0.614 | 8.33% | 12 | 2002-07-25 |
Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc9508 | 10.47% | 1.056 | 13.33% | 15 | 2002-11-21 |
Hokkaido Electric Power Co Inc9509 | 5.51% | 1.019 | 13.04% | 23 | 2002-07-17 |
Okinawa Electric Power Co Inc9511 | 95.51% | 1.463 | 16.67% | 18 | 2003-07-28 |
Electric Power Development Ltd9513 | -17.17% | 0.907 | 12.5% | 16 | 2005-03-24 |
EF On Inc9514 | 186.75% | 1.265 | 16.67% | 54 | 2005-08-22 |
eREX Co Ltd9517 | 149.63% | 2.094 | 25% | 12 | 2015-06-23 |
Renova Inc9519 | 266.41% | 3.576 | 36.36% | 11 | 2017-06-27 |
Renewable Japan Co Ltd9522 | 50.81% | 1.899 | 20% | 5 | 2022-04-05 |
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.9531 | 48.96% | 1.921 | 20% | 5 | 2003-06-11 |
Toho Gas Co Ltd9533 | 152.5% | 2.253 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-05-06 |
Hokkaido Gas Co Ltd9534 | -27.41% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2003-11-04 |
Hiroshima Gas Co Ltd9535 | 8.88% | 1.097 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-12-24 |
Saibu Gas Co Ltd9536 | 42.13% | 1.798 | 20% | 5 | 2005-04-18 |
Shizuoka Gas Co Ltd9543 | 218.08% | 2.32 | 26.67% | 15 | 2003-05-09 |
Metawater Co Ltd9551 | 26.67% | 1.444 | 20% | 5 | 2015-08-06 |
I Net Corp9600 | 267.53% | 3.144 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-11-13 |
Shochiku Co Ltd9601 | 112.7% | 5.716 | 50% | 4 | 2002-12-05 |
Toho Co., Ltd.9602 | 185.45% | 3.331 | 33.33% | 9 | 2002-07-25 |
H.I.S. Co Ltd9603 | 338.33% | 2.412 | 26.09% | 23 | 2004-05-11 |
Toei Co Ltd9605 | 220.29% | 4.459 | 40% | 10 | 2003-11-05 |
Wilson Learning Worldwide Inc9610 | 106.19% | 1.261 | 15.63% | 32 | 2006-05-09 |
Luckland Co Ltd9612 | 380.34% | 3.488 | 41.18% | 17 | 2015-01-20 |
NTT Data Corp.9613 | 206.64% | 3.496 | 33.33% | 9 | 2004-02-05 |
Kyoritsu Maintenance Co Ltd9616 | 436.05% | 2.949 | 30.43% | 23 | 2003-06-03 |
Ichinen Holdings Co Ltd9619 | 141.31% | 1.944 | 23.08% | 13 | 2004-10-04 |
CTI Engineering Co Ltd9621 | 294.33% | 2.569 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-10-08 |
Space Co Ltd9622 | 159.99% | 2.113 | 23.08% | 13 | 2003-11-10 |
Cerespo Co Ltd9625 | 280.69% | 2.58 | 29.41% | 17 | 2020-01-31 |
Ain Pharmaciez Inc9627 | 310.82% | 5.973 | 44.44% | 9 | 2009-07-02 |
San Holdings Inc9628 | 112.48% | 2.26 | 25% | 8 | 2002-12-10 |
PCA Corp9629 | 317.58% | 2.728 | 29.41% | 17 | 2003-06-25 |
Tokyu Recreation Co Ltd9631 | 86.14% | 3.094 | 40% | 5 | 2022-09-21 |
Subaru Enterprise Co Ltd9632 | 93.55% | 1.749 | 23.08% | 13 | 2005-05-19 |
Tokyo Theatres Co Inc9633 | 157.71% | 2.02 | 26.67% | 15 | 2005-05-18 |
Musashino Kogyo Co Ltd9635 | 28.9% | 1.436 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-03-31 |
Kin-Ei Corp9636 | -37.03% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2005-12-15 |
OS Co Ltd9637 | 20.01% | 1.351 | 20% | 5 | 2005-02-01 |
Sankyo Frontier Co Ltd9639 | 286.23% | 3.455 | 33.33% | 12 | 2006-05-24 |
Saison Information Systems Co Ltd9640 | 54.83% | 1.368 | 16.67% | 12 | 2006-02-17 |
Tanabe Management Consulting Co Ltd9644 | 94.73% | 2.076 | 40% | 10 | 2018-09-06 |
Kyowa Engineering Consultants Co Ltd9647 | 135.31% | 1.892 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-01-16 |
Japan Process Development Co Ltd9651 | 156.64% | 3.595 | 42.86% | 7 | 2006-07-26 |
Greenland Resort Co Ltd9656 | 26.45% | 1.292 | 14.29% | 7 | 2004-12-09 |
Business Brain Showa Ota Inc9658 | 257.34% | 3.664 | 40% | 10 | 2006-07-27 |
Kabuki-Za Co Ltd9661 | -29.1% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2006-03-14 |
Nagawa Co Ltd9663 | 290.02% | 2.967 | 37.5% | 16 | 2011-06-22 |
Tokyotokeiba Co Ltd9672 | 242.9% | 2.095 | 21.74% | 23 | 2004-10-19 |
Joban Kosan Co Ltd9675 | 22.42% | 1.315 | 20% | 5 | 2003-12-22 |
Kanamoto Co Ltd9678 | 177.32% | 1.808 | 21.05% | 19 | 2003-12-19 |
Horai Co Ltd9679 | 8.58% | 1.109 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-09-27 |
DTS Corp9682 | 345.95% | 3.753 | 38.46% | 13 | 2002-08-23 |
Square Enix Holdings Co Ltd9684 | 298.57% | 2.503 | 26.32% | 19 | 2003-06-25 |
Kycom Holdings Co Ltd9685 | 225.96% | 2.074 | 22.22% | 18 | 2006-11-13 |
Toyo Tec Co Ltd9686 | 70.25% | 2.157 | 20% | 5 | 2004-07-27 |
KSK Co Ltd9687 | 71.65% | 1.555 | 20% | 10 | 2006-03-09 |
Ryomo Systems Co Ltd9691 | 248.11% | 2.43 | 31.25% | 16 | 2020-04-07 |
Computer Engineering & Consulting Ltd9692 | 212.81% | 2.179 | 25% | 16 | 2002-07-25 |
With us Corp9696 | 100.96% | 1.526 | 20% | 15 | 2006-02-13 |
Capcom Co Ltd9697 | 305.83% | 2.5 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-07-02 |
Creo Co Ltd9698 | 168.01% | 1.737 | 21.05% | 19 | 2013-02-18 |
Nishio Rent All Co Ltd9699 | 201.99% | 2.11 | 23.53% | 17 | 2005-06-02 |
Tokyo Kaikan Co Ltd9701 | 64.84% | 1.57 | 16.67% | 12 | 2003-11-10 |
ISB Corp9702 | 256.61% | 2.979 | 30.77% | 13 | 2008-06-18 |
Agora Hospitality Group Co Ltd9704 | -62.46% | 0.823 | 12% | 25 | 2003-06-26 |
Japan Airport Terminal Co Ltd9706 | 258.77% | 2.972 | 35.71% | 14 | 2002-08-14 |
Imperial Hotel Ltd9708 | 178.71% | 2.629 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-07-28 |
NCS&A Co Ltd9709 | 291.18% | 3.305 | 33.33% | 12 | 2004-11-26 |
Royal Hotel Ltd9713 | 91.63% | 1.5 | 18.75% | 16 | 2005-04-20 |
Transcosmos Inc9715 | 354.23% | 2.291 | 26.92% | 26 | 2006-03-06 |
Nomura Co Ltd9716 | 362.02% | 3.238 | 33.33% | 18 | 2013-06-18 |
Jastec Co Ltd9717 | 248.59% | 2.64 | 28.57% | 14 | 2002-07-19 |
SCSK Corp9719 | 86.49% | 1.858 | 22.22% | 9 | 2002-12-10 |
Hotel Newgrand Co Ltd9720 | 113.24% | 2.526 | 25% | 8 | 2006-11-27 |
Fujita Kanko Inc9722 | 72.55% | 1.423 | 18.75% | 16 | 2003-07-31 |
Kyoto Hotel Ltd9723 | 104.85% | 1.968 | 22.22% | 9 | 2007-01-18 |
KNT-CT Holdings Co Ltd9726 | 346.53% | 1.99 | 21.88% | 32 | 2002-07-25 |
Nippon Kanzai Co Ltd9728 | 222.4% | 4.118 | 44.44% | 9 | 2005-09-30 |
Tokai Corp9729 | 159.08% | 5.159 | 40% | 5 | 2010-06-30 |
Hakuyosha Co Ltd9731 | -28.29% | 0.766 | 10% | 10 | 2003-07-02 |
KK Seiyoken9734 | 85.6% | 1.397 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-12-11 |
Secom Co., Ltd.9735 | 48.34% | 3.101 | 33.33% | 3 | 2002-12-24 |
NSW Inc9739 | 319.36% | 2.527 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-07-02 |
Central Security Patrols Co Ltd9740 | 189.98% | 3.086 | 30% | 10 | 2004-02-25 |
Ines Corp9742 | 181.81% | 2.762 | 30% | 10 | 2004-02-04 |
Tanseisha Co Ltd9743 | 295.52% | 2.351 | 26.32% | 19 | 2003-02-14 |
Meitec Corp9744 | 132.01% | 1.824 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-09-24 |
TKC Corp9746 | 158.51% | 7.229 | 50% | 4 | 2002-11-20 |
Fuji Soft Inc9749 | 102.11% | 1.581 | 20% | 15 | 2002-07-25 |
I X Knowledge Inc9753 | 261.47% | 2.107 | 25% | 20 | 2007-03-19 |
Oyo Corp9755 | 162.99% | 2.071 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-08-01 |
Funai Soken Holdings Inc9757 | 136.77% | 3.219 | 33.33% | 6 | 2005-05-19 |
NSD Co Ltd9759 | 340.63% | 3.329 | 33.33% | 15 | 2003-11-10 |
Shingakukai Co Ltd9760 | -46.94% | 0.806 | 11.11% | 18 | 2005-01-27 |
Tokai Lease Co Ltd9761 | 68.55% | 1.548 | 18.18% | 11 | 2003-01-30 |
Marubeni Construction Material Lease Co Ltd9763 | 191.72% | 2.049 | 23.53% | 17 | 2004-05-11 |
Ohba Co Ltd9765 | 456.46% | 2.76 | 29.17% | 24 | 2002-07-03 |
Konami Corp.9766 | 222.67% | 2.761 | 30.77% | 13 | 2003-05-22 |
Nikken Kogaku Co Ltd9767 | 260.93% | 2.237 | 26.32% | 19 | 2002-11-20 |
Idea Consultants Inc9768 | 179.21% | 1.508 | 20.69% | 29 | 2011-04-27 |
Gakkyusha Co Ltd9769 | 182.82% | 2.422 | 27.27% | 11 | 2006-11-08 |
Sapporo Clinical Laboratory Inc9776 | 182.05% | 2.77 | 30% | 10 | 2006-06-06 |
Subaru Co Ltd9778 | -15.87% | 0.858 | 12.5% | 8 | 2006-02-24 |
Harima B.Stem Corp9780 | 14.19% | 1.176 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-02-23 |
DMS Inc9782 | 201.27% | 2.857 | 30% | 10 | 2006-12-27 |
Benesse Holdings9783 | 66.31% | 3.542 | 33.33% | 3 | 2002-12-18 |
Aeon Delight Co Ltd9787 | 440.76% | 6.474 | 45.45% | 11 | 2002-07-03 |
Nac Co Ltd9788 | 143.53% | 1.939 | 23.08% | 13 | 2002-07-15 |
Fukui Computer Holdings Inc9790 | 397.04% | 2.897 | 31.82% | 22 | 2015-04-01 |
Biken Techno Corp9791 | 122.44% | 2.679 | 28.57% | 7 | 2004-10-21 |
Daiseki Co Ltd9793 | 285.43% | 2.53 | 27.78% | 18 | 2002-10-08 |
Step Co Ltd9795 | 100.1% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2012-02-09 |
Asahi Intelligence Service Co Ltd9799 | 49.04% | 2.102 | 25% | 4 | 2004-02-10 |
Nippon Steel Trading9810 | 134.9% | 1.621 | 20% | 20 | 2002-10-16 |
T.O.Ogasawara Co Ltd9812 | 115.46% | 1.636 | 20% | 15 | 2007-04-03 |
Striders Corp9816 | 151.75% | 1.334 | 16.67% | 36 | 2006-01-20 |
Daimaru Enawin Co Ltd9818 | 135.8% | 3.486 | 33.33% | 6 | 2004-05-26 |
MT Genex Corp9820 | 380.25% | 3.41 | 29.41% | 17 | 2006-02-21 |
Mammy Mart Corp9823 | 25.89% | 1.545 | 20% | 5 | 2006-09-29 |
Senshu Electric Co Ltd9824 | 380.76% | 4.114 | 38.46% | 13 | 2004-02-03 |
Lilycolor Co Ltd9827 | 390.32% | 2.303 | 26.92% | 26 | 2006-02-15 |
Genki Sushi Co Ltd9828 | 183.14% | 2.047 | 23.53% | 17 | 2003-12-11 |
Trusco Nakayama Corp9830 | 193.43% | 2.887 | 30% | 10 | 2002-12-12 |
Yamada Holdings Co Ltd9831 | 44.07% | 1.173 | 15% | 20 | 2003-10-14 |
Autobacs Seven Co Ltd9832 | 124.67% | 1.768 | 21.43% | 14 | 2002-11-18 |
Juntendo Co Ltd9835 | 233.93% | 2.282 | 29.41% | 17 | 2004-10-27 |
Morito Co Ltd9837 | 39.94% | 1.671 | 20% | 5 | 2006-04-19 |
Arcland Sakamoto Co Ltd9842 | 176.35% | 2.518 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-07-15 |
Nitori Holdings Co Ltd9843 | 359.18% | 0 | 100% | 4 | 2003-05-22 |
Parker Corp9845 | -51.13% | 0.799 | 10.53% | 19 | 2006-02-20 |
Tenmaya Store Co Ltd9846 | 66.53% | 3.319 | 33.33% | 3 | 2004-06-15 |
Kyodo Paper Holdings9849 | 54.49% | 2.4 | 25% | 4 | 2007-06-11 |
Gourmet Kineya Co Ltd9850 | 78.35% | 1.707 | 20% | 10 | 2004-04-15 |
CB Group Management Co Ltd9852 | 114.04% | 1.685 | 20% | 15 | 2006-02-01 |
Ginza Renoir Co Ltd9853 | 59.18% | 2.527 | 33.33% | 3 | 2007-05-07 |
Aigan Co Ltd9854 | -45.28% | 0.817 | 11.11% | 18 | 2002-11-21 |
KU Holdings Co Ltd9856 | 258.65% | 2.333 | 36.84% | 19 | 2003-11-05 |
Eiwa Corp9857 | 125.54% | 1.655 | 20% | 15 | 2004-05-06 |
Yoshinoya Holdings Co Ltd9861 | 28.36% | 1.366 | 16.67% | 6 | 2003-12-29 |
Solekia Ltd9867 | 135.38% | 1.549 | 17.39% | 23 | 2017-07-20 |
Kato Sangyo Co Ltd9869 | 205.77% | 3.519 | 33.33% | 9 | 2003-12-02 |
Kitakei Co Ltd9872 | 234.68% | 2.48 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-12-08 |
KFC Holdings Japan Ltd9873 | 25.89% | 1.401 | 20% | 5 | 2003-12-15 |
Cox Co Ltd9876 | 79.41% | 1.312 | 15.79% | 19 | 2006-08-28 |
Sekido Co Ltd9878 | 204.36% | 1.418 | 17.07% | 41 | 2004-08-05 |
Innotech Corp9880 | 221.5% | 2.338 | 26.67% | 15 | 2008-07-04 |
Yellow Hat Ltd9882 | 208.47% | 2.165 | 25% | 16 | 2002-07-03 |
Charle Co Ltd9885 | 123.01% | 1.662 | 33.33% | 18 | 2005-12-19 |
Matsuya Foods Co Ltd9887 | 87.25% | 2.292 | 37.5% | 8 | 2002-07-25 |
UEX Ltd9888 | 412.38% | 2.092 | 26.47% | 34 | 2006-06-02 |
JBCC Holdings Inc9889 | 197.79% | 2.744 | 30% | 10 | 2002-09-09 |
Makiya Co Ltd9890 | 65.09% | 1.471 | 18.18% | 11 | 2007-05-23 |
Consec Corp9895 | 103.18% | 1.547 | 17.65% | 17 | 2006-02-21 |
JK Holdings Co Ltd9896 | 75.54% | 1.345 | 16.67% | 18 | 2004-10-14 |
Sagami Chain Co Ltd9900 | 36.08% | 1.617 | 20% | 5 | 2003-08-14 |
Nichiden Corp9902 | 29.47% | 1.427 | 16.67% | 6 | 2006-06-02 |
Kanseki Co Ltd9903 | 369.34% | 6.203 | 44.44% | 9 | 2006-09-05 |
Verite Co Ltd9904 | 338.71% | 2.161 | 29.17% | 24 | 2004-12-15 |
Nihon Denkei Co Ltd9908 | 244.67% | 1.963 | 23.81% | 21 | 2006-04-17 |
Nippo Ltd9913 | 240.38% | 1.9 | 22.73% | 22 | 2006-09-14 |
Uematsu Shokai Co Ltd9914 | 99.59% | 1.836 | 20% | 10 | 2006-06-09 |
Kansai Super Market Ltd9919 | 116.6% | 2.208 | 33.33% | 9 | 2009-12-02 |
Watt Mann Co Ltd9927 | 561.98% | 2.924 | 32.14% | 28 | 2006-02-21 |
Miroku Jyoho Service Co Ltd9928 | 161.16% | 2.366 | 27.27% | 11 | 2004-05-19 |
Kitazawa Sangyo Co Ltd9930 | 89.14% | 1.386 | 17.65% | 17 | 2003-01-28 |
Sugimoto & Co Ltd9932 | 94.57% | 2.066 | 25% | 8 | 2004-08-18 |
Inaba Denki Sangyo Co Ltd9934 | 138.29% | 3.925 | 40% | 5 | 2004-02-10 |
Ohsho Food Service Corp9936 | 223.54% | 3.573 | 36.36% | 11 | 2004-04-01 |
Taiyo Bussan Kaisha Ltd9941 | 505.08% | 2.32 | 27.27% | 33 | 2007-12-20 |
Plenus Co Ltd9945 | 2.88% | 1.03 | 12.5% | 8 | 2004-01-27 |
Ministop Co Ltd9946 | -7.48% | 0.925 | 12.5% | 8 | 2003-09-09 |
Arcs Co Ltd9948 | 30.43% | 1.437 | 16.67% | 6 | 2004-08-09 |
Hachi-Ban Co Ltd9950 | 75.87% | 6.036 | 50% | 2 | 2006-11-22 |
Yonkyu Co Ltd9955 | 194.89% | 1.99 | 23.53% | 17 | 2006-01-19 |
Valor Co Ltd9956 | 105.74% | 1.573 | 18.75% | 16 | 2004-06-08 |
Aseed Holdings Co Ltd9959 | 222.38% | 3.275 | 33.33% | 9 | 2003-12-05 |
Totech Corp9960 | 408.72% | 4.023 | 43.75% | 16 | 2006-05-19 |
Misumi Group Inc9962 | 375.28% | 2.712 | 28.57% | 21 | 2002-11-20 |
Itec Corp9964 | 166.69% | 2.295 | 25% | 12 | 2006-02-21 |
Sakai Trading Co Ltd9967 | 38.33% | 1.696 | 25% | 4 | 2006-02-22 |
Shokubun Co Ltd9969 | 27.06% | 1.158 | 15.38% | 13 | 2003-06-19 |
Altech Co Ltd9972 | 223.21% | 1.456 | 20.51% | 39 | 2003-05-16 |
Kozosushi Co Ltd9973 | -45.29% | 0.918 | 12.5% | 40 | 2020-09-28 |
Belc Co Ltd9974 | 235.96% | 7.253 | 50% | 6 | 2008-10-30 |
Sekichu Co Ltd9976 | 100.46% | 2.007 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-12-11 |
Aoki Super Co Ltd9977 | 55.8% | 2.973 | 33.33% | 3 | 2006-06-27 |
Bunkyodo Group Holdings Co Ltd9978 | 116.21% | 1.288 | 16.13% | 31 | 2006-04-27 |
Daisyo Corp9979 | 109.31% | 2.286 | 25% | 8 | 2003-03-20 |
MRK Holdings Inc9980 | -12.67% | 0.969 | 13.33% | 30 | 2004-02-09 |
Takihyo Co Ltd9982 | -66.1% | 0.597 | 8.33% | 12 | 2004-10-15 |
Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.9983 | 210.57% | 3.876 | 40% | 10 | 2003-01-14 |
Softbank Group Corp.9984 | 473.9% | 3.163 | 33.33% | 24 | 2006-05-18 |
Zaoh Co Ltd9986 | 65.95% | 1.551 | 38.46% | 13 | 2007-08-14 |
Suzuken Co Ltd9987 | 162.8% | 2.955 | 30% | 10 | 2003-07-01 |
Sundrug Co Ltd9989 | 279.69% | 3.334 | 33.33% | 12 | 2002-12-19 |
Sac’s Bar Holdings Inc9990 | 52.4% | 1.219 | 15.79% | 19 | 2007-03-22 |
Gecoss Corp9991 | 170.31% | 2.265 | 25% | 12 | 2002-07-02 |
Yamazawa Co Ltd9993 | 39.39% | 1.668 | 20% | 5 | 2004-10-19 |
Yamaya Corp9994 | 304.88% | 2.232 | 28% | 25 | 2002-09-26 |
Glosel Co Ltd9995 | 132.8% | 1.803 | 21.43% | 14 | 2006-10-24 |
Satoh&Co Ltd9996 | 0.6% | 1.006 | 12.5% | 8 | 2006-01-27 |
Belluna Co Ltd9997 | 224.6% | 1.841 | 21.74% | 23 | 2003-03-31 |
Mbs Inc1401 | 180.49% | 2.007 | 16.67% | 12 | 2005-08-18 |
Lib Work Co Ltd1431 | 233.95% | 8.628 | 50% | 4 | 2016-05-12 |
Kyudenko Corp1959 | -13.54% | 0.717 | 33.33% | 3 | 2020-01-10 |
Ochi Hldg Co Ltd3166 | 117.05% | 9.294 | 50% | 2 | 2012-09-18 |
Kose r.e. co.ltd3246 | 75.78% | 1.642 | 25% | 8 | 2009-01-29 |
Grandes Inc3261 | 82.82% | 5.758 | 50% | 2 | 2013-03-29 |
Nisso Pronity Co Ltd3440 | 214.03% | 1.752 | 24% | 25 | 2013-04-15 |
Yaskawa Electric Corp6506 | 48.65% | 2.213 | 33.33% | 3 | 2018-02-19 |
Seiko Electric Co6653 | 213.01% | 15.656 | 66.67% | 3 | 2010-12-02 |
Yamae Grp Hldgs Co Ltd7130 | 1% | 2.522 | 32.08% | 53 | 2005-01-18 |
Okinawa Financial Grp Inc7350 | 1% | 2.522 | 32.08% | 53 | 2005-01-18 |
Nanyo Corp7417 | 65.62% | 1.516 | 20% | 10 | 2006-05-12 |
Kyushu Leasing Service8596 | 108.39% | 2.013 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-02-02 |
Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc9508 | -28.89% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2008-05-13 |
Token Corporation1766 | 121.18% | 2.117 | 42.86% | 7 | 2007-10-22 |
Shimizu Corporation1803 | -40.82% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2020-03-23 |
Kajima Corporation1812 | -40.43% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2009-08-18 |
Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd1893 | -56.54% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2019-01-11 |
Sekisui House Ltd1928 | -37.38% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-10-23 |
Chuco Co. Ltd2139 | 69.44% | 2.803 | 33.33% | 3 | 2008-10-23 |
Meito Sangyo Co. Ltd2207 | -34.03% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2018-09-25 |
Tear Corporation2485 | 143.52% | 3.716 | 40% | 5 | 2006-12-11 |
Gfoot Co. Ltd2686 | 97.02% | 2.011 | 28.57% | 7 | 2006-03-16 |
Kagome Co. Ltd2811 | 71.42% | 4.235 | 66.67% | 3 | 2016-08-24 |
j.front Retailing Co. Ltd3086 | -12.2% | 0.759 | 25% | 4 | 2017-03-21 |
Toyota Boshoku Corporation3116 | -15.22% | 0.874 | 20% | 5 | 2006-04-10 |
Daidoh Limited3205 | -82.94% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2017-03-24 |
Mie Kotsu Group Holdings Inc3232 | 84.8% | 6.051 | 50% | 2 | 2007-11-27 |
Nippon Commercial Development Co. Ltd3252 | 365.75% | 3.575 | 38.46% | 13 | 2008-09-09 |
Nicca Chemical Co. Ltd4463 | 133.28% | 3.197 | 33.33% | 6 | 2006-06-19 |
Nippon Kucho Service Co. Ltd4658 | 102.54% | 6.954 | 50% | 2 | 2022-05-13 |
Jx Holdings Inc5020 | 54.22% | 2.233 | 25% | 4 | 2016-08-25 |
Toto Ltd5332 | -37.73% | 0.31 | 33.33% | 3 | 2022-02-17 |
Ngk Insulators Ltd5333 | 5.58% | 1.168 | 50% | 2 | 2020-04-08 |
Ngk Spark Plug Co. Ltd5334 | 142.32% | 5.449 | 33.33% | 3 | 2017-08-01 |
Fujimi Incorporated5384 | 146.88% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2012-02-20 |
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation5401 | 75.93% | 1.61 | 25% | 8 | 2008-04-03 |
Kobe Steel Ltd5406 | 41.39% | 1.249 | 27.27% | 11 | 2012-02-27 |
Aichi Steel Corporation5482 | -32.1% | 0.228 | 33.33% | 3 | 2018-08-15 |
Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd5802 | -41.34% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2009-12-15 |
Lixil Group Corporation5938 | 163.46% | 3.827 | 40% | 5 | 2008-02-01 |
Kanefusa Corporation5984 | -73.96% | 0 | 0% | 5 | 2005-09-26 |
Fuji Machine Mfg. Co. Ltd6134 | 32.51% | 1.09 | 19.05% | 21 | 2006-07-13 |
Sintokogio Ltd6339 | 19.87% | 2.281 | 50% | 2 | 2020-09-29 |
Ckd Corporation6407 | 16.24% | 2.119 | 50% | 2 | 2018-10-11 |
Toshiba Corporation6502 | 303.44% | 3.084 | 35.71% | 14 | 2008-01-15 |
Meidensha Corporation6508 | 25.15% | 1 | 100% | 1 | 2022-08-09 |
Tokai Rika Co. Ltd6995 | 105.33% | 4 | 100% | 1 | 2008-12-22 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd7011 | -29.48% | 0.764 | 11.11% | 9 | 2007-08-02 |
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd7012 | 5.71% | 1.065 | 16.67% | 6 | 2008-02-14 |
Nippon Sharyo Ltd7102 | -17.34% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2015-12-11 |
Hino Motors Ltd7205 | -18.61% | 0.596 | 33.33% | 3 | 2022-03-17 |
Topy Industries Limited7231 | -18.06% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2015-09-14 |
Daido Metal Co. Ltd7245 | -41.2% | 0.721 | 25% | 4 | 2003-10-08 |
Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd7282 | 136.59% | 8.309 | 66.67% | 3 | 2009-02-19 |
Aisan Industry Co. Ltd7283 | 2.11% | 1.061 | 50% | 2 | 2020-11-13 |
Atom Corporation7412 | -49.4% | 0.419 | 20% | 5 | 2005-06-29 |
Takeda Printing Co. Ltd7875 | 25.23% | 1.276 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-01-20 |
Seven Industries Co. Ltd7896 | 132.37% | 0 | 100% | 2 | 2016-04-14 |
Mirai Industry Co. Ltd7931 | 118.01% | 2.565 | 28.57% | 7 | 2007-05-22 |
Kikusui Chemical Industries Co. Ltd7953 | 167.56% | 2.079 | 18.18% | 11 | 2005-06-08 |
Sangetsu Co. Ltd8130 | 74.87% | 2 | 100% | 1 | 2015-03-24 |
Kisoji Co. Ltd8160 | 28.33% | 1 | 100% | 1 | 2017-10-24 |
Mitani Sangyo Co. Ltd8285 | 178.63% | 2.048 | 28.57% | 14 | 2004-10-20 |
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc8309 | -34.08% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2016-12-08 |
The Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd8361 | -56.2% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2007-04-23 |
Okasan Securities Group Inc8609 | -14.64% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2019-02-01 |
Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings Inc8616 | -68.76% | 0 | 0% | 2 | 2016-09-29 |
Sanyo Housing Nagoya Co. Ltd8904 | 12% | 698.035 | 50% | 2 | 2012-03-30 |
Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd9048 | -54.22% | 0 | 0% | 3 | 2008-02-06 |
Trancom Co. Ltd9058 | 176.62% | 11.999 | 66.67% | 3 | 2007-06-28 |
S Line Co. Ltd9078 | 8.58% | 1.092 | 14.29% | 7 | 2006-02-21 |
Kimura Unity Co. Ltd9368 | -24.87% | 0 | 0% | 1 | 2008-07-02 |
Crops Corporation9428 | 83.97% | 1.71 | 22.22% | 9 | 2006-05-25 |
Chubu Electric Power Company Incorporated9502 | -1.24% | 0.989 | 14.29% | 7 | 2007-09-28 |
Valor Co. Ltd9956 | 143.83% | 2.258 | 50% | 4 | 2003-03-12 |
Wellnet Corp2428 | 1% | 2.522 | 32.08% | 53 | 2005-01-18 |
Wakou Shokuhin Co2813 | 1% | 2.522 | 32.08% | 53 | 1982-03-10 |
Kitanotatsujin Corp2930 | 298.71% | 9.39 | 60% | 5 | 2012-12-26 |
Fulltech Co Ltd6546 | 1% | 2.522 | 32.08% | 53 | 1982-03-10 |
Kuwazawa Holdings Corporation8104 | 59.39% | 1.421 | 22.22% | 9 | 2007-06-20 |
FAQ | Что означают эти цифры?
Для ознакомления ниже приведена статистика данных, которые генерирует индикатор. Все эти числа требуют особого внимания. Они доказывает эффективность и надежность стратегии, а также помогают разобраться в положении того или иного инструмента на рынке. Данные учитывают торговую комиссию (0.075 для криптовалют, 0.025 для акций и других инструментов).
Общий доход
Общая прибыль или потеря (в выбранной валюте) полученная по стратегии за тот или иной период. Это значение является суммой всех значений прибыли по инструменту.
Процент профитности
Это процентное соотношение выигрышных торгов, которые получены по стратегии. Получается делением числа прибыльных торгов на общее число торгов.
Профит фактор
Это количество денег, полученных по стратегии, на каждую денежную единицу, которая была при этом потеряна. Рассчитывается делением прибыли на убыток.
Всего сделок
Общее число закрытых сделок (прибыльных и убыточных). Большое число сделок подтверждает достоверность статистики, а также то, что сигналы появляются довольно часто для успешной торговли.
Дата первой сделки
Собственно, дата первой сделки. Это показывает то, что статистика ведется с самого начала графика по выбранному инструменту. Полезно узнать, когда был дан первый сигнал.